Giulio Cesare Procaccini -Holy Family with the Infant Saint John and An Angel, 1616-1618

Work Name: The Holy Family composed of Maria Jesus Joseph and Angels

Author: Giulio Cesare Procaccini (1574-1625)

Sight: 125 cm × 190 cm

Category: cloth oil painting 1616/1618

Appreciation of the work:

In the dark background, the characters are strongly dynamic and vividly show the happiness of "family". In the prospect, Maria, who is young, wore a dark green robe, held two boys in her arms, and looked at the Christ and his cousin Shi Shi John in their eyes. The bearded man is the adoptive father of Christ Joseph. This is a painting style of Baroque.

After Baroque's painting style, after the Renaissance, it was born in the era of this painter Julio. It lasted about 200 years, which was exactly the age of his family. Baroque painting is basically the same as that era. It is beautiful and enthusiastic, and the picture emphasizes self -awareness. The outstanding painters during the Baroque period include Rubens in Frame Mang, Venezuezuz of Spain, Rembrandt, Vermel in the Netherlands, Van Dike in the UK, Bennini in Italy, Caravaggio, etc. Among these representative characters, Rembrandt's works are more skilled in using light. The characters seem to be on the stage of the stage. Rubens's works are known for their rich and bold body language and bright color. After seeing Rubens' works, Julio changed from sculpture to painting. His style of painting combined the tension of correctionism with the vitality of Baroque style with the realistic sense of reality.

Art Life:

Julio Cesley Proccanini was the Italian painter and sculptor in the early Baroque period of Milan. Born in 1574 in Bologna, a European historical and cultural city. This city was built in 1000 BC. Sausage is well -known. At the age of 11, Milan, who was more open to the art environment with the family, was one of the pioneers of the Baroque painting style of Italy.

Starting from Julio's father, Elko, the Prove Sani family has flourished for more than 200 years during the Renaissance and Baroque period. Julio and two brothers are the second generation. Behind them, Provei is painting and painting and painting and. Design is at least five generations. Julio was famous for sculpture in his early years. After the age of 26, he was influenced by Rubens painting, focused on painting, and quickly became an important painter of Milan. In the year, 51 -year -old Julio died in Milan. His student was also his nephew, Xiao Elko not only inherited his painting style, but also inherited the art school.

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