There is a word that is good, a group of sheep led by a lion is more powerful than a group of lions led by a sheep. This sentence illustrates the importance of leaders.

A platform once spent a lot of talents to hire a lot of talents to come in, but the boss's sister -in -law also wanted to enter the company to work, but the little sister -in -law of the boss only had junior high school culture, and it was obviously not in line with the requirements.

However, the boss still couldn't stand the pillow wind of the boss, and finally decided to recruit Xiaozi into the company. Originally, the boss thought that such a trick came in to be a basic employee. Unexpectedly, the boss was dissatisfied. She said that she had to be a manager for her brother, otherwise the incident was endless.

After deeply, the boss thinks that there is nothing wrong with letting his family be a manager. There are so many talents in his company. Whoever is the manager is equivalent to who can divide more benefits. Big errors are generally no problem.

So the boss was promoted to the manager as a manager, and those who hired in high salary could only be a deputy. The boss often educates the little sister -in -law. You can decentralize the right to others. You only need to drink tea and sign.

But Xiao Zizi thinks that since she is already in this position, she should make some achievements. His determination is good, but because he lacks professional ability, he can only tampering with other people's credit to himself. Therefore, he spent a lot of thoughts in this piece, which caused those diligent people to be rewarded, but because of his tampering, the company rewarded him.

Those who did not have much effort under his hands slammed his rainbow fart crazy. Under his wise leadership, he achieved such achievements and achieved such achievements. After a long time, he also felt that he was very powerful. It seems like this. However, for a long time, those who really played a key role were unwilling to endure such an aggrieved, so they fought to the leader.

Although he also knew the other party's efforts, he had been stunned by the results at this time. He thought that he could change the blood. So he approved these people to leave.

At this time, the boss also thought that the little sister -in -law was very capable. The boss was unwilling to go deep into work details. In the attitude of no doubt that the suspect did not need to use it, he also publicly praised the performance ability of Xiao Xunzi.

The people who recruited from Xiaozi were basically the kind of people who worshiped him. Xiao Gongzi has since fell in love with a meeting, and every meeting must be very happy, and then everyone is amazed, applauded, praised, and dispersed.

Those who put forward different opinions, who complained that he is low efficiency, will be regarded as some thorny people, not those who are not in the circle, so he has tried to get rid of it. There was such a picture. He walked slowly with his big belly, followed a group of slow people behind him. He patted his belly, and the people behind him patted his belly neatly.

However, half a year later, the company's performance began to turn sharply. He thought that many ways had no results, or the results were very small. For a while, the company seemed to find a serious problem, that is, the company lacked talents.

In order to shirk the responsibility when reporting the work, Xiao Xunzi either complains that the environment is not good. The company that does not do business is not the only one of us. Everyone is not good at it, or it is just that they have not recruited him to recruit them. To so as so on.

The boss felt that he made sense, so he gave him the budget of recruiting talents. It is said that some talents have also been recruited. After all, there are still the temptation of high salary. Talent.

However, he re -applied his skills. He wanted to summarize all his credit as his role, and he wanted to replace the other party with his own circle as soon as possible. He said to the small followers in the circle, did he learn all his tricks? As long as he takes him away from the scholars, he is too expensive after all.

Of course, the talents who come in are not stupid. It has been seen that the company's problem has long been seen. From the beginning of the initial contribution to the later rigid framework, he said that he has made every effort and hopes to get his own belonging to his own. Profit sharing.

Unexpectedly, the little sister -in -law became angry at this time. Do you think you are so powerful alone? Without the cooperation of a team, you are nothing! I also watched your so -called tricks. I have known these so -called tricks. The reason why it can produce is because our company has an excellent beautiful work map, the team's high -efficiency cooperation, and my rich actual combat experience contribute.

Then you mean, I have no contribution? Are you all the credit? That talent asked.

The little sister -in -law is impatient, I have already said it very well, do you not understand? There is no vacancy position in the company, and you are a bit of big talent.

In this way, the relevant talents left the company again. However, it is interesting that those so -called tricks have no effect, and these so -called tricks seem to be able to buy a lot of money from the training institution. Why suddenly become the soil and soil?

Where is the problem? Anyway, Xiao Zizi wanted to break his head and didn't figure it out.

As a leader, his quality and personality determine the height of the team. The lion group led by the sheep, it is not used to running a lion that often runs. He will think that it is so physical, and he can't see the lurking hunting because it thinks that the look of eating grass is the most handsome, so he requires the lion group You should enjoy the feeling of eating grass slowly. Even if you do n’t eat grass, you should use this elegance to eat meat.

Therefore, high -efficiency people in the team will feel too slow. They may not be able to stand this slow rhythm at some time. Those who die will enjoy this good time.

When this happens, the boss who lacks grass -roots observation may do this in this way, which is to bypass the little sister -in -law for those who are more courageous. The boss said that each period has the characteristics of each period. Isn't our company develop well? This shows that the slow rhythm of leaders is in line with the characteristics of this period.

Obviously, the boss did not understand the difference between increasing development and decreased development, nor did he observe the difference between key factors and non -key factors, and did not imagine whether there was a better breakthrough development. The boss's speech is dripping and there is no problem, but he has no specific analysis of the problem, does not grasp the psychological characteristics of talents, and perceived the passion of the platform development. Instead, the real talent privately believes that this is the excuse for the only relatives.

In the long river of historical development, there is no lack of real talents in each period, but sometimes the talents are used correctly, and sometimes the talents are suppressed. General Mafu, Wei Qing, and unattractive champion Hou Huo's illness, causing a powerful Huns to hurt his vitality.

The related Wang Mang was always engaged in various formalism, selling officials, and suppressing talents. Although he was lucky to board the throne, after all, he turned himself into a orphan person because he rejected talents and died of a fate.

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