Many times, we think it is deceived by others, but it is actually because of our inner greed. Not long ago, a friend was deceived and was deceived by more than 3,000 yuan by others.

After I learned, the original thing was like this: At that time, he was brushing the live broadcast at the fast app, and suddenly he brushed a live broadcast of a teach user to make gold coins. Because friends had been getting gold coins to realize the gold coin, so he stayed in this live broadcast.

The live broadcast is a very capable of bragging. He also showed a screenshot of himself and the so -called apprentice to make money. For a while, friends were more interested.

The anchor first started fishing with a "bait". He said that he now sends the book for free and packs the value of this book, and then said that it only costs 39.9 yuan now, but he decided to be free. The small shop orders one, and then apply for a refund the next day, so that you will give you this book for free.

Will it be free to give it? He said that in fact, you are also very tired to read a book. They decided to teach you the real person, that is, you can learn in the group, and you will get this free learning opportunity.

After you execute his preaching, you add their assistants, and this assistant will push you two links to different groups, and then you can learn some free courses under the leadership of the group.

Of course, they will not be so good, in fact, there are back hands. The reason why this anchor is recommended is mainly because he can get traffic rewards. For example, the anchor recommended two institutions, then he opened the traffic advertising money of the two institutions. It is assumed that each one can bring him 20 yuan, then one hundred is 4,000 yuan.

Then the anchor would definitely not satisfy this money. Later, he could recommend big lessons after packing. It seems that as long as he joined his course to make money, it is a matter of minutes.

After a series of packaging, he was priced at 2,997 yuan for the course, and then encouraged everyone to add his assistant to the live broadcast room. In order to create an urgent atmosphere, he told the audience that he actually only enrolled twelve people, and there was no chance after this period of time.

In actual operations, he must not sign up for more people. In this way, Xiaobai thought that he could make more money with each other, so he added an anchor assistant. In order to deal with the other party, the anchor's assistant was not a problem as long as the other party raised some concerns.

For example, my friend asked, is it true that there is no reason for the seven days without reason? The anchor's assistant replied immediately, of course, it was true.

Then the friend was broadcast live. Friends thought: If the course is not suitable for you, then the refund is required.

Then what friend didn't know was that the other party had a countermeasure.

In this case, a friend paid the money and then asked for the contract. As a result, the other party sent it just a document. This document did not even have any party A, which stipulated some things that were not good for learners.

At this time, my friend felt unsatisfactory, so he asked the so -called enrollment teacher, and said that he felt that this was too wrong and wanted to learn it.

As a result, the enrollment teacher began to recommend the so -called lecturer and let friends add this mentor. After adding this mentor, my friend then expressed his concerns, and then did not want to learn anymore. However, the mentor was not sure to let go of such an opportunity. The request to the friend's request to refund seemed to be unhappy and kept playing Tai Chi.

Later, the normal channels of friends could be contacted by the industrial and commercial bureaus and consumer associations in the jurisdiction area of ​​this commercial subject. As a result, the consumer association visited and found that the subject did not exist. Obviously this is the main body of virtual registered industry and commerce.

My friend asked me to see their chats. I found that their operating subjects were completely different from the receiving entity. They may be a hedge. Their relevant teachers also asked users to delete chat, obviously worried that they would be regarded as evidence by the other party.

I took a look at the individual industry and commerce who received the payment. The registration time has not been two months. The longest registration time for the company they relied on is not more than one year. This is obviously a gang fraud.

Later, when they negotiated with them, the other party deducted 20 % of the breach of contract fees on the grounds of breach of contracts, and deducted a study fee of 500 yuan.

After understanding, I found out that my friends did not learn any of their toll courses at all, and actually had not signed a contract. Where did the breach of contract come from? Besides, isn't their staff promised to have no reason for seven days?

This was also confirmed by them. However, their reasons are also very strange. They believe that there is no reason to conflict with the default fee for seven days. In their opinion, there is no reason for seven days to refund you. As for how much a refund is, it is another problem.

Everyone knows that seven days of consumer equity law have no reason for seven days, that is, one hand -made delivery, including Tmall and others to return in seconds for a better user experience.

When a friend said this doubt, the other party still deserved and said, you went to sell movie tickets, but did you go to the movie, will the movie theater refund?

Friends say that you are inappropriate for the case. The cinema has no reason to refund for seven days, but you promise for seven days without reason.

The man could not be established when he saw his sophistry, so he also said that we only wanted twelve people at the time. As a result, you took up a place and made him lose a user. How can this be calculated?

If you look at it with your eyes, you know that this is just a term. In fact, no matter how much money he pays, he can't. Friends said, trouble you to take a screenshot of you who refused to pay for users at that time.

The other party obviously cannot provide it. So he said that he was just a teacher, and the refund amount was determined by finance, and finance was determined.

From this incident, we can see that there is no effective contract between the two parties, and there is no such thing as a breach of contract. At the same time, users have not enjoyed the treatment of any charging courses, and it is indifferent. Woolen cloth.

But on the Internet, it is very difficult for ordinary people to return to the money unless the transaction is traded. Therefore, for such things, we recommend reviewing from the following aspects to prevent ourselves from regretting it after being impulsive.

First, check the information related to the subject's subject before the formal payment. If multiple subjects are involved, then multiple subjects must be checked. Generally speaking, if there is a problem with the other party's service, they will have a certain amount of negative information flowing out.

The subject that just registered is to be vigilant. They may be just to fight a shot to change a position, the purpose is to keep cutting leeks.

Secondly, strict review of the toll subject. For example, this receiving entity paid by a friend is actually the main body of a Hainan individual industrial and commercial households, and the incident of less than two months, which shows that there is a problem. Because Hainan may register the subject is quite simple, the illegal subject may become more.

Third, review the other party's contract first, and then talk about the payment. Friends are paid first and then reviewed the contract. This step is wrong. If the other party's contract is obviously not effective, it is estimated that the friend will continue to be in the drum.

Then, if the other party has always said that paying the money, you can lie down, most of which are problems. This kind of money is often illegal.

Finally, in response to the doubts, we can consult an authority to obtain their answers, and then decide whether to execute our own decision.

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