Learning is a bitter thing, especially you are a person who is not good at learning. When learning is forced, your learning may flow in form. Only active learning can achieve better results.

Everyone's demand level is different. When the content of learning is not within the level of your needs, you may feel that learning is useless.

Moreover, everyone's ability foundation before learning is different. Even if the same content learning, the difference in feelings is huge.

According to Maslow's needs, when your low -level demand is the main contradiction, your high -level demand may not be so urgent. This is why different people look at the same problem, and the opinions may be completely opposite.

Many times you are determined to study something, people around you are often negative, and they will think it is useless. In fact, it is only useless in their demand and dimension, and it may be very useful in your demand dimension.

I went to apply for an exam to enhance the degree. As a result, those friends with low academic qualifications persuaded me not to waste time to take the exam, which is useless. On the contrary, those people with high education encourage me and must study carefully.

This phenomenon shows that you cannot provide you with higher levels of cognition in the circle of the circle, so the first thing you have to do is to find the right person to inquire about this question. Before finding the right person to inquire about this question, everyone will maintain a negative attitude.

If you want to enter the state of learning, you must be the kind of person who loves to learn. They are practitioners, so they will give you a better suggestion. Don't ask those who do not like to learn, they will try to oppose you to learn.

Of course, even if two people who love learning learn the same knowledge, they have a different sense of gain. For example, learning company strategy and risk management, if you do not have rich practical experience and experience, even if you have this need to learn, you may just think that this is theory.

But a person with rich experience, after seeing it, he will be touched very much, like a hook one by one to divide his past methods and skills into a system. This is the difference in essence. When you do not have rich knowledge reserves, even if you tell you the method, you cannot play this method to make greater results.

Therefore, the former will be distressed that this is useless, and the latter will be happy to say that this is great. It is not that the method has changed, but that their knowledge reserves are completely different.

Similarly, as a listener, how your foundation will determine how you feel. Everyone feels different, depending on their own basic ability.

For example, a lack of tactical levels such as a lack of methods and skills, when he hear these outlines and guides the classroom, he will feel that this is useless because he has nothing to hang on the hook. He seemed to understand everything, but he still didn't know how to do it. Once someone gave him a specific practice, he found that the new continent generally proposed more possibilities, which destroyed the firmness of practice.

In the past, I have encountered similar people. He does not like learning and lacks knowledge, so I formulated a way, but he likes to diverge his thinking on my method and make out what he thinks newly discovered. In fact, these so -called new discoveries are pit, but he cannot realize. The reason is that he has no practical experience in this piece, and can only be separated from the actual situation.

For a person with rich tactical experience, he feels very good after hearing it, and his tactics will be improved systematically. For such a person, he will feel that these things you provide are very useful. If he has no such rich experience, he will feel useless because he still doesn't know how to do it.

Therefore, when you talk to Xiaobai users, even if you are fragmented skills, he will find it very useful, because for him, it is the most important thing for him to practice. If you have a brain conveyed to a comprehensive thing, then it will be difficult for him to receive all the information quickly, and it will be misplaced that you are too complicated. Then, if the other party is your leader, then your exquisite solution is likely to be tampered with into a rare and common thing.

When you teach these things for those who lack practical experience in the industry or the level of corporate owners who have lack of front -line inspection ability, he will feel that you lack level and waste time. The reason is that their ability to knowledge cannot understand your solution, and they always try to understand your things as their broad cognition. For example, if you say a series of ways of traffic, he will summarize this is the way to engage in traffic. I have heard it in the past. He couldn't find out what he had heard with you in the past.

But if they have rich experience, but they lack the ability of outlined collars, at this time you teach the systemic things, but they can hear it with great interest. Their rich knowledge may be re -arranged and combined because of your teaching, and then as if discovering the New World Get inspiration, or even golden ideas.

Just like a trainer in the past, he has been focusing on Xiaobai's operation. However, once Xiaobai's operation is mastered, he will have new needs, that is, outlined collar and systematic. However, this training teacher has been unable to enter this level, so the Xiaobai he cultivated not only will not continue to consume, but also goes to other camps.

Of course, for this training teacher, he must not be able to upgrade his business system, and the mid -to -high -end training and market must be unable to enter the game.

The same is true for a platform. When a platform is only focused on operating levels, that is to say, he just focuses on the bottom market. And Xiaobai cannot stay in the bottom market, unless he can't learn.

Therefore, the demand for mid -to -high -end user groups must be unable to carry this platform, and these high -quality users will be satisfied by the services provided by other platforms.

And this is by no means a static phenomenon, but the phenomenon that will be accompanied by the beginning. Many people just cannot notice that they will make metaphysical mistakes from time to time, thinking that they can only do these things in the future.

According to the principle of matching their talents and responsibilities, because the underlying operation is very simple, it can be assigned to general personnel, which is also a sense of accomplishment for them.

For the mid -to -high -end level, it is suitable for those who have innovative consciousness to do it, which can also improve efficiency and produce effects for them.

Unfortunately, I found that many corporate platforms did not realize this problem, and they spent high -paying people to do a lot of general work. For example, to imitate people's operations, users' general demands, etc. In fact, this is a kind of concealed waste. If there are many phenomena, the efficiency of the entire platform is definitely very slow.

Of course, this may also be caused by dislocation of job responsibilities, unclear strategy, ambiguous battles, and tactical confusion, because this will lead to everyone's claim and low organizational efficiency.

I personally do not think that high -paying personnel do the bottom layer is clever, because I see the waste of cost, and I personally do not think that the job of the underlying personnel is a good thing, because it may eventually cultivate talents for other platforms.

These human resources structural problems and organizational efficiency problems may not be easy to detect, because from the surface, everyone seems to work hard, and the result is just to listen to it.

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