Feelings are usually a matter of two people. Once they are rendered by other factors, this relationship may directly change the taste. After three years of love for three years, Xiao Wang and Xiao Chen finally got married, but before the man welcomed his relatives, Xiao Wang's girlfriend Oda began to have the idea.

Oda told Xiao Wang, do you always say how much Xiao Chen loves you, dare to let me try it for you? If he really loves you, he will definitely pass the test. Xiao Wang felt that his lover must pass the test, so he said with confidence that the test was tested.

When Xiao Chen welcomed his relatives, Xiao Wang's girlfriend Oda gathered a group of women to block Xiao Chen.

Oda said, if you want to marry Xiao Wang, you will have to have a red envelope without a red envelope?

Xiao Chen hurriedly gave them hundreds of red envelopes. Unexpectedly, Oda was immediately unwilling to see this money. It seems that you do n’t really love Xiao Wang. What is this before? If you want to give us 10,000, we will let you marry the little king.

Xiao Chen thought that the other party was joking, and hurriedly explained that I didn't bring so much money today. So, I will give you 500 every one. Is this okay?

Oda couldn't help mocking, hundreds of dollars were a fart, it seems that you don't like Xiao Wang.

Those who came with Xiao Chen couldn't stand it anymore. Come over and say, Xiao Chen is not marrying you. Don't you want to make trouble?

As a result, Oda was still indifferent, and he also said categorically that if he had to give them 10,000 today, he wanted to marry Xiao Wang.

In the end, Xiao Chen was annoyed, and immediately asked, are you true? Does this mean Xiao Wang?

Oda hummed, of course, it means Xiao Wang. Only you give us 10,000 per person. This means that you really love the little king and scumbag.

Xiao Chen immediately threw flowers, okay, well, in this case, then I won't marry.

Seeing that Xiao Chen became serious, Oda was also panicked, and quickly hit the field, they just played.

If Xiao Wang knew that her girlfriend actually tested her lover like this, and didn't know what it should feel? For Oda, her behavior is indeed a bit too much. Where is this test?

With this custom here, they are in the guise of seemingly fair and reasonable. In fact, they may be the psychology of jealousy.

Coincidentally, this case is that the groom has entered the bride's room, and everyone is witnessing the moment the groom takes the bride. Unexpectedly, the bride's sister is not calm, the bride's sister, and also the girlfriend of the bride, she said that we have a custom here that the groom wants to wash his feet for the bride.

As soon as the groom heard it, this was simple, so he hurriedly squatted down and washed his feet for the bride. The groom thought it could end like this. Unexpectedly, the bride's sister continued and had to drink this foot washing water.

For this unreasonable requirement, most people should be difficult to accept. Many relatives and friends also take the opportunity to play a circle, forget it.

Unexpectedly, the bride's sister is not reluctant, and said that if she does not drink, she is not auspicious, don't want to marry her sister.

As a last resort, the bowl was raised and started to drink foot washing water. Perhaps because of too much foot washing water. After drinking for a while, the groom said that he couldn't drink the rest. Can you not drink it?

Unexpectedly, the bride's sister was angry at this time, and she said sharply, don't you drink it?

Then, in the eyes of the public eyes, the feet washing water was splashed on the groom's face, and then he loudly said to the bride, sister, let's not end this marriage.

After seeing this incident report, netizens suddenly said that the sister was too much, and some also said that the man was too counseled, so he should not drink.

I don't know where the wedding customs need to drink foot washing water, and I have to spill on each other's face after drinking. Therefore, the bride's sister's actions are a little demented, and there may be stories behind this.

So, what is the reason that can make this sister so too much?

The first situation we guessed was that the groom and the bride's sister had a leg. Therefore, the groom married the bride, and was very angry as a sister, and could not tell such the truth, so he deliberately made trouble.

If this is the case, looking at such a situation, even if you get married later, it is estimated that chickens and dogs are restless.

The second situation is that her sister represented the family attitude of the woman. From the beginning, she was not optimistic about this marriage, so she deliberately embarrassed the groom in public. Even if the groom will drink all the foot washing water, it will continue to produce other difficult behaviors.

This unequal marriage may lead to various unhappiness after marriage. Unless the groom's future status makes the other party's side, it may always be looked down on.

The third situation is that the bride's sister may be a homosexual, and her homosexual object is her sister. Then her sister is going to get married, she is naturally full of hostility, her lover is going to be snatched, and she cannot tolerate it. Her purpose is very clear, that is, to stir up her sister's marriage.

The fourth situation is that the sister has not married yet, and no man can see it, but his sister is about to marry, and they are still so loving. This makes the bride's sister very angry. Her dissatisfaction emotions Need to vent.

In fact, no matter what kind of situation, the bride's sister is inappropriate to make such a move, which reflects her personal quality and education, and it may also represent the tip of the iceberg of the woman's family.

Many times the relationship between the woman and the man is not breaking up because of the matter of right and wrong, usually due to some deaths. For example, a pair of lovers love each other very much. At this time, the woman's girlfriend said that you have to test your lover. After all, the marriage of marriage cannot be too dramatic.

You see, the famous words of this seem to be good for yourself. So with the advice of my girlfriend, the woman turned off, and she did not turn on it all night. The man almost collapsed. He did not fall asleep all night. He called the other party hundreds of calls and could not get through.

At this time, the woman girlfriend called the man's phone and told the other party that she had never returned when she went out, and told her when she came back.

The woman couldn't help but call the man. Unexpectedly, she was stopped by her girlfriend. The girlfriend said that at this time, it would be sinking. If he loves you deeply, then he should believe in you unconditionally.

So under the flicker of her girlfriend, the woman did not call the man after all. Until noon the next day, the woman did not call the man. The first call was actually called by the man. After the phone passed, the man asked calmly and asked, what did you do last night, I made so many calls You did not return to me.

The woman knew about it, but she didn't want to sell her girlfriend, so she made a reason to say that her mobile phone was out of power last night.

The man laughed and said, then said, then you didn't call me after you turned on?

The female party argued that you just hit it just after booting. I haven't had time to call you back.

The man was silent for a long time, and then sighed heavily, "Well, I don't think we need to continue to fall in love, I wish you.

The woman was a little panicked when she heard it, and quickly asked, what do you mean?

The man said that what I mean is obvious, that is, I don't want to continue with you, don't contact it in the future.

The man hung up the phone after talking. Due to how the woman answered the phone, the man would not answer it.

The woman was very sad, but her girlfriend said that the man was such a small belly chicken intestine. Fortunately, you found the timely and timely stop loss.

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