Murakami Haruki and Jazz have a variety of relationships. For the first time, Murakami Haruki heard about Atbreki and the Jazz Orchestra in the live concert tape of 1964, and decided to save lunch money to buy jazz records. This collection control has been maintained from the age of 13 to the present.

During his studies at Waseda University, Haruki Murakami encountered Takahashi Yangzi. After a period of time, the two decided to stay for life. In 1971, the 22 -year -old Murakami decided to take a break to register with Yangzi to get married. They did things during the day and worked in a cafe at night. Because he likes jazz, Murakami Murakami and Yangzi, 25 in 1974, opened jazz bars in Guocheng Temple. 5 million yen opening funds. 2.5 million yen is a deposit of zero workers in the couple, and the rest will be loaned by banks. This "Peter Cat" bar is taken from the name of a cat raised at the time of the third eagle.

As soon as the Jazz Bar opened for seven years, when it was closed in 1981, there was only a little debt. Most friends of Haruki Murakami predict that the bar will go down, because the business operating as a hobby may not be long -term, and people like Murakami who are simple in personality cannot see the talent of business. However, their predictions fell. Although Murakami did not understand business, his wife Yangzi had no problem. In the past seven years, Murakami was ready to go. The three music essays of "Swinging", "Jazz Music Spectrum (up, down)", "Jazz Qun Ying Jing (top, down)", is the crystallization of music. At this time, he already had a strong impulse to write a novel. He went to the Jiyi Guoyu Bookstore in Shinjuku and bought a stack of manuscript paper and a $ 5 sailor brand round bead pen. He opened his career in the writer. He wrote for more than 30 years.

In all the works of Haruki Murakami, the impact of Western music on him can be seen. Whether it is classical music or jazz, rock music, Haruki Murakami can always have their own feelings and understanding. Conversely, many of the original music will become popular because of the love of Haruki Murakami.

For example, "Norwegian Forest" is TheBeatles' "SGT. Peeper's Lonelyherts Club Band" and "Bakery Shop". Penny Lane (in Magic Mysterity Tour); "The Northern Sun to West" is taken from the same name of the same name jazz by Frank Sennot; and the short novel "Girl Ipanema in 1963 /1982" is a direct source of direct source Since Bossa Nova (Sir Latin), Brazilian composer Joeym's masterpiece "Girl from iPanema (girl from Ipanema)"; long novel "Dance! dance! dance! "The title comes from the old -fashioned rhythm of the same name in The Dells band ...

Taiwan ’s OJG agency record company has selected two CDs to be masterpieces of their jazz musicians. The tracks are carefully selected according to the various unique moods in Murakami Kyoko Novels. There are Miles Davis (Miles Davis), Johncolttane, Bill Evens, Gerry Mulligan, and O'Nerean (ORMETTE Coleman) Pud Powell (Pud Powell), Coleman Hawkins, and other jazz music history. "1Q84" was sold in the record of Yenchek's "Symphony".

According to his reader statistics, the names and musicians appeared in his book more than 800 times, of which jazz is half. When you look at Murakami's study room, you will find a dense record wall. It is estimated that the total number of more than 6,000 is estimated. Even the paintings hanging on the wall are mostly related to jazz musicians.

Haruki Murakami listened to the music. In addition to jazz, he often listened to alternative rock and liked Red Hot ChilipePers, Rem, Radio Head. Compared to Britain, Murakami still prefers American rock music. Listen while driving, and listen with ipod while running. He also heard Lady Gaga's song, couldn't stand it, and felt bad.

Muchi Murakami loves to listen to the CD, in fact, most of them are copied by him in the iPod to listen to

▲ The painter and Tian Cheng painted the oil painting of the painting of the "Jazz Group" of the village.

On the evening of August 5, 2018, Murakami Chunshu first served as the host of the radio station. With the theme of "music when running", he recommended the songs that he often listened to when running. Many people were the first time in novel works. In addition, I heard the voice of Murakami Murakami.

I mentioned above, the writer I like to go to college Milan Kundela, his father's name is Ludwig Kundela, and the teacher of Ludwig Kundera is called Leoh Angalcock - - It is a classical music composer, and Kundela's father is also a pianist and musician. Milan Kundera has learned piano, music and composition with her father since she was a child and participated in the orchestra. Because Kundela is a composer, the grasp of the novel structure and rhythm is inherited in the classical scores, and the creative method also uses the classic forms of classical music. People who are proficient in the rhythm inevitably mention the pairing and polying novels.

Czech writer Milan Kundela

The Beatles

Kundela divides most novels into seven movements. Each movement is divided into dozens of sections of dozens of lengths. The law of the six or three -fifth and five -five laws; for example, the widely circulated "The Light of the Unbearable Life" is used as the axis of the third movement, adopting the one -five and second and fourth laws, and the sixth and seventh movements. Summarize. In terms of structure and methods, readers who have learned music and can understand music scores have a certain advantage in reading.

A whole wall shows the love jazz.

Murakami Haruki is a super fans, and he may not know the musical instrument. He wrote his own feelings. Music in the novel has become a typical symbol of "contemporary urban novels". The nourishment of Murakami's writing is more perception, so when writing, he will automatically convert the article into a sound in his mind and use this sound to archite the rhythm. In the way of jazz, improvisation can play a theme section, which can naturally produce the next theme section.

Murakami wrote in 2007 to review "Jazz Music and Novel Writing Career" once said, "If I have not had a high degree of investment in music, I may not be a novelist. Even after 30 years of novel writing career, I will continue to continue Learn a lot of writing skills from good music. Self -literary model ".

Murakami often mentioned Jazz Music master Charlie Parker, Mels Davis, and Cyronemmm, these musicians subtly affect his writing-

▲ Stan Gates

▲ Selonismmm

"One of my favorite jazz pianists from childhood was theLoniousmonk. Someone once asked him how to talk to let the piano make a special sound. Monks pointed to the keys: "There will be no new notes here. All notes already exist in advance when you look at the keyboard. But if you give a really meaningful definition of a note, its tone will be different. You must choose those notes you really want to show your meaning! "

I often think of this passage when I write. He said to himself: "He is right. Here, all the words I have to do are just to give the most ordinary words with the most novel and special meanings." This means that the wide unknown extends in front of us, The fertile territory is waiting for us to recover.

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