I would like to share with you a content called "a strong inner life begins with enjoying loneliness", through the classic work "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by the world-renowned Colombian writer Marquez, a Nobel Prize in Literature winner, without any controversy. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is hailed as a masterpiece that portrays the historical and social picture of Latin America, it is considered that if there is only one book left on the shelf, it will be "One Hundred Years of Solitude", the work describes the legendary story of seven generations of the Buendia family, along with the ups and downs of the Macondo century, a small town on the Caribbean coast. The stories in "One Hundred Years of Solitude" are very interesting with captivating twists and turns but full of loneliness and brutality.

In this world, the struggle between humans and fate and loneliness all carry profound philosophical meanings, making readers inevitably reflect, the Buendia family seems to be cursed from generation to generation, they all have to go through the cycle of birth, aging, illness, and death along with loneliness, their loneliness and confusion seem to reflect the deepest emotions of human beings, in reality, the fate of this family is very similar to the fate of humanity, full of impermanence and uncertainty, facing loneliness and confusion, all of us are seeking the true meaning of life for ourselves. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" will give you a deeper insight into loneliness, to help you understand that death and loneliness are the most fair things in life. Fairness is that no matter who you are, your status, wealth, whether you have love or not, whether you are healthy or sick, then first of all you must always be able to face loneliness, in order to allow yourself to step into this vast wilderness, to enjoy loneliness with a strong inner life, thereby understanding how you should live until the end of this life, everyone is an island of loneliness.

Loneliness because no one understands

There is a family that has gone through a century from the first generation to the seventh generation, all of them have fought against loneliness, but in the end, they still each received a lonely ending until death, the first generation of the Buendia family, the young man Arcadio who lived in Rio, married his cousin, this girl always feared that if she slept with a blood relative, she would give birth to a pig-tailed child, so she dared not share a bed with her husband, she always wore a protective suit made by her mother, locked with thick iron locks, Arcadio was only 19 years old at that time, still young so he didn't care if he would have a piglet or not, as long as his child could talk, but their story became a laughingstock for the world. One day Arcadio had to face the ridicule of his wife and her lover, unable to bear it, he killed the other person, then burdened by guilt, Arcadio always saw the ghost of the deceased everywhere in the house, out of fear, the couple took some companions to migrate to a new place.

Some time later, Úrsula gave birth to a healthy boy, Arcadio persuaded everyone to stay in the wild land they had just arrived at, and officially established a small isolated village from the world called Macondo, as a village founder, Arcadio always had responsibility, creativity, and superior exploration spirit, when he saw the magnets brought by the old man Di-gan, he wanted to use them to mine gold, when he saw the magnifying glass from Di-gan could concentrate the sun's rays, he wanted to create an extremely powerful weapon. Every time he saw the new inventions of Di-gan, he felt like he was finding a treasure. Arcadio was a person with unlimited curiosity and enthusiasm for all things new, he was truly the type of person who dared to think and do, and also busy all day with designing roads, houses, to ensure that everyone could enjoy equal rights, Arcadio also taught people how to sow seeds and raise children, it must be said that he was the only one who could see clearly the current and future situation.

Arcadio was ambitious and determined to open a path to connect with the civilization outside, he eagerly researched, experimented, and devoted himself, forgetting the years. However, the people of Macondo, who lived in seclusion and isolation, thought he was a crazy dreamer, and even his wife did not understand him, she was always disappointed and told him that he did not do his duty well, only an old man always understood and praised him as a great hero. But later the old man died, Arcadio became mentally disturbed and often went crazy, his wife could not bear it, so she tied him under a big tree. From then on, he lived alone under this tree until he passed away.

Did Arcadio succeed, the answer is yes, did Arcadio feel lonely, the answer is yes, Arcadio's loneliness is the loneliness of not being able to harmonize with others, the loneliness of being separated from the crowd, this is not simply the loneliness of having no one by your side, nor the loneliness of being coldly rejected by others, but the loneliness of not having anyone understand, like the famous saying in the book "eleven types of loneliness" says: "everyone is lonely, no one can escape, I think what is called loneliness is the emotions of that person that you are facing, and your own emotions, are not on the same frequency", gradually you will realize that you are not lacking friends, but lacking someone who can synchronize with your soul.

Loneliness because there is no love

After Arcadio's death, life in Macondo remained vibrant, and the number of people increased, meanwhile, his wife still could not escape the fate of loneliness, she went through the small ups and downs of Macondo, she took care of the house and children all day, everything she did was orderly and meticulous, she even sold animal-shaped candies to earn extra income for the family, she built the largest house in Macondo with the money earned from hard work, she was busy all day throughout her life, but this busyness was only to help herself escape from loneliness, she devoted her whole life to the family, but did not receive love from her husband and children, in her later years she became blind, but no one in the family noticed that she relied on her sense of smell to identify others, she was forgotten by the family in the room, her children and grandchildren left to pursue their own lives.

Eventually, she died in helplessness and loneliness, the love she received from the generations of children and grandchildren was extremely faint, she was a character throughout the book, she showed herself as a woman living in a family without love, and like her, in our reality, there are many people who repeat the loneliness of lacking love throughout their lives, perhaps loneliness lives in an environment lacking love, like a curse of the soul, when night falls, when people flood the streets with vehicles, looking up at the bright lights, but you feel like your body has nothing to do with it, sometimes even though there are many people around, even the person you love most is sleeping soundly next to you, you can still experience an indescribable loneliness, we think that having a companion means not being lonely, but those with companions can also be lonely, singles are lonely, married people can also be lonely, the bored are lonely, the busy are lonely, you will be lonely under the night sky, and you will be lonely even under the sunlight. Loneliness will always lurk and will appear at a certain point in your life.

A strong inner life, starting from enjoying loneliness

When Aureliano stood on the glorious podium, surrounded by soldiers, respected by the people, considered a great hero, but only he understood the feeling of inner loneliness, which stripped his soul, how terrifying the emptiness was, he compared himself to a pig, immersed in a pigsty of honor, but could not find true satisfaction and joy, he became increasingly confused not knowing why he fought like this, not long after, his heart was restless, leading him to surrender to the enemy, a major who had fought side by side with him from birth to death, tried to stop him, but he did not listen, and even ordered the execution of this person, on the day of the execution, his mother came to stop the cruel act and persuaded him to turn back. At this point, he fell into an internal struggle, deciding to close the door to reflect on himself, after a few hours of quiet, the image of his father suddenly awakened him, what does supreme mean, what does the legend mean, it was not as dazzling as the days he quietly spent alone in the workshop making small goldfish, loneliness can never be filled, and each person can only find their own moments of happiness, in their own gaps.

He decided to reconcile with the cage that had bound him for most of his life, and decided to live the life he truly liked, he released the major, then took off his uniform and returned to his family, in the workshop, every day without leaving the house, making small goldfish, day after day, and achieved a peace he had never had before, in his concentration, going around seemed fierce throughout his life, he returned to the starting point, loneliness still followed him throughout this journey, from childhood to adulthood, from the foundry to the battlefield, but this time he calmly accepted loneliness, learned to be peaceful when alone, enjoyed the peace without disturbance, the coldness and turmoil in his heart gradually dissipated. Finally, he went through and ended the remaining part of his life in peace.

There is a saying that loneliness is an unavoidable darkness in life, it cannot be overcome, the only thing we can do is to live in peace with it, whether you fiercely fight against loneliness, or passively surrender to loneliness, you will fall into a state of self-destruction in despair, if you consider loneliness as a fear to pursue external things, to fill loneliness, like endless love, endless pleasure, endless shopping, endless desire, endless pursuit of wealth, then loneliness will ultimately devour you like a wild beast. But if you consider loneliness as a peaceful land, separated from the noise of the world, to have an absolute tranquility of the soul, to be able to return to yourself, focus on yourself and things that make you forget the passage of time, then your heart will be filled with true peace and tranquility. Truly, when you learn to withdraw from the relentless pursuit of enjoyment, to live alone, stop trying to resist loneliness, you will be able to calm your heart, find your own rhythm again, and ultimately experience the true richness of peaceful destiny.

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