She stood naked in front of me and caught my attention. "Are you looking at me?" When she was dressed, I was lying on the bed, of course, I was watching her. Her cancer treatment will soon end, and we will reach an agreement with the remaining body. The body I am watching now.

There are many places worth seeing. She is slim, pale skin, and ... attractive. In our relationship for many years, my hands and lips have found every part of her body. I saw her hips, and her mild belly reminded me that her body caused our two precious children to be in trouble. There is a pile of moles on her back and arms. They made her unique, but of course, they hinted other risks. The French Department of Health Services has drawn these moles, and their size and position maps have kept observation, but unless and until they open her, these moles are part of her quite much sexual desire. Every woman found that there was reason to be unhappy in front of the mirror, and my wife never liked her body. However, most women want to be shaped like her, and I am fortunate to be able to share the bed with this woman.

Last year, shortly before her cancer diagnosis, I put her in a local gymnasium, and then drove away from the parking lot on the way home. On my left, on the sidewalk, leave me, a woman ...

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