December 23, 198 o.

In the afternoon, the work in the post office was carried out as usual. As soon as the newspaper arrived, the nervous moments also came. Everyone hurriedly distributed the newspaper. After finishing, they had to be dismantled quickly. Uncle De ordered me and the newly came to send the Evening News in the Dormitory of the Paper Factory.

We put the dismantling newspaper with bags and tied it on the frame. Uncle De pointed at the green postal bag on the table next to the table: "Take this pretend." I stunned, I didn't know what the taste was, this bag was on the trailer. How ugly, I said, "Still ... don't take it, the newspaper is enough to put the rear of the car."

Uncle De laughed: "Are you afraid of it? In fact, what is this, work." Well, what I said is, but I am a person with strong self -esteem, so I can't stand it. In the end, the postal bag was finally on the table coldly.

After the delivery of the A District, I was driving to Nanyu Village alone.

When I arrived at Xiaoyun's downstairs, I suddenly remembered something, and got out of the car and touched my pocket, bad! The Nanxu Village Newspaper has forgotten on the desk. There is no time to take the time to come back quickly. I hate that I really want to slap my head and can't, I have to go back.

In the evening, as usual, the stars accompanied me and be careful in the dim village road. Some people say in the dark when they receive the newspaper, "It's a real Eve newspaper!" Some people pretended to be surprised: "Ah, pick up a million pound!"

In such a dark day, a girl went to the streets alone to send newspapers. God bless me. It was not good, but who could do it? Does this work still do it? I am considering.

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