Is anyone willing to resist? Can you resist it? How to resist? Huo Xin honestly confessed that he could not resist: "Jinger, my eyes hurt you, I just saw this skin a thousand times, and I would be charm 1,000 times." He chose a decisive way to resist: I wiped my eyes with a sword. But is this a real victory? Can you bring true peace and happiness? Don't you want to see your eyes without your eyes? Nothing. This is a thorough admitting defeat, giving up thoroughly, it is a failure. At the important juncture of life, Huo Xin looks heroic and heroic, which is actually very confused. When the Sirius Army was under the city, he just wanted to fight alone and donate his body for the country without looking for a complete strategy and help.

But, is it helpless and helpless? Nor also. In the Bible, the disciples listened to Jesus and said: The eyes of camels through the needle are easier than the rich of the rich, and they are very worried that Jesus comforted: "No one can, but in God, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything, because God everything is in everything. ") (" The Gospel of Mark "10:27) Another person's son was possessed by many ghosts. He was very sad. Jesus also encouraged him to say," If you can believe it, people who believe in, everything can be. "(" The Gospel of Mark "9:23) Therefore, whether it is the lust of the eyes, the physical lust, and the pride of this life, it is not that people can win through their own ways. As Paul said: "I rely on the one who gives me strength, I can do everything." ("Philippians" 4:13) Of course, it is enough to say that it is enough, but it will be completely victorious, but it will be completely victorious, but it will be completely victorious, but it will be completely victorious, but it will be completely victory. Rely on it, depend on everywhere, because the temptation is always there, pervasive. In addition, people often look up and seek the highest beauty and sanctification beauty, which can also enhance people's confidence and ability to resist temptation. "You have to taste the taste of the Lord, and you know that he is beautiful, and the one who rely on him is blessed!" I lived in the Hall of the Lord, looking at his glory, asking for asking in his temple. " Glory.

"Painting Skin II" also discussed the in -depth love from another angle. Because of the pain on the back of the hand, the Queer felt the pain on the back of the hand, and felt that he became human and loved. Xiaowei scolded her loudly: "Have you ever had the temperature? Heartbeat? It is not so simple to get a lot of pain to become a person. At the beginning, Xiaowei's goal was to find a heart willing to dedicate to herself, because so that she could avoid being arrested and returned to the ice lake. Later, her mind changed, but she was willing to give her own skin to become Princess Quanjing. Here, we realize that real happiness is not to find someone who is willing to dedicate to ourselves, but to make ourselves willing to dedicate to others. Of course, people's dedication is limited in various aspects such as motivations, goals, and fruit effects, and often cannot withstand serious scrutiny. Xiaowe is like this: "I have loved someone and wanted to be with him. He said he loved me and I believed it. Later, he said that he couldn't give up his wife. After their lives, they were beaten into the ice and hell tortured for 500 years. She also uses many people's hearts to maintain her life. In fact, each of us is the same, just different ways to vary.

Only Jesus Christ's dedication sacrifice is perfect, thorough, and real fruit effects. "He has the image of God, and is the same as God, but he does not think that this is equal to grasp the same, but instead go to himself, take the image of the slave, and become a man; Humimen, obedient to death-even died on the cross. " True love and ability to seduce. "Jehovah is my power, my shield, I rely on him to get help; so I am happy in my heart, I will praise him with poetry." ("Psalm" 28: 7)

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