Pieter BRueghel The Younger, (Foremer Attr) Pieter BRUEGHEL The Elder -Summer Harvest, CA. 1615-1

Work name: Summer harvest

Author: Pieter BRUEGHEL the Younger, 1564-1638)

Sight: 59 cm × 44 cm

Category: wooden board oil painting 1615/1520 years

Original collection: Nelson Atkins Museum

Appreciation of the work:

Food planting in the south of the Yangtze River in China was sowed in April, and it was harvested in early July. In mid -July, the seedlings were inserted again. There was no summer harvest in the north of the Yangtze River. It was the autumn harvest in October. This "summer harvest" of Peter Peter described the scenes of farmers' labor in July and August. This painting is not his original, but a copy of his father, Peter Lulgier, the same size. The height of 117 cm in width was 160 cm. It was completed in 1565. At that time, Peter was one year old, and it was about 50 years before copying the painting.

Peter Blugaer is an important painter of the Renaissance of the Dutch and Franons. It is a watershed in the history of Western art. He is good at landscape painting and folk painting with the theme of farmers' lives and labor.

This painting describes the harvesting scene. A strong farmer buried his head in a water tank and drank the water as much as possible. Two men and women holding a huge sickle were sorting out the crops. In the background, from right to left, a curved river flows through the village. In the crown, the spire of the highest architecture in the village and the village, the spire of the Christian church and the slightly gloomy sky are integrated. This is a good weather in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is the shortest sun in the world, especially in winter, with an average of 4 hours a day. It is slightly better in summer and autumn, but the sky is always gloomy.

Art Life:

Peter Brogal was one of the important painters of Baroque painting in the Dutch golden age. He was born in Brussels, Netherlands in 1564. His relationship with painting is hard to say. His father, Perm Brogal, is a heavyweight of the Renaissance. His grandfather is a court painter. His grandmother is a well -known watercolor painter. Both he and his brother's son appeared ...

At the age of 5, he lost his father and lost his mother at the age of 14. He lived with his brother and sister, the widow's grandmother Meken. At that time, they had moved to Antwerp. Melken is a more produced painter who gave these children's first painting education. The biggest achievement of Peter Bulugar's life is to copy his father's paintings and successfully open the international market, so that his father's reputation has been spread to a larger scale. , But the price is relatively low, coupled with alcoholism, because his home is not rich. At the age of 72, he died in Antwerp.

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