As a man, never let a woman feel "lack of money"!

1. The greatest success of a man is not having a lot of money, not having high and prestigious positions, but having a woman who is always ready by his side. Money can be bought, positions can be bought, but no one can buy a woman with a sincere and loyal heart. With that sincere love, a man is like a fire that burns endlessly, a fire of passion for his work, even if the wind tries to extinguish it, there will always be the warm embrace of a woman.

2. Love and career are surely the ultimate goals of every man. They need happiness because that is the greatest motivation for them to stay firm in their careers. Men are also human, they will have moments of weakness. In those moments, their women are the most special comfort with warm and gentle hearts; those moments are happiness. They need a career because that is the greatest assurance for their women not to be tired, not to be overwhelmed by the demands of society. If you cannot do something great for the one you love, at least make her feel that you can make her trust you.

3. Yes, you can make her smile, yes, you can make her believe in you. But can you guarantee that every time she feels uneasy about the family's financial situation, she will confide in you? Women are often considered fragile, weak, but also very strong when needed. She treats you well because she is sincere, so if she sees you struggling, trying hard to make money, she often chooses to remain silent to find solutions, endure hardships no matter how difficult it is. Are you willing to let her endure hardships?

4. When it comes to the two words "men", people often mention the next four words "the pillar of the family". Of course, nowadays is different from the past, the time when only men were allowed to go out to make money, women stayed at home taking care of children, cooking, serving the family. Modern women also go out to make money, it is not rare for women to accept being single due to the social whirlpool, not getting married. Although it is recognized that women can do everything as well as men, it must be said that women are naturally gentle like water so they are better at taking care of children, taking care of the family than men. As for men, they have "broad shoulders", tears are often held back so they bear the burden of big things, it is not too much.

5. No matter how strong a man is, he also carries many worries that he dare not express: fear of losing his job, fear of business failure, fear of friends turning their backs, fear of betrayal... But surely the biggest constant worry in the mind of a mature man is: the lack of his woman! As a thoughtful person, make her believe that you are capable of "supporting the family".

6. A successful man is not about how much wealth he has, but no matter how difficult it is, the woman will not leave him, until the end. Women can sacrifice a lot for their men. Therefore, a man must understand and appreciate the woman by his side. What could be sadder than not being able to make his woman trust him, then that must be the greatest failure a man faces in his life.

To the young: Once you start working, don't expect to manage your time!

Like many other young people, I used to feel like there was never enough time in a day. Many of you may have felt in the morning, sitting at the computer, thinking about what needs to be done and wondering how to complete everything. People in the group are often amazed and ask how I can do so many things at once. The truth is sometimes overwhelming, sometimes feeling a lack of time: waking up earlier, staying up later, using productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, organizing and making a list of things to do, even... forgetting to have lunch. However, the truth is: never enough time. In the past, in times of stress, my thinking was always quite similar. Never ASKING myself what difficulties or obstacles I was facing but looking at the long list of unfinished tasks and thinking: "I really need to manage my own time". Sound familiar? Three years ago, I read an article related to this issue shared by Charlie Gilkey, in which he mentioned a very great idea and concept.

"Money can be managed. People can be managed. Schedules can be managed. Only time can be counted." So, those who think I cannot manage time actually have problems with prioritization. There is no way to have more hours in a day - so they need to identify tasks and things to do, what is important, which actually does not need to be analyzed or time allocated. So what should be prioritized? A simple question, but we will easily lose sight of "priority" when we are immersed in the daily workload. It must be admitted that sometimes it is not necessary to handle everything in order of priority. Sometimes, I start work by deleting junk mail, filtering emails. And sometimes there are things that do not necessarily need to be completed today, tomorrow, or the day after, but I consider them important and put them at the top of the priority list - that is a mistake. For the past 3 years, I have asked myself this question every time I wake up: "What do I need to prioritize today". Sometimes it is not related to work, but for family and other personal interests.

For the past 9 months since starting work, I often wake up at 2-3 am to work on personal projects, cook breakfast at 7 am, go to work at 8 am, spend 30 minutes for lunch to sit and check and coordinate remote work outside of the company, return home at 5-6 pm, take advantage of playing with my child, handle urgent tasks if any, then go to bed at 9 pm. There are days when I do nothing, even though there are many tasks waiting, just to sit... sewing and mending. Each day passes, I have a different priority order. I am happy that everything is going quite well. And I can take on new tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Important things are neatly handled at the end of each day, helping me feel like I have overcome and completed everything. No one can have more time, but at least you can have that "feeling".

"I don't have time!" - Excuses for neglecting yourself and 3 simple ways to overcome it

Using free time improperly makes your life both shorter and worse.

Beliefs and time spending habits say a lot about each person. After work, do you choose to go drinking with colleagues or work out at the gym? Lie on the couch watching TV or read books and be creative? The current pace of life of some people can have a negative impact on their health, relationships, and mental health. Everyone has 24 hours a day, but many people often complain that they "don't have time". In the past, when asked "Hey, how are you lately?", we often say "I'm fine, thank you." Now, the standard answer will be "Oh, so busy!"

A better way to restore energy

There is something that can replace all this busyness without requiring you to quit your job, abandon everything to become a monk or get lost in endless procrastination. That is redefining free time. In addition to work and sleep hours, everyone has a time reserve for relaxation activities. So how to optimize it? Our free time should be spent on deep thoughts, things that help us make correct judgments, and make wiser decisions. Contemplation helps you check yourself and solve problems more easily. In addition, breakthrough ideas and creativity often occur when the mind and soul of a person are relaxed.

Three tools to optimize free time

Minimalism - Less is more. Simplifying your wardrobe, tidying up your home, and you will feel more peaceful. Fewer clothes and items mean less laundry, cleaning, and less clutter. And more free time.

Learn to say "No". We often have a sense of obligation so we rarely want to refuse others. "Yes, I will work extra hours", "Yes, I will participate in this activity". Agree to attend parties that you are not excited about. It seems like there is always someone spending time for you. Learn to say no, and give yourself more leisure time.

Exercise. It sounds a bit counterintuitive, because when tired we often do not want to exercise. However, exercise is a wonderful thing that helps increase energy and vitality for you. Every time you leave the gym, you feel better about yourself. You relieve stress, become healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and think more clearly. There are many other ways to make use of time. You can find a job with better working hours, shorter working days... But whatever it is, if you can optimize your free time to focus more on health, passions, or loved ones, you will feel like a day has more than 24 hours!

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