1. Studying abroad:

I know that many people have written about this issue, but that is also the motivation for me to share my experience. Everyone has their own perspective and story, so if I share, you will also have an additional new perspective.

Note: This is just a personal opinion and is entirely based on my own experiences, not reflecting the views of everyone.

The rosy color is not the hue of studying abroad in Canada...

The life of studying abroad in Canada may have been known to you through videos of Vietnamese students or articles on forums. They often share positive experiences, images of hanging out with friends, shopping, dining, creating a feeling that life there is really easy and interesting, right?

Those things may make you think that studying abroad is just like that. The feeling of being "cool" and happier several times compared to life in Vietnam. However, the reality is not as beautiful as you think, my friends. The life of studying abroad is really very difficult, not a rosy picture as you imagine.

That is something I have to admit, just like you, before starting the journey of studying abroad. When my parents said they would let me study in Canada, I was very happy. But when I got here, everything was different. The learning environment, the teaching teachers, friends from many different countries, all made life more complicated.

I had to face many difficulties, from understanding lectures to finding social relationships. Here, I felt very lonely and hard to adapt. Moreover, finding a part-time job was not as easy as I thought. I had to go through many failures before getting a stable job.

2. Environment:

The working environment here is completely different from Vietnam. Sometimes, the difficulties at work make me feel desperate and lose confidence. The life of studying abroad is not just beautiful memories, but also challenges that each person must overcome to grow up.

Being independent early is a huge and necessary advantage. In Vietnam, I lived and was pampered like a true young master, a young master who only knew how to eat, study, and play games. But everything became difficult when studying abroad, especially when facing life away from home without parents by my side to help.

I had to learn many things by myself. Cooking, something that many friends in Vietnam do not experience, because they grow up in a family where someone takes care of everything from cleaning to cooking. But when I came to Canada, I had to decide everything from what to buy to what to cook. This has helped me become more independent.

In addition, I also had to fix things myself. In Vietnam, when something is broken, parents usually fix it. But in Canada, fixing things myself has become more necessary than ever. I had to learn how to fix electrical items, change light bulbs, fix plumbing, and many other things.

The life of studying abroad is not just about studying and working, but also about the process of growing up and being independent. I have to self-direct my future and manage my life. Although there are times I miss life in Vietnam, I do not regret studying abroad. It is a valuable experience that helps me grow up and be independent at a young age.

If you are still living with your parents and are fully supported, enjoy the carefree life in their arms. Because sooner or later, you will have to face and experience the difficulties of life on your own.

The culture of reading has become an indispensable part of life.

In the past, we often only read books when we were still sitting in school, when teachers assigned specific books to read. For most, buying a book and enjoying its educational value was often overlooked. The main reason is that education has made reading boring and passive since starting school in the first grade.

However, when I came here, the culture of reading has become much more popular. Everyone has at least 3 to 4 favorite books. Women often like to read literature, creative stories, while men prefer books about business, economics, and educational books.

Under the influence of those around me, I started to buy books here and read them, even developing a daily reading habit. This has changed my life, helping me view life from a more positive perspective.

Reading not only helps expand knowledge but also creates improvements in daily life. I don't know how to express the value and effects of reading, but you can find information about it from reliable sources like YouTube or other articles.

I really miss the close-knit culture of the Vietnamese people.

When I came here and interacted with Westerners, as well as through the stories of acquaintances here, I realized that they rarely gather to eat or socialize with friends or family, because they often live very independently.

3. Opportunities:

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to join a Vietnamese church group here, as I am a Christian, and everyone there is very close-knit. We often gather after services to hang out, cook, and eat together, creating a joyful and warm atmosphere for my student life.

I realize that we Vietnamese also often have such habits. Gathering, chatting, and eating together helps create close relationships. I really like that and appreciate the close-knit culture of my Vietnamese people even more when I was born and raised in such an environment.

Youth is a huge advantage that we need to take advantage of.

After a year of studying abroad, I had the opportunity to interact and talk with many older people, such as those in their 50s and 60s in the church or international students over 40. From those conversations, I realized that I was wasting my youth.

Often, we young people think that we have unlimited time in this life and often waste time. We do not do useful things because we think we will have time later. But we need to realize that, while we are young, we can take advantage of this time to invest in ourselves, learn, and grow.

The older people I talked to were shocked to know that I was young and advised me to take advantage of this advantage to develop earlier. We need to know that when we are young, there are many opportunities and advantages. Use your youth to learn from those who came before, avoid their mistakes, and develop yourself every day. Read books, learn more useful skills, and make the most of your youth to build a bright future.

Those are 5 things I have learned after a year of studying abroad in Canada. I am very grateful to my parents for helping me through many challenges in this learning journey, allowing me to learn lessons that I might not have realized if I had stayed in Vietnam. Thanks to studying abroad, I have developed a reading habit, honed independent living skills - skills that would be hard to learn at home. If I were still living with my parents, I might never have the opportunity to experience these things.

4. Experiences:

First, studying abroad has opened up a new world, a new culture for me. I have had the opportunity to interact with people from all over the world, with different cultures and customs. From that, I realized the diversity and richness of this world, and that diversity is something to be respected and appreciated.

Second, what I realized after studying abroad is the value of independence. When leaving home, I had to take care of myself, make decisions, and take responsibility for my life. From cooking for myself, managing my time to solving daily problems, I learned how to be independent and confidently stand on my own two feet.

Third, studying abroad has helped me develop communication skills and cross-cultural communication. I learned to respect and understand the perspectives, values, and beliefs of others, thereby creating a peaceful and cooperative environment. This cross-cultural communication not only helps me expand my network but is also an important factor in helping me succeed in work and life.

Fourth, what I realized after studying abroad is the value of knowledge and continuous learning. I realized that to succeed in today's world, it is not enough to have academic knowledge, but also the ability to learn and adapt to change. From that, I set a goal to learn every day and continuously improve my knowledge.

Finally, studying abroad has helped me realize the value of confidence and patience. In a new environment, with challenges and difficulties, confidence and patience are the decisive factors that help me overcome all obstacles and achieve my goals.

In summary, what I realized after studying abroad is not only a journey of exploring the outside world but also a journey of self-discovery. From these experiences, I have grown, become more confident, and have a broader view of life. Studying abroad has changed my life, and I will always be grateful for the lessons it brings.

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