Today, when I brushed the video, I accidentally brushed a video of saving people. This should have been a moving video, but what happened in the camera was extremely angry.

The cause of the incident is that there is a man falling in the water. The man and child are wearing down jackets. From the perspective of this wearing, this matter may not happen in the present, but past. It is not unusual to wear a down jacket to wear down jackets. Perhaps people do n’t want to die, but they just lose their feet. There is no need to consider so many factors.

The problem was that after a man in the crowd saw this phenomenon, he immediately went to the water to rescue the man. Unexpectedly, the man hugged the later man to go down to the deep water area. Seeing that this posture was to die together. They did not worship your handle with you, and the man falling in the water was too unreasonable.

Fortunately, some people threw the rope at this time, and many people were pulling on the other side. The man who saved people grabbed the rope with both hands as if grasping the life -saving straw. However, the man kept pulling this to save him. People attempt to sink in the water with him.

Over time, the man who pulled the rope gradually began to disappear. At this critical moment, someone threw the life jacket to the falling man. Together, the man who saw the situation hurriedly broke away, and at this time, some people handed over a ladder of aluminum alloy, and someone pulled the ladder on the other side.

The saving man hurried to escape, and he had to climb the ladder. Unexpectedly, the man who fell into the water began to pull him, and pushed him away. Suddenly, someone suddenly grabbed his down jacket's hat. After some pulled, the man's down jacket was pulled off.

After this difficult fight, both of them were pulled ashore. This incident was shocked. It is estimated that the man who saved people was the shadow of his life. I am afraid he would not be so brave after discovering similar things in the future.

The comment area was even more exploded, and netizens accused the man who wanted to pull a pad to die. There is no doubt that there is no positive energy at all. He told us not to save anyone. What you may encounter is just a demon.

This incident reminds me of one thing many years ago. That incident happened in Dongguan, and it was also recorded by a person with a mobile phone. It was a woman jumping into the river, and then another man jumped down to save her. Below the water, in the end, the man lost his consciousness, and both of them died.

For the later incident, the woman may not be intentional. The way he saves people is wrong, because saving people from the front will often be hugged by the other party. This will not only save the other party, but also caught himself in a dangerous situation. Of course, it may also be a woman who does not want to live at all, and it is also good to have a companion.

What we see from the overwhelming news is often positive energy, and we must encourage us to see righteousness when encountering such incidents. For these that can only be interpreted, the news will be restricted to spread, or the platform party may also join in to give off for treatment. The reason is simple and lack of positive energy.

However, this cannot prove that everyone who is seeking death must still want to live in the process of being rescued. As a person who sees righteousness, you must first protect themselves. If you do n’t even protect themselves, what else do you talk about righteousness?

I think, first of all, it is to weigh whether you have the ability to save people. For example, a person who can't swim to see someone falling into the water, regardless of the direct diving and saving people, isn't this chaotic? This way of saving people is not worth promoting.

Secondly, we must master the skills of seeking righteousness, to know how to defend themselves, and how to save people in the right way. For example, when you meet the gangsters, you think that if you see the righteousness, you think that if you hurt the gangsters himself, then do you just put yourself in?

For another example, you will save people in the water, you don't pay attention to the way, you are holding or holding your legs tightly or hugging by the other party. How do you save people? Didn't you put yourself in? You should know that when many people are on the verge of death in the water, he lacks rational thinking. He will catch something. If you don't understand this, I am afraid that people have not saved them even. It is, but his huge physical consumption has been unable to return himself.

Thirdly, we must know how to mobilize the power of the masses. Although personal heroism is full of blood, the probability of failure is also very high. For example, you can mobilize the masses to find the corresponding tools and mobilize the masses to take the initiative to participate. In this way, the power of the group must be much stronger than the individual's power.

Don't be deceived by the various magical power in the TV series. What light power and water drift, that is not reality in the TV series, and rationality is more important than sensuality when saving people.

Some people say that if your wife and old lady fall into the water at the same time, who do you save first? This is actually a ridiculous problem.

But such a ridiculous problem did happen a long time ago. It was a man's own children and colleagues' children. As a result, when the man rescued his colleague's child, his child had sinking into the water.

So many people say how great the man is. At that time, people were discussing that year, but to this day, such discussions have become tiny. Why is this?

I think we should assume some situations. If his child is very close to the shore, I think there is no problem with priority rescue, because it can be easily saved, so that it can save time. To rescue.

But if he is concerned about the criticism of others, he must first rescue the children of others with far away, then it takes a lot of time, and the children nearby are sinking. As a result, he can only save one child, and because it is far away, it is far away. His physical energy consumption is huge, and when he rescue children nearly, he seems to be unswerving.

If this is the case, although this man has received praise, he must be condemned by conscience in his life, because he did not choose to save people the most effective way, and also considered many other factors.

Conversely, if the children are on the shore, he has been rescued, but his child is far away and does not catch up. However, if he gives up the life of the children on the shore and goes to the distance, and the children on the shore are the children of someone else's family, then he may be scolded, but you can't blame others.

However, many things are often not on the scene, and those who have the ability to rescue are often not a person. If the whole society promotes a positive spirit, it may be a very simple thing to save others.

In this sense, it is more important that the society must form a culture and spirit that sees righteousness, and give full respect and rewards to those who see righteousness. This may be the fundamental solution. As an ordinary person, you may not be able to meet the moment when you need to see righteousness, but I hope that you are not a coward when you encounter it, and have the ability to see the righteousness and wisdom.

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