The company has recently changed the rules of attendance and overtime arrangements. I am the kind of worker. In principle, I have to arrange for employees for at least one day every five days. After a few days, the overtime arrangement form changed again. I arranged me for two consecutive days of rest for two consecutive days. I thought that this was the final version. Considering that the company was busy during the holidays, I had no opinion.

I do n’t know if someone ’s conscience discovers or what is the reason. The overtime arrangement form is adjusted to me for seven consecutive days to rest for one day. This is the confirmation overtime arrangement announced in the morning. After overtime arrangements, I looked at it and gave me overtime arrangements for 11 consecutive days of rest for one day for a day, covering the entire holiday.

However, I looked at everyone again, and I found that I was the only person who continued to work overtime for so long. Although I still did not put forward any opinions, of course, although I did not put forward any opinions, my heart still had another bottom line, that is, once I surpassed the overtime arrangement for 15 consecutive days, I will explode.

So why is this situation? The first is that overtime overtime pay is relatively low compared to normal working fees. Some old employees are unwilling to work overtime. At the same time, they also catch up with some old employees for leave or ask for rest. Give others.

Secondly, I did not put forward any opposition, and I might feel that I was working hard. For him, some difficult problems, I became a better solution.

Again, I may think that I am a soft persimmon, and things that others are unwilling can be arranged to me.

In the end, the continuous modification of overtime arrangements may be a kind of test. After several temptations, I found that I had no opinion, so I felt that such arrangements were not inappropriate.

In fact, this situation like me is very common in many companies. They feel that those who do not accept fair arrangements and do not propose any opposition will feel that they can be used in limit. Nevertheless, the person corresponding to the limit was not obtained by the reward results that others envied, but others were considered a fool or nagging.

If the leader is such a way of thinking, then he will eventually drive the company's loyal employees one by one. This is the so -called disadvantaged economic law.

Being able to enter a normal unit is theoretically no fool, but the specific style of human beings is different. Some people find that their own losses or losses appear immediately, and they immediately put forward objections. For the protection of personal interests, they always fight or fight for the first time. In fact, because of their timely response, the corresponding leaders will give priority to their feelings and make a way to sacrifice other people's interests to reach a discount plan or inclined interest.

Some people only put forward objections when they actually suffer, and use the fact that they are better than the power of arguing to prove that they are wrong, allowing leaders to give compensation in interests, and achieve practical fairness and reasonableness.

Some people use their own endurance points as a reference anchor point. They usually work hard and are very responsible for work, but once they surpass or break through their endurance points, they will send out an extremely tough attitude, and basically will not give leaders to leaders The room for regret, because the leaders were hit with shameless imprints and labels in their minds, and rose from work evaluation to personality negation.

Some people will say hello in advance, which will help to inform the leaders in advance, and the two parties will adopt a solution that can be accepted by each other in the negotiation. Usually there are many people in this kind of people, including unlimited refined self -reliance, and so on.

In my opinion, these types of people are the most loyalty to those who are worked hard and are usually considered a soft persimmons. They seem to be unsatisfactory with the world. , To be able to treat fairly in time, they hope that the leaders can see their actions, not their words. They want to use action and results to get fair treatment and stage opportunities. However, they believe that the leaders have a failed or relaxed, so that some people who have no real talents will be on their position, or they will seize them. On the blacklist, they will form an glacier with those leaders who destroy the rules, and they will take the initiative to leave the platform or this circle in the way they will take the initiative to take the initiative to talk to the leaders.

I reflected it carefully, and I seemed to belong to this type of person. I remember when I was in an enterprise, I was the representative of the work of work, and I took the initiative to suffer and loses without complaints. For the overall development of the company, I would damage the personal interests of the company. However, the reality gave me a slap. No one cares about your dedication, and they care more about their results.

For example, I took a region. The original arrears of this area were recorded on my head, which caused the number of business arrears to be responsible for the larger number of business arrears, but the performance of this merged area could not be counted as mine. The original business of the original business. The staff can be out of the way.

To explain this, I will give you a specific example. For example, you have a performance in the region A million, the debt is 200,000, and then the performance of the region B is 500,000, and the debt is also 200,000. Then the company owner said that the B area also allows you to take over, and then in the public business data It is said that your performance is one million and 400,000 liabilities. Do you see this problem?

You may think that such things will not happen, but I can clearly tell you that such things do happen, and the finances of small companies also believe that this calculation is very correct.

However, from the perspective of platform fuel consumption, I accepted the place where the area near the other salesman was responsible for the area was allocated to the other party. Mine, do you see it? In fact, this is my loss.

At the same time, I also accepted a certain area near the area near the area to allocate another salesperson to take the same way, and I also assisted the other party to spread the goods. All the transactions were counted as the other party. It's right.

Therefore, in fact, the overall liabilities have increased, and the corresponding performance growth has been taken away. But I didn't care, I still tried my best to help other salespersons grow up. But at this time, the accident happened.

I can clearly tell everyone what happened in such circumstances. First of all, the boss will feel that your performance is bad? He doesn't matter if you suffer. Therefore, if the company is not its own, this kind of selfless spirit often becomes a dead point for career development.

Secondly, the company shares experiences with good performance, but in fact they have no experience, but have benefited from the benefits. This will lead to the so -called experience at all. Lane.

Third, when the boss's performance is in Waterloo, he will deny himself, and at the same time, and at the same time, he will fall into a very naive mistake. For example, it may continue to make an open source and save innovation, and even destroy the company's excellent culture.

In the end, it is very likely that the entire company will return to the original point, develop dislocation, and the first -hand good cards are bad.

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