In fact, such people are considered intellectuals. They are always the first to detect and timely seize business opportunities. There are many people who never find their way to make money instead of saying they do not seize the opportunity to do business, just say they are not smart enough. In fact, sometimes wisdom is a great money -making weapon, you can at some point your brain flashes and you immediately find a good opportunity to make money for you. Please share with everyone a few secrets to earn money even when you have no penny.

Intelligence to make the first money - accumulated in the ratio of 1 part 10.

Occupation and work are a way to help us make money, and each way to make money is the way to create the flow of money. Therefore, each working person can transfer money into his pocket and the flow is large or small depending on his or her ability to work. If every morning you put in 10 eggs, only 9 fruits in the afternoon. After the basket will be filled with eggs, speak more specifically every time you spend 10 dong in your dark, you should only take out 9 dong to spend.

Over a period of your intention, it will be like an egg basket, so it will be filled with gold coins. Do not mock what I just said because it is as simple as I said. I only passed on to you the ways that helped me get rich and full are the way I started getting rich for myself. I strictly performed to save a tenth of the money in my pocket and realized that I had money gradually became more and more. If you do so, I guarantee that your pocket will also bulge.

Wisdom to make second money - Control expenses.

Different occupations, the amount of income is also different, some people earn a larger amount of money every month. But why in the end everyone's pocket is still the same. So have you ever wondered about the problem we often call the necessary spending in everyday life. You should not confuse the unknown amounts in life and all spending by personal interests. Actually, you and other members of your family often want to buy what you like, not the necessary things in life and these expenses may be beyond the ability to pay you.

I can be sure that you can hardly meet all your desires, with the property of the rich you think they will buy everything you want. It was a wrong thought, they still had some limitations that money could not help. As I understand, human desires are very endless and we can only meet some desires for ourselves. In my experience, you should list the items that are about to buy on a piece of paper, then choose a few things needed for life and suitable for your nine -tenth amount. There are many items according to your preferences, boldly remove and see them as thousands of other things that you cannot meet yourself. Planning minor administrators now will help you meet the necessary needs, enjoy the joys in life to meet legitimate desires and ensure a full life in the future. .

Wisdom Making the third money - How to make money

If you want to keep your money, each person needs to seriously do a tenth of the money earned, then must control his minor administration to ensure that the money must be put in more when taking it. go out. Today you will consider the method of making enrollment if left in your pocket, the money cannot be profitable. So how to make money. Take a simple example like this. If you send a bank 100 million with an interest rate of 6 percent over a year. After 1 year, there will be 106 million, after 2 years you will have about 112,300,000.

After 3 years you will have 119 million. So it is not after 3 years you have 18 million but 19 million, that is, the mother will be able to regain her child. I mean here that every silver coin will be like a slave working hard for you, then your descendants and great -grandchildren will also work for you, making your money constantly increasing. Your assets are also growing stronger.

Wisdom to make money for the fourth - preserve assets.

Once you own money, each person must know how to keep it carefully otherwise it will quickly overcome due to your temporary desires. First of all, you must learn how to protect small sums, then you can keep large sums of money. In my experience, before embarking on a certain job, you must carefully learn about that job, and always remember that every decision requires safety for your capital. Do not let the temporary desires in the immediate future or the mood to get rich quickly cover your reason because this gives a very high risk rate.

Before lenting your property, you need to remind that the person is able to return it, you must take the reputation of your income and work to secure and when deciding. Removing investment capital, you must anticipate the dangers that may occur and how to solve it satisfactorily. Protect and develop your assets by investing in reliable safety places with the highest interest rate possible. You should consult with experienced people and believe in that advice, so that the money can be profitable. Let their advice protect your treasure, avoiding the risk of losing capital or not gaining profits due to the wrong investment. This is a great importance in getting rich. For business investment, this method helps you develop money instead of the risk of loss.

Wisdom earn fifth - determined to own a house.

If you win nine tenths of money earned for the needs of life and the rest to save, it is the first way from the source to ensure a stable source of income in the future. In my opinion, thinking that lenders will often help but who wants to have a home and forest land. You can borrow money or use the amount of money to build a house. At that time, your whole family can live happily in your own home, wives can grow fruits and vegetables to improve the meals, your children will have fun in places. Clean and safe.

Then you are completely assured to work to pay off the time can be 2 years 4 years or 10 years, for example, this job is like you are paying the monthly rent. But from now on, your life has come to a better new guy because you own a valuable asset and have all your powers to the house. When you have a home, on the one hand, you will be able to reduce some other minor spending management, making the money you make more and can meet other requirements that contribute to improving the standard of life.

Wisdom earning sixth money - ensuring long -term income.

The responsibility of each person must know how to prepare a necessary asset when you get old. This is not only to support yourself when you enjoy old age, but also to support family members when you are no longer able to work. This is the next lesson to ensure long -term income when time and energy do not allow you to continue working. Those who understand the laws of enrichment and have some property should think about this. You must plan to invest or perform jobs that can be guaranteed for the future.

If your free amount of money is divided into 10 parts, please 2 parts to save bank savings or buy backup gold when an event occurs. Spend 3 capital contributions to business with friends and relatives. The remaining 5 parts, if possible, buy a small piece of land in the countryside or along the city or buy stocks if you are knowledgeable. Business investment is right, but never put all the money you have in a business project that according to you is still new or not sure. Otherwise you may lose everything.

Wisdom earn seventh money - enhance the ability to make money.

We often wish to be rich, but we do not know that being in poverty and wanting to be rich right away, it is just unthinkable, but if you wish to have 1 billion, it is the wish. The clear purpose is specific and within your ability. This is the powerful motivation to promote the table to be done and then there is nothing that prevents you and the same ways as the way to do to get the first 1 billion. Continue to have an additional 2 billion, 10 billion, 20 billion. So it is obvious that you can become a rich man whatever you do, you need to always learn how to hang and improve your career skills.

If you are a craftsman, you must learn the methods and how to use new tools to make the skills more and more skillful. If you work in the law or hospital, you should consult or exchange ideas with colleagues to improve your knowledge. Or if you are a merchant, you have to go to many places to buy the best goods and sell it at a cheaper price.

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