The bow is long and giant, and the people are near, and those who are stood up. Modern Japan's Bow Road is developed by ancient arch. Theoretically, it is the only Darachia Arch of the existing inheritance that has never been inherited. However, from the perspective of contemporary shooting quasi -competitive positions, the mainstream shooting method of the bowway is inferior to the competition; from the perspective of the pursuit of traditional war arms, the mainstream shooting method of the bowway is to overwhelm the bow, and the competitiveization has significantly influence in modern times. It is difficult to distinguish the prototype. This article aims to sort out the historical context formed by the modern bow labeling method from its ancestor daily bow, and use this to indicate the characteristics of the arcate shooting method from competitive and citizen development for your reference.

"Japanese Bow's ZTE Ancestors"

The development context of the mainstream shooting method of modern Japan, from the origin of its ancestors' daily flow, can be summarized as follows:

① Daily Political Creation Create the Japanese Land Fitness Method (after 1450)

② Teach it in Yoshida Chongxian (Around 1500), and the mainstream of the martial arts of the Edo era such as the Indo -Edo period was developed directly.

③ The Shitang Bamboo Forest Office indirectly obtains the current flow, and the post -cloud travel is improving.

④ The disciples of Zhulinfang are in office, Junshan and Ji Yi Fan Bow Division (after 1600)

⑤ Since the Edo period (after 1624) in the Edo period, the representatives of the Bamboo Forest and Jizhou Bamboo Forest of Okizhou have long been compared in the 33 Tongya competitions in Kyoto for a long time, prompting the bamboo forest shooting method to further develop.

⑥ The bamboo forest of Owa is passed to Edo. At the end of the scene, Ben Dori really studied under his door.

治 Ben Dori, when the old martial arts decline of the Meiji Martial Arts, advocated the revitalization bow, and the Chinese officials were born as the old flag book. Therefore, since 1892, he has served as the instruction guidance of the first university and the old Japanese high school in Tokyo. Essence

江 Ben Dori was inspired by the ride of Ogasumihara circulating by Edo. He tried around 1900 to introduce the way to introduce the Bamboo Forest Batlion of the Okin Prefecture (the original daily daily factions were basically tied to the front), In order to make it more beautiful and easy to learn, it is easy to promote. Lishi used its superior position in the education system to cultivate many students with high status in the bow and political status, and rely on their promotion and improvement. But the improvement of his death (1917) has not been shaped. Multi -flow was founded.

传 The disciples of Ben Dori have determined that the modern bow roads are raising and the actions of the junior. Under the operation of Benjiban disciples, the Ministry of Liberal Ministry of Literary and Cultural Ministry of Culture used the movement of the Ben Multi -Multiple Method as the Golden Types to promote the popularity in the martial arts education of the school (at the end of Dazheng to the early Showa, about 1926). Occupy the mainstream position.

Ninxi seal section kneeling shooting

Before the invention of daily flow, there were some bow school genres in Japan, and they were called ancient flow by the sunbathing world. Since the invention and promotion of Bowlios in the 16th century, no matter what the Japanese archboy techniques are, it is basically based on it, and there is no longer ancient flow. Needless to say, in the name of the name of the name in the name, it is not necessary to say that it is not necessary to say that it is based on the daily stream of Yamato and Ben. The common characteristics of these bowl flow techniques these days are the techniques that are called "inside the hands" to make the arrow. This technique should be created by the original daily stream. This kind of hand is well matched with the mechanical characteristics of the bow and bow. It is a technique that is obviously superior to replace when using and bow. The ancient flow without this technique was naturally eliminated by the daily stream, forming a formation, forming formed Japanese bow is out of daily situation.

Inamaki Ishiro "Nikko Range Seal West School Steps Tao Taoist Book"

During the astronomical period (about 1552-1555), the son of Yoshida Yoshida Yoshida was required to teach bowmies by his master Six Jiao Yixian. The heavy politics did not allow it. Before the fleeing, the dynasty's family was fled. After the high government's sister -in -law was high, it was coordinated and reconciled, and returned to the hexagonal of the Jiangjiao family.

Xuehe went well in Kyoto and Hosokawa Yoshio, and taught bow in the social circle, which was famous in the famous famous social circle. From his well -known martial arts, the students who were free of. The Xuehe faction was passed on by Sendai Fan and Huijin Fan. The descendants of Xuehe served the Fujitang family for generations.

The Ichen School has abandoned the monopoly bow of home from the high high, collecting disciples, spending the leaves, and distributed. The Zongjia's high -rise sister -in -law is heavy. Chong Gang was too young to learn bowing because his sister -in -law was too young, and passed on the son -in -law Ge Juan Yairo. In the West, Yin West then turned to Chong Gang's younger brother to learn bow surgery. Later, Yinxi was in excellence due to arches, and Wen Da Yu Yukawa Yoshiko, Xiuzhong, and Jiaguang. His son Yoshida Chongtai became the guidance of Tarogurt's bow, and promoted his hereditary position. Since then, the daily stream of seal west school has become the royal arch genre of the general's family. The Edo era was respected as the "daily stream", which immediately meant. He also spread the Yinxi factions to Satsuma, Okayama Fan, Fukui Fan and other places. On the Internet, the most well -known videos of the daily stream of the stream are from the Samoto Westernist. The Indian faction summarizes the pursuit of shooting methods as "Guan, Middle, and Overnight". The 28 -meter lane and 36 cm target of modern bowway are derived from this faction. The faction is also the only division in the sports sense in the sports sense.

"Zen and Archery Art" (Ogen Heriger) Japanese version of "Bow と Zen オ" イ ゲ ン ・ ヘ リ デ ル (writer), 稲 稲 栄 栄 栄 デ (訳 訳), Ueda Wu (訳 《) Fucun Publishing Publishing

Buo Dao takes the highest goal "truth, kindness, and beauty". "True" is "true bow", which is the pursuit of correct techniques. The arrows have nothing to do, shooting the target, extended to grasp the truth of things. "Goodness" refers to the ethicality of the bowway, that is, the usual mood of "not dispute" and the bow with the bow. "Beauty" is to maintain a beautiful posture, reflected in the beautiful composition of the body and bow and arrow, as well as the beauty of etiquette.

Gong Dao is a movement that pays great attention to etiquette and considers spiritual cultivation as a soul. It is both practicing arrows and heart training. Therefore, compared to "sitting Zen", the bow road is called "Li Zen". Every basic action must be repeatedly practiced until it is accurate. The purpose of practice must not only improve the technology, but also through the practice of "surgery" to achieve the "mind", and gradually understand the "Tao" of the bow. The so -called "one shot, a lifetime" and "shooting like flowing water" are all the feelings brought by the bow.

Hygel, who is studying arrows in Japan

German philosopher Ogen Hergel arrived in Japan in 1924 and was a lecturer at the Northeast Empire University in Sendai to teach philosophy and classical literature. In the six years later, while teaching, he studied arrows and realized the Zen of the famous Gongdao Master A Boyan (1880-1939). A Boyan has reached the realm of "Bow Zen" through diligent practice through practice. Due to the experience of master Apubo, Hayelgel spent six years, he entered the most difficult realm of Oriental culture to enter, and mastered the "art of no art". Later, he returned to Germany. In 1936, he wrote a paper on the Japanese arcade based on his own experience and enlightenment. It was not until 1948 that "Zen and Archery Art" was published. Bow Road "popularized in the Western world.

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