Life is a large and exciting gambling. If you want to win a lot of money in it, it really has to rely on a wise value and extraordinary aura to escort!

Recently, the fat cat's love incident has caused hot discussions on the entire network. The reason for his love is that he was deceived by hundreds of thousands of savings by online dating girlfriend Tan Zhu, and then broke up by his cliff. Make yourself.

Coincidentally, I stepped on a big pit for a while and met online fraud. In the live broadcast room of a short video operation class, I was turned around by a teacher named Qin Yu. I spent 2997 yuan to buy his course. Later, when I looked at the contract, hey, there was no Party A, and I felt wronged immediately. Hurry to refund the teacher. As a result, the guy played a text game with me, and he would not refund it.

Fortunately, my wise and martial arts husband who had a strong a gas field helped to help me recover 2,559 yuan for a thunder means. However, this time I also paid the tuition fee of 398 yuan and bought a lesson.

Speaking of which, my encounter with the fat cat is really a bit different, all of which are planted in the pit of the Internet world.

The fat cat is only 21 years old, and it is already a genius in the e -sports industry. It is more powerful than most of the peers.

But the fat cat is too hard to work. I have to do it for fourteen or five hours a day. How can I have time to talk about love in the real world?

Tan Zhu is the best in fishing in the women's world. Generally, the high -level women who fell in the middle class or the successful men of the middle class or the upper class.

From their chat records, we can see that fat cats do money to give Tan Zhu every day in addition to work. In the past two years, he has seen Tan Zhu's two sides, but gave all the money he saved to save money to this dream lover. I also fantasized that she could fulfill her promise and marry herself.

Why is the fat cat so stupid? This is inseparable from the illusion and beauty of the online world. He was immersed in it, and he was still dominated in it. He had forgotten the sinister nature in the real world.

Some people say that if you see your child playing games, you must not grab his mobile phone directly, otherwise he may go to extremes immediately -jumping off the building, self -harm, attacking you ... why? Because the only happiness at that point is taken away by you!

In the virtual world, children have gained the sense of achievement that cannot be achieved on weekdays, just like opening the door to the new world. Even if we are adults, we often work together, brush with mobile phones, and play games to alleviate the pressure in the post of 996. Therefore, this virtual online world is simply the spiritual opium of our contemporary people!

Speaking of why I was deceived, it had to be attributed to the "magic combination" of the online class to sell live broadcast while playing games. The game made me fluttering, and the liar became a good teacher who turned into a peach Li Man in the world. Using the careful thoughts of making money quickly, I easily broke my psychological defense.

At that time, I was like a gambler and client who was obsessed with opium. While holding opium, holding a beauty, and betting on the wheel. Under the kind of fluttering feeling and the temptation of huge interests, I couldn't concentrate on my spirit, so I fell. It was not until it was awake that it was too late.

My husband always says that I am weak and easy to recruit evil. He suggested that I go to the good places in good fields such as Buddhist temples and Taoism, but I am more interested in those monsters and devils.

I remember when I was in my post, I especially loved watching the spiritual documentary "Strange Talks" of Cable in Hong Kong.

At the beginning of the job, I also met an Apo in the bathroom of the unit. It was a gray ghost, and my face was pretty good. It looked at me lightly in a few seconds, and then floated out the window.

At my grandmother's funeral, I was crying by the sorrow of the seepage, and it was crying. After that, I dreamed of my grandmother's ghost three times in a row.

I especially like to go to those places where the aura is wrong. For example, when traveling to Xi'an in 2021, my favorite attraction was the tomb of Prince Yide; when I was in love with my husband, my favorite place was the tomb of the South Vietnamese king.

A few days ago, my husband rested, and I was in a bad mood. I decided to go out with him to disperse. In order to make the trip more interesting, I also proposed to go to the Liwan Plaza, which is said to be extremely yin.

Liwan Plaza in urban legends in Guangzhou is a well -known spiritual place, also known as Liwan corpse. I heard that the eight -mouth empty coffin was dug during construction, and many people fell off the heights after completion. Some surviving people said that he didn't want to die, but he was controlled by an unknown force.

After listening to these legends, my husband resolutely rejected my proposal. He said that I was unlucky enough, so don't go to those places where the aura is wrong. As soon as I heard this, I immediately got up and complained that he was too sloppy, and never accompanied me to play the ghost house and secret room of the playground. He was forced by me, so he had to promise to accompany me.

I am a love and fear of ghosts and gods. On the day I went to Liwan Plaza, I deliberately wore a dark red shawl, but I took off the bag at the door. Because I know that Ah Piao likes red and has to avoid.

Unexpectedly, when my husband found that I was afraid of Ah Piao, she began to scare me proudly. He pointed at the fifth floor full of red lanterns and said:

"Look at the Apo, there is no expression on his face, the eyes are black, the nose and mouth are red, like a lipstick ... When it is not moved, the lower body seems to wear a skirt, no legs ... always It was drifting around someone's neck ... "

He said while pointing out, so I had to follow his hands. Unfortunately, I didn't see anything, I knew he was scaring me.

The elevator design in that square is also very special, only upward. I think it's strange, so I asked my husband to accompany me to walk the stairs. After going to the second floor, we walked along the passage and found that there was a door in a corner, which was dark inside. I looked in. It turned out that it was the stairs and fire channels in the back.

Because I didn't see Ah Piao, I was a little disappointed, so I proposed to let my husband accompany me to go to the top floor to see. As a result, he counseled as soon as he heard this, and pulled me away from the square: "You're too big! I just told you where there are Ah Piao, you still don't care. In case of being entangled in them, they are entangled It's not a joke ... "After listening to him, and with the recent mildew, I did not insist on the top floor.

When we left the square, we passed a lottery station selling scraping. Husband is a person who loves to buy lottery. He spent 40 yuan to buy two scrapes. We started to scrape one by one. He won 20 yuan, and he didn't make money; and I actually scratched 50 yuan! Earn 30 yuan!

After a few seconds, I held the hand that my husband wanted to bet again and let him accept it.

To be honest, when I am unlucky, I can make small money in places like Liwan Plaza, and I am wondering.

But think about it, all the gods and Buddhas are all four. They regard the seven emotions and six desires and money. Only those monsters will induce people to fall into the trap of greed and wine.

It is said that there are still gambling ghosts in the casino. They were gamblers during their lifetime, because they committed too much debt to suicide. After their death, they lingered in the casino to find a stand -in. So, gamblers often lose first, because they are stared at by gambles. If you do not close it in time, you will probably lose or even commit suicide in the end.

This experience made me feel a lot. Although I was deceived, I realized that in the face of temptation and traps, we must maintain a sober mind and firm will in order to avoid being confused and hurt.

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