I have been looking forward to the new film of the Mist Theater on the iQiyi Video website. Recently, I finally waited for "Uncomfortable", so I prepared the seeds of melon, soaked tea, cut the fruit, rushed to take a shower, leaned on the bath, leaned on the bath, leaned against Putting on the bay window to be comfortable to chase a drama. Unexpectedly, for less than five minutes, I felt like I wanted to abandon the drama. I barely watched the first four episodes and sighed lightly.

Thinking that the quality of the films of the Mist Theater was quite high, and there was a style that I didn't like to cause the existence of the drama, but the situation this time was completely different. Some actors I like are my favorite criminal investigation themes. Why can't I chase it? Is it the improvement of your own creative level? Or is the platform adjusted the check -in? Or is it related to mood? In short, after thinking about various reasons, repeatedly opened countless times, and after all, I still couldn't chase it.

The rough analysis may have the following problems:

First, the plot setting challenges the audience IQ.

I remember the fourth episode of the fourth episode, and the male lead Gao Hu tapped from the villain Rai Nai's mouth to ask the counterfeit banknote case. Obviously, both sides were testing each other, but the male lead believed that he thought he was true and reported as an important intelligence to the neighbor. I don't know if there is still a reversal behind this situation, but from the performance of the male protagonist, he does have no doubt. Not to mention that this is not in line with an undercover person, he is not qualified to investigate from the police's ethics. I can't help some doubt, how did such IQ mix for many years without being discovered? After being suspected, he can let the male lead move freely. No one is tracking or staring at all. Is this doubting loneliness? Still there was no doubt. If there is no doubt, why did Lei Naiwu tell the younger brother not to trust the male lead? Moreover, the male lead saved the female two, and the two of them met, and through the female second, she saw the object of Lei Naiwu's blackmail Chen Jingming, and Lei Naiwu did not notice at all. Is the male lead's acting skills too superb or the villain's IQ to mental retardation?

It is also in this play. This is the secret connector of hiding people's eyes, but when the male lead gets some superior feedback, how can he shout out loud that you don't do anything to do nothing? Are you afraid that others do n’t know that he is an undercover of the police inserted in the gang? You must know that all people are "old churches of rivers and lakes", and they are murderous bandits like having fun. When I saw this bridge, I really don't know if it is the actor's acting or the IQ of the screenwriter. This is more out of life!

Second, the plot is too messy.

The writing of time and space switching is very common when dealing with suspense dramas, but there is no suspense for the flashes of this play. Someone saw something that happened some time before. The logic is fine, but can you have more levels or suspense when you flash back? And what is the promotion of this thing for the development of the current thing? It can be seen that to express that the heroine's father (predecessor undercover) died in gunshots, the heroine has been tracing the truth of his father's killing. But the former undercover and current undercover gangs are in communication. Why is there no policeman knows the information that the male owner knows? I hope that this doubt can be expanded in the later plot and solve the confusion. But to be honest, it is obviously insufficient if it is only a motivation for me to continue chasing.

There is an old saying in China, "You have to see people alive, and you have to see the corpse." Before he was sure whether the old undercover was sacrificed, he worshiped first. Is it a bit unreasonable? When I saw the fifth episode of the spoiler, I found that the corpse (not sure if it was a corpse) was discovered at this time. What is the sacrifice in front of me?

There are still many places where the logic is unreasonable or acting. In short, it feels like a cloud in the clouds.

Third, the actor is very omnipotent or helpless.

So far, in addition to Liu Yijun, who occasionally appeared, the acting skills of others have made me feel "very hard" or "very helpless". As a well -known entrepreneur, Chen Jingming always gives people a sneaky feeling? The threat of Lei Naiwu was extorted many times and only wanted to deal with the assassination. This was after the abduction of his girlfriend was determined to be Lei Naiwu. Where did he go as a businessman? Don't you know the grass and snake? Lei Naiwu was bullied at the head, and she was suspected of this doubt and that, and she needed her son to give pointers. I couldn't help but want to know what the father would have to look like without his son. Besides, the son played by Yang Yan feels like to perform a sense of unpredictable performance, but at first glance, it is acting. On the surface, there is no expression that is turbulent in the heart? I don't know what this person is setting, and always feels weird.

Captain Captain's person is also very thin, but there is no wisdom, as if it is a feeling of passing the microphone. It is also appropriate to compare the officials of corpse meals in the real society, but do not know that such a person's setting does not meet the position of the Captain Captain. It is said that art comes from life higher than life. Where is the height? High?

I have to mention the male leader again, what is it? What is the purpose of his drama? What is emotional belonging? How do you feel that there is him everywhere, but it is not very important, it seems to be to brush the sense of presence.

The acting skills of other personnel are mostly terrible. I can't help but think of "Cyclonus". There is really no harm without comparison. What is the reason?

In summary, it only represents personal opinions and is not comprehensive. I don’t know if there is a certain number of things that happened in the underworld. Suddenly I remembered that I had just been hacked by me a few days ago. I was anxious every time the plan was very anxious. The question is absolutely reliable, and then ask him if the funds are in place. The other party answers that his buddies are okay, but when overtime and work, there are various excuses. Understanding the situation, anyway, the project is definitely not your own responsibility. Or it is a scammer who comes to the "painting cake" fraud. Before that, the human emotion had met for a year and a half, and it was obvious that compared with the work, drinking and driving, self -driving away, was more "careless". In the end, I still endured the opponent's disgusting or hacked the other person, respecting the lifestyle of others, and stopping the loss in time! Fortunately, most of the domestic film and television practitioners are still reliable, and I sincerely hope that this kind of harm is less and less!

I do n’t know if the mood has been affected. When I look at this "Can't Promise", I feel that there are a lot of problems. I can't help but reflect on whether it is their own problem or the industry's general trend. The impact of the software once again came into an impulse to switch career. But when I think of everything that happens to me, this series of incidents are heaven in pointing me?

In fact, no matter how creative or life, there are often many self -evident coincidences. In pessimism, you should believe that everything is coming, and everything is happening. I feel that this film is not good, so go to find a favorite movie. There is no need to compete with yourself. It ’s like being disappointed because it’ s because it is full of hope? Thinking like this, my mood was a lot better.


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