Human ancestors found their naked naked nakedness from the naked nakedness, so they made the first shy skirt for themselves with fig leaves. This is the first event related to shaping its own image in human history. The first element of function: cover.

Imagine that if everyone is naked, then there is no hidden secret in each other, but it is dressing and dressing, giving a person a space for people to imagine. In the service of the political goals, the era of dressing is stipulated, this space is squeezed very small, which also suppresss the inner desire of people, and the perfectness of personality brings negative significance.

Therefore, this era is the best era. Individuals have autonomy and decide how to shape their own image. If you can make good use of this right, the image will become a puzzle to be solved. Become a speaker of our inner world, which is an expression of internal and external.

After watching the movie "The Falling Trial" a few days ago, I successively brushed a lot of information about Director's Drestin Trier from the Internet. I especially appreciated her style of dress. Today I tried to decode what she contained in her image. message.

If the dress style of Rustein is summarized in three words, what I give is relaxation, art, and intellectuals. Steak is her overall state. The above photo was taken when she took the Cannes Golden Palm Awards. She was the third female director who won the award. She did not participate in the heart of the heart, but she expressed her movement after receiving the award. Earlier, she did not realize that the award was inspired by the future development, but she did not point to herself alone at herself. Speaking, she went on to say, "Women are here!"

I think that Rastein has gained the freedom of the existence of gender in her life, and only has such a relaxed state. Although the randomness of French women is famous, in the body of Rastein, I see a kind of Different from those French women in the stereotype, she has the gender surpassing women, but at the same time, she is very casual. In short, it is very good.

Although she lives in the female body, she is not trapped in the inherent and stereotypes of women's gender. Expressing, let us feel a perspective that transcends gender.

It is necessary to mention that the screenwriter of this film was created with his life partner Harary; at the same time, Rostin had two daughters, which were 13 and 4 years old this year. Looking at this photo, I feel that these two must have very similar values ​​from the perspective. This is the basis for them to live together, but from the perspective of eyes expression, Rastein looks stronger. As a woman, especially the characteristics of being a mother.

Finding the photos of Rostin from the Internet is more suitable for her hardware conditions, that is, her height, and she can wear stretching feel. This is also one of the sources of relaxation.

I really like the wear of Rastein in the theme pictures. It is very artistic. The color of the whole body is very harmonious. The color of our own skin and hair is also part of the overall dress. The pants not only echoed her golden hair, and the blue part in the shirt set off her skin tone. By the way, Rostin first learned to paint in the Paris Academy of Fine Arts. I believe this also explains why she has such a good clothing.

Rastein's dress style interprets the focus of intellectual wearing: restraint, rationality and casual interweaving, with a sense of experience and temperature. Large -scale gray use is a source of restraint and rationality. The large outline of the suit has a kind of tolerance, while the Rastein's casual curly hair, soft shirt or T -shirt, shaped the relatively soft and sensual female core, which is relatively wide. The pants are supported by a rational and powerful support for the overall wear. There is really the connotation of intellectuals!

I watched several photos of the heroine Sandra Waller, the heroine of "Falling Trial" in reality on the Internet, and I saw Sandra, which is different from the movie. The feminine and retaining the sweetness of the image. In the movie, Sandra also shows people with a relatively neutral dress. Maybe Sandra's characters and clothing in the film are also the projection of self! This is the beauty of movies and all art forms. Just like Sandra as a writer in the film, he also projected his shadow in his own works.

From this I also thought that the life trajectory left by each of us will also become a complete art work. Every day we are canvas. Our personality is color, and the image is the nib of our personality. What we do is to control the thickness of the lines and the patterns drawn.

Write these, and also inspire myself to treat this beautiful career in awe, but also have a relaxed attitude of games, just like Picasso's old pursuit of painting, is to paint like a child, and this is this is, and this is what is, and this is this is. Because he has been able to integrate his skills into the blood, he can retrieve the most authentic and true state, so as to release the unlimited true self while painting, and walk in the ocean of art.

As long as we feel and experience our lives with our hearts, use the director to polish a movie, and the painter depicts the attitude of a painting and composer to create a song to treat ourselves, so it is not out of reach of living true. We only need to be aware of our personal image, constantly unlock our style and password, and express these parts step by step. In this process, the personal image style will also become a strong and powerful weapon to help us facing the direction of orientation This goal.

The reason for this is that when I recently sorted out the personal image style information, I found a very interesting phenomenon. Those deep -influential movie stars, writers, and politicians often have a very unique personal image style, and personal image style increases Self -identity and gradually bring social identity to help them better live themselves, thereby bringing more positive and positive influence to this world.

In any case, our image is passing information to the outside world all the time. Regarding our state, our attitude towards our lives, our views on ourselves will be used as ourselves as a goal. This will definitely be our good helper to explore the true self, and at the same time it will also become the best counterattack we fight against those voices that want to turn us into others.

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