Charity is a humanistic activity that helps those who are difficult in life, showing their love to share with less fortunate circumstances than themselves. However, it is unexpected that there are many people who have this activity to raise money and property for their own purposes. In recent years, many Vietnamese artists have been involved in the groves of charity money, for wrong purposes, or even hiding money for personal interest. Gradually, charity activities were labeled sensitive in Vietnam, causing serious loss of public confidence into the real kindness.

However, it was unexpectedly the way of tricking that disguised charity not only happened in Vietnam but also in many other parts of the world. Especially more shocking when recently the richest billionaire in the world, Elon Musk, was accused of using charity donations to evade taxes, especially this action was extremely blatant. The United States is entering the ultimate spear. Will there be another case of Corruption of Truong My Lan for America?

The fact that world billionaires established charity funds, not even newly existed for centuries with long -standing funds like industrial capitalists. Rockefeller later Bill Gate and Warren Buffets are rumored that the main purpose of this is that the tax will not be beaten or beaten very little in the quarters to help the rich save billions of dollars. . While Bill Gates uses his property to make an effort to improve the health care service across Africa or Walmon's Walmon's family that has promoted a change in the American education system, Elon Musk is rich in a rich billionaire. The second most in the world has indiscriminate charitable activities and mainly to serve their own interests. More specifically, Elon Musk's charity is mainly to polish the name of tax incentives and sometimes for personal interests.

Although only losing the richest position in the world in the hands of Bernard Arnault in early 2024, Elon Musk's total assets reached $ 195 billion, an increase of 15 billion compared to 2023. Until the end of 2021 Elon Musk It also received a reward of 25 billion items from Tesla. But in return, the amount of tax that he had to pay terriblely high, the estimates of Tesla's bonus alone, the South African billionaire also had to contribute up to 11 billion dollars of tax. Not accepting the property that was taken away by the state agency with the help of lawyers Elon Musk began to think of a way to evade taxes and the easiest way was probably charity.

In October 2021, Elon Musk published the idea of ​​a huge charity gift, whereby he will sell Tesla shares and awarded to the World World Agriculture Organization of 6 billion dollars. Excited with the idea, on the side of Pfao has established a plan, but Elon Musk unexpectedly did not speak, instead the owner of Tesla poured 5.7 billion stocks into the Musk fund, causing the organization In the list of the 20 largest charitable funds in the United States and helped Elon Musk save more than 2 billion dollars of tax. According to the law of charitable funds, leaving at least 5% of assets per year, equivalent to hundreds of millions of dollars with Musk fund, but this Elon Musk's charity does not make a simple thing, it is because they are because they are. Only three operators.

Musk herself and two volunteers, tax records even showed one of the volunteers, Martia Simon, who was Musk's employee. The other person, Jaret, was the general manager of the Musk family's property, only operating 1 hour per week for the charity. In 2022, this charity fund only donated $ 160 million lower than $ 234 million than the requirements to reduce taxes. This is the fourth largest deficit among the total charitable funds that are unsatisfactory of the US. At present, this fund has no information disbursement information in 2023 and is likely to be fined 30% of the shortage since 2022. Elon Musk has actively built many charity funds to take his own name. Tax deduction.

Over the total of 3 years, the bosses of Tesla and SpaceX have spleen 7 billion dollars to turn the largest charity fund at the time at that time. Even the Musk Fund's disbursement packages are related to the business of Tesla boss. The survey report of the American State agency shows that the Merch Fund's donations in 2021 2022 showed half of the money related to the interests of Elon Musk. For example, the South African -based billionaire only spent 5 million for a program of the United Nations, at first listening, it was very humane when helping some rural schools in countries could Satellite Internet access, but it is the Starling SpaceX service that Elon Musk offers and then these countries will naturally become a customer to pay for Elon Musk's company.

In 2016, the owner of Tesla donated 254 million dollars to Tu Thien Fund and it was the money that disbursed 10 million dollars to Open AI, Cha ChartGBT company that was causing a fever in recent years. But this disbursement is also related to the interests of Elon Musk when he is one of the first investors of Open AI, the possibility of Tesla boss who wants to earn words from the project in the context of electric cars in difficulty. that time. In 2001, the Musk and Kimball brothers set up their surname funds before selling Paypal to Ebay for $ 1.5 billion. The owner of Tesla earned $ 175 million from the deal, thereby contributing to the stock to indicate $ 2 million to the charity fund. The statement of this organization is extremely humane and does not forget to call the public to contribute money and sponsor to help society. However, as of 2014, the Musk Fund was only 40,000 dollars, while the Elon property at that time reached $ 10 billion.

With the momentum, Elon Musk has passed this fund to build a non -profit school called Art Astra, this is a high -class private school with extremely modern facilities but mainly serving the children. of the owner of Tesla and the old Tesla leaders Spacex. The principal of Astra School, Jordan, said that five children of Elon Musk were studying here and most of the students were children of SpaceX staff. Two former CEOs of SpaceX Anonymously said Astra is considered a privilege for the children of the executives. As for ordinary employees, it is almost impossible to bring their children into this aristocratic school.

Fuzzy about charitable activities but Elon Musk owns a mixed mine like his somewhat eccentric impulsive personality. Even the South African billionaire also publicly satirized other rich people. Specifically, he recently had a post on social network X with the content of ex -wives hating super -rich husbands who needed to be listed in the list of reasons why Western civilization collapsed. And it is immediately guessed that the object of being slanted is Mackenzie Scott, the ex -wife of the technology billionaire, Amazon boss, Jeff Bezos after their divorce. Mackenzie Scott was divided up to billions of dollars, and she immediately contributed a part to charity. Mackenzie Scott divorced the boss Amazon and in 2019 after 25 years of marriage. After the official divorce was completed, Mackenzie Scot received 4% stake in Amazon.

With the price of Amazon shares continuously increasing sharply in recent years, the estimated assets of Mackenzie Scott reached $ 35.9 billion to become the 42nd richest person of the world. Since 2020, Mackenzie Scott has donated $ 14.4 billion for charity activities mainly in education, improving children's health and gender equality. Unlike other charitable activists, Mackenzie Scott does not require charities to comply with specific conditions and specific reports. This helps Scott to be overwhelmed by his generosity.

However, Elon Musk's view is that Mackenzie Scott is supporting money for racial and gender issues that Musk will cause Western civilization to collapse. But the X -social network owner did not expect that his comments had encountered harsh indicators from the public. Many people think that this billionaire should extract its unintentional fortune to support charity or should keep silent for others to do, instead of satirizing their actions. After that, the article of Elon Musk on page X was deleted and no longer existed. This is not once, when Elon Musk is famous for being a fierce criticism of the effort to promote fairly fair and integrated culture. He said that these are actually just disguised racist actions, while condemning other humane charitable actions, Musk did not play well.

South African billionaire is famous for his motto that does not like his charity. He said that his activities were inherently helpful to society, in an international conference, Tesla Hao Hung said, Tesla has done many things to protect the environment than all other companies. total. As the leader of my company has done more for the environment than anyone on Earth.

But in any way, the US tax authority has been in a scaling to clarify the operational process expenditures of charities from Musk. If the accusation is not accused, the possibility that Tesla bosses face billions of items for tax evasion, and his personal reputation is seriously damaged.

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