Pu Rui Culture "I am your man: Biography of Leonard Cohen"

He lived in the Chelsea Hotel in New York, where he met Janice Joplin. He also chased the "underground velvet" band female singer Nick, but helplessly folded his confidence. Because his songs such as Susan were covered by Judy Colinus, he was also noticed by the American music industry. John Hammond, a senior musician of Columbia Records, signed a contract with Cohen.

In early 1968, his first record "The Songs of Leonard Cohen" was published. Although the production was simple and the song was full of pessimistic atmosphere, in the era of the prevailing folk, with the two "Songs in the Room" (1969) in the future (1969) And "New Skin of the Old Ritual" (1974), his style is getting quiet, the production is becoming more and more exquisite, and the audience is more and more. In 1968, he published the selection "Selected Poems: 1956-1968" to win the highest honor governor of the Canadian literary circles; that year he also met a 19-year-old girl at the elevator at home. She The name is Susan Elrod, and the two began a ten -year relationship. They made a decision at the time that they left New York to Nashville to live a rural denim.

Cohen is more popular in Europe than the United States. He has more fans in Britain and France. Undoubtedly his transformation from poets to singers is very successful. As the popularity increases, his poems, novels, and record re -selling are sold in the United States. The wealth was unable to make him happy, but he became more depressed. In 1985, his album "VARIOUS POSITION" was completely devoted to religious feelings. Like the song "Hallelujah", "The Law", "Heart with No Companion" and "If it Be Your Will" are all contemporary religious praise poems.

Cohen and Liberty

Harry Luoya

I heard that there is a mysterious string sound in the world that is played by David to please God,
But you don't care about music, don't you?
The melody is so played: the fourth chord, the fifth chord is small, and the big tone is lifted;
The king in the torment is out of Harry Luya!
Your belief is so firm but still needs to be tested.
You see her bathing on the roof;
Beauty accompanies the moonlight to make you dump.
She tied you on the kitchen and ruined your throne, cut your hair,
She sucks from your lips to Harry Lalia!
You say I use the name of God deliberately;
I don't even know the name.
If I use it, how can I do it with you?
Each word flashes spirit;
No matter which one you hear,
Holy or disappointed Harry Louoya!
I am full of affection; but not enough.
I can't perceive, so I learn to touch.
I have already talked about the truth, and I am not here to fool you.
Even so, everything goes astray,
But I will still face the singing god, only Harry Louah!

"Harry Laia" performed by Leonard Cohen is mellow and low, and has no holes.

In 1992, he released the album "The Future" delicately sang a man's fear in the face of the remaining years. After completing the album tour, most of the time after 1996 he lived in the cultivation of Zen roads in the Poshan Zen Institute of Poshan, Southern California. He shaved his hair and followed Master Xingshan Zen. meal. The reason why he learned Zen was to solve his depression and try to find a solution. Previously, he was tired of life and women, and felt withered in his creation and fell into deeper hope.

A Zen Master Xingshan from Japan set up a law name Jikan for monk Cohen. The word is the "time" of "time" in Japanese. The master may be: only time can people let people put down the pain and tangles of life. However, Cohen, who likes Chinese culture, prefers to call himself "Xianshan". I don't know if Cohen knows Wang Anshi:

Mountain flowers are full of mountains and mountains, mountains and rivers,

After five years of practice, the monk Kon was vulgar. After all, he was not the material of being a monk. Back to the world, wine and woman still excited him.

His agent took the emptiness he focused on practicing, rolled away all his personal property of 2.7 million pounds, and Kon, who had been home at the age of 65, was a lot of it. He did not rush to commit suicide. He called to comfort the women in his life: although I became a poor egg, I would still make money to take care of you and take care of every child of my own and others.

65 -year -old Cohen began to rewrite songs and start a concert to make money. When he recorded his first album after he became a monk, Master Xingshan personally went to the recording studio to see his apprentice. After finishing the new song, Cohen asked the teacher uneasily, whether it was too sad. The master smiled slightly: All sentient beings are bitter, and your break is not sad ...

The world is wonderful. When Cohen gradually went to the faintness, the music scene favored him. In the early 1990s, a collection of "I am your fans" was collected and recorded the work of covering Corn; in 1995 A group of big names such as Elton John, Bonno, and Sterer in the album of "Tower of Songs" also covered his songs. Nick Kaif, Susan Vijia, and Lofla Winlet have all expressed his influence by him; Nirvana has a song called "PennyRoyAltea", which contains such a word, "I will do Lai Lai in the next life. Elon Cohen, like him, sighs eternal. "Later, he commemorated his band lead singer of Kart Coben, the title was called" to be Leonard Cohen in the afterlife. " Poet Kingsburg commented like this, saying that he was the only singer who had not changed by Dylan's thoughts. Dylan also said: If he must be a minute of others, that person is likely to be Cohen.

Cohen's Ge Wenya is different from Chris Tirberg as romantic and elegant, different from Patty Smith as decadent, and there is no rebellion of Jim Morrison. His folk songs are poems. Singing, there is no gorgeous decoration, nor does it be made of any presence. Music exists because of his poems, and the song is established because of his chanting. Cohen's poems have read some, and poet friend Wu Ang has also translated a group, making me more surprised by his poems, especially "Genius" and "Millennium". Essence

Many of his poems in his collection of poems "The Book of Desire" were written during his meditation period, and there were works in Hedera, Egypt, Mumbai, Montreal and other places in Hedera, Greece. His essays and paintings of the letter of graffiti. This collection of poems is a bit obscure, but many works come from meditation and subconscious. In the letter to Chinese readers, Cohen also hopes that readers will be composed of "a Jazz Lianjie, Poping art jokes, religious kitsch, and sullen prayer composition. Interested in hodgepodge. "

Therefore, this collection of poems also allows fans to be more mentally closer to Cohen, and they can also experience the humor and Zen of the poet, just like this "Monk of Acacia" "I shaved my head/I put on a monk's robe/I slept in the monk/I slept in Sixty -five hundred feet on the mountain/corner of the wooden house/here is gloomy/I do not need/is a comb.

Cohen's semi -autobiographical novel. The novel tells the life of Canadian Jewish rich family members of British childhood to 20 years old. It describes his friendship with his companion Claz, from childhood to youth and several women in his life. With a "rogue temperament" that has delicate emotions and self -mocking, it explains the conceptual views on war, violence, religion, sex, and class equality.

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