My husband and I have been enviable in the eyes of outsiders. In their eyes, my husband is responsible for building a material life, and I, a female Wenqing, is 15 years younger than him. In the beauty of large and small transactions, I make the beauty of breakfast and dinner like Michelin 3 stars, and even the fried eggs will bloom with a smile. I am a woman with no ambitions in the status quo. My husband always praises that I know the woman he knew before, but he is really tired at work. He often gets tired and has a bad appetite and can't eat anything.

My husband once married, but I have always respected his privacy. Until one day, a woman found me, she was exquisitely maintained, and she could see the traces of medical beauty on the beautiful face, but her skin was slightly rough. The suit should be a classic model of a brand two years ago. I know that the trench coat costs more than 180,000. Her body was straight, and she knew that she had a swan neck, and kept raising her head high. She showed a white neck in the low -neck, with a thin and long necklace on it. The pendant was a small sapphire. I once heard the people around my husband said that the woman had been sentenced, but the skin on her face was a little rough, especially her temperament and the pride, how could she think she was just a rigid. Out of it. In front of her, I was dwarfed. The peony and the white orchids of the prosperous peony were in the same frame.

When the coffee came up, she pushed the price of a limited edition of expensive. I unconsciously moved her body unconsciously and looked at her a little timid.

She looked at my eyes a little compassion, and said to me, "I have a thing that I have left, and Lao Li will not return it to me, I hope you can."

I am confused.

She told me: "Lao Li is a terrible person who will live in a spy film for marriage."

After being separated from that woman, I started looking at home. Sure enough, I found 15 pinhole cameras, and a pink U disk. Regarding how to find these things, I would then talk slowly.

Her husband's ex -wife used to be his subordinates. Later, he was on the top, ranking above her husband, and then suddenly fell from a height of a day. When she talked to me, she was sentenced and just released from it.

I did not immediately return the USB flash drive. Instead, I asked the school sister to decrypt and opened it. There is 2T content in it. The content of the content is rich and unable to refine. Some of them must be omitted here to say, and some must be large size to broadcast. The videos you come, and each word knows but the combined sentence makes people frightened.

The pink U disk records the voice of her husband's ex -wife. Maybe it is one of their emotional portraits.

The following is a paragraph of the husband's ex -wife.


Long hair is really troublesome. It's broken, my horns are forgotten in the office.

Xiao Liu didn't see me, he was in a hurry, and when he surpassed me side by side, he was still so handsome. His expression of vigor made me a little strange. The suit is very suitable for him, and it is also suitable to cooperate with me. Today I happened to be a light gray top and skirts of the same color. My face started to get hot.

Before the sea. The annoying mist destroys the horizon. The "luxury yacht" club is on the left. The carved beams on the cement red pillar are faintly visible. The brush of the "luxury yacht club" on the row of red lanterns is not clear. There is a faint foot nest on the beach, and the front tip of the high heels is not in the fine sand. In order to prevent the sand from getting in, Secretary -General Li went back to the UK to inspect the stockings that I took. Walk accidentally. I stopped, stabilized God, and found that Xiao Liu was not the same as before. In the past, he always arrived very early. We always met in "Listening to Yu Xuan" in "Listening for Yu Xuan". The name is also the place where we are in a good meeting. There are two o'clock in one minute.

Judging from visually, I am not late.


Starting, it is necessary to study the documents that I submitted to the temporary building at 6:30. If the plan passes, then the "luxury yacht" club is about to become ruins.

The sound insulation of this room is very good. When the door is closed, it will be like the next generation. The faint and grievances of the outer zither talked lightly on the ages. From the dense louver window, you can only see the virtual gray horizontal line. The long incense on the incense burner seems to never go out. The aroma from India is far more enchanting than the French perfume with a horsepower of Xiao Liu. There are five white napkins, and there are five in total, and the models are different.

In fact, there is no clear bed here. The height of that thing is flat with my sight. My eyes are as high as the height of that thing, and Xiao Liu gives me neatly height. This result still has a blow to me. I long for one day, and I only look down. Below the meal paper is a neat bamboo mat. I do n’t know why. The soft wax utensils and yellow traces make me unhappy today. Newly on the darkens of the litter.

Every time, when I touched my body, when I touched them across the soft skin, it seemed to hear Xiao Liu's begging. When Xiao Liu called, it was really cheap. I have spared him, the more I am so on, the more I am surging, as if I saw Secretary -General Li's relaxed skin peeled layer by layer, and revealing the three American -made wigs hidden in the sponge body. I really want to think about it. He made his useless skin made a "small building listening to Yu Xuan" on the wall.

Xiao Liu Qiujiao, the more powerful, I couldn't help cursing, cursing men, and I was so happy during cursing. If it wasn't for the glass stick, it would be more ideal for my tender hands, and the effect must be more ideal. A bleeding rose must be extremely beautiful in the glass stick of transparent gauze.

Every time, my palm couldn't help but beat Xiao Liu beast as strong butt. Yes, men are really cheap, Xiao Liu's cheapness is simple and simple, and one can call him madly with a cowhide envelope. Afterwards, every time I lie down, I blame myself to start too heavy. At that time, he mostly endured the consequences of impact. The young and resistant face told me to think of him often.

In fact, I am very dedicated. In two years, we have seen 28 times in total. After the third time, I have fixed it. I haven't found someone else. In my eyes He is a "young master". In the past two years, I deliberately left the aircraft seal for 5 times, but he still came, and he was more mad than the last time. I can't help but admire him. Sometimes, I even want to find out what kind of way to ask him to be cheap to me. Oh, this is not a problem in front of me. The consequences of wearing a gang meant that my 8 -year "climbing" was destroyed. The world is very realistic. I must be rational and the desire for venting more than rights.

To be honest, I like my naked, and when I turn around barely, my smooth waist is like my dark, soft, elegant and fast -growing long hair. This shows that my whole body care once every two weeks is not in vain.

The position of lying flat is not good, and I can see my fair legs when I look up.

It's a bit wrong today. Xiao Liu's eyes slid a light line. Is this the so -called wind frost? Who is the tiredness?

God, I really want to greet Xiao Liu: Dear, stretch out your hand ...


The meeting was smooth, and the demolition of the temporary building was passed.

As a result, I knew it in advance. Secretary -General Li stuffed a note of the result of the result before the meeting. I saw that his left eyelids jumped slightly, which showed that I left for three hours. He has found me in ten minutes. If he couldn't find me at a time, he must have been here many times, and there are different excuses every time. I secretly put my hand into the pants pocket and put on the shiny diamond wedding ring. I know it was a dose of strong needle. Of course, if it was not because of the ring, he would not pay attention to my left hand ring finger.

"Come right away," I nodded with Secretary Li's group of people. Now it is when his humpback is powerful. Generally speaking, the level of humpback in this building depends on the position. In the air, the messy perfume smell is scattered. I can't think of the time when perfume and Indian fragrance are wrapped. Director Zhang fell to the past two steps, and he changed the black briefcase today. It is estimated that only I know that by replacing the Chinese briefcase to decrypt his private life, the guy was like an old dog when he was snoring on the bed.

I put the record record on the black washstand, which was the whole process of demolishing "Linjian". In other words, in a short period of time, "luxury yacht" will disappear. This result makes me a little unwilling. I don't want my emotions to lose my secret witness. If I can turn that building into a legal building, if I do that like that? There is nothing else, Secretary -General Li is an old fox.

The most bright point in the mirror is my faint necklace. I took off my chin with my hands and saw that my dark eyes were snatching the light of jewelry. What was Xiao Liu doing? Leaving me, where did he go? Who is cultivating roses in his body? Who is looking for a way to collect him like me? From his tiredness, I clearly saw that person. Does that person have something to do with me? Yes.

Why? Yes, it has something to do.

Why? Yes, it has something to do.

Is that person your love rival? no.


Yes, that person is my love rival. This is the voice in my heart. Yes, yes, I cried secretly: Yes, but why did I say to myself.

The chord ringtone of the mobile phone was screamed on my chest, and it was preset a message on the single -signed book, prompting me to have another meeting after 13 minutes. The results of this meeting are also known in advance, and I have to be promoted. The position is expected to exceed Secretary -General Li, my husband.


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