On the occasion of celebrating my 32nd birthday, I was fortunate to accompany my parents to the cinema to watch a newly released film "Under the Day". The film is adapted from real events as the background, which deeply reveals the dark side of the maintenance industry, vividly depicts some disadvantaged groups (such as empty nest elderly and disabled people), and spend an inhuman life in the dim and dull disabled. Tragic situation. The film shows us a little -known social corner through a delicate and profound narrative, which is thoughtful.

In the film, in order to "obediently" the autistic juvenile, the black -hearted caregiver has repeatedly deducted the book nails on his arm and thighs, causing him not to open the building to commit suicide; Let the elderly eat the meals that fall on the ground; all the year and four seasons, the old people of the courtyard are arranged to be shouted and take a bath on the terrace ...

The original intention of me to watch movies with my parents was to convey filial piety, let them understand the shady of the maintenance industry, and provide valuable reference for how to retire in old age. What's more, I have the experience of living in a nursing home, and this movie has made me a huge resonance.

Grandpa, grandmother and uncle originally lived together.

In 2015, my grandmother died, and her grandmother was unfortunately suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Because of these changes, the grandfather decided to sell the property, took his grandmother to stay in the nursing home, and used the income of the house sales to pay the facility purchase fee (sponsorship fee) of the facilities of the nursing home. In a nursing home in Yuexiu District, he spent more than 100,000 rented a separate double room (the lease period was 3 years).

In October 2017, the grandfather's feet were suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and needed to stay in the hospital for a week. In desperation, the grandmother who had gradually increased the condition could only be left in a nursing home. My mother thinks that I am a only child and lacks social experience, so I give me 60 yuan a day, and let me go to the nursing home to accompany my grandmother. For me who is not involved in the world, the life of the nursing home is particularly novel.

When I first entered the nursing home, my impression of it was "dare to bully the old man and dare not bully the family". However, the actual experience has brought me a great impact. After entering the nursing home, I first came into contact with the front desk of the corridor. A girl in her twenties, although the same age as me, but her sophisticated and mature at work made me feel ashamed.

"Are you here to find Aunt Lin (the service staff's name to the grandmother)? What does you have to do with Aunt Lin?" "I am the granddaughter of Aunt Lin, my grandfather was hospitalized, I came to accompany her for a few days." I answered Essence After listening to me, she took me to my grandmother's room, and then left without hesitation.

"Yong Poetry, where is Arong (grandmother's name to the grandfather)? ... I keep you for dinner, don't go. You can go to the cafeteria downstairs at noon. I have told those brothers and sisters (caregivers) After ... "Grandma said.

Suddenly, the two or three nurses came in, and the leading elder sister confirmed my identity again, and then said to me that family members went to the cafeteria to eat at their own expense. At this time, my grandmother anxiously asked me to leave me for lunch, and the elder sister patiently explained the rules for dining in the cafeteria again. In the face of this sudden situation, I felt helpless, sometimes looking at the elder sister, and sometimes glanced at my grandmother, and I was irritable in my heart.

The elder sister quickly noticed my confusion and left the room with a little embarrassing smile. In order to avoid further embarrassment, I closed the door and started to work hard to adapt to this new environment. However, her grandmother did not seem to give up, and she sometimes mentioned looking for grandfather, and sometimes invited me to dinner in the cafeteria again.

At the moment when the door was closed, I temporarily let go of the restraint in my heart, as if venting emotions at home. I turned my back to my grandmother, swinging up and down my hands, stomping the floor with both feet, and complaining in my mouth, "Grandma, I have explained it many times with you, why don't you understand ..."

When my grandmother was young, she was weak. She was the "sister Lin" at work. Seeing that I was so angry, she silently sat back on the bed and stopped speaking. At this time, there was a voice of blame in the room next door: "How can that girl treat the elderly like this, the attitude is really bad ..." Then, a mahjong sound covered the previous blame.

I can't help wondering, who is talking about me? Is the old man in the room next door or those caregivers? Perhaps it was because my noise just caused their dissatisfaction. I paused for a moment, thinking that I first arrived, and I was alone, so I touched it.

At eleven o'clock, I called my mother and described the situation here in detail. My mother arranged a new task for me -replacing new sheets and clothing for my grandmother, reminding her to complete daily activities such as washing, meals and rest, and took the time to walk with her corridor outside the room.

After hanging up the phone, I quickly entered the working state. First of all, I made a suggestion to my grandmother to take a bath for her. Grandma shook her head and looked at me with poor eyes and said, "I'm not used to showering, I always wiped myself ..." Seeing that my grandmother insisted so much, I gave a step to put warm water, prepare clean clothes, prepare clean clothes, The towels and washbasins used to wipe her into the bathroom. Perhaps it was because she wanted me to stay with her, so she entered the bathroom very well in accordance with my instructions.

Because my grandmother's movement was slow, I used her time to replace her clean sheets and put dirty clothing, mattresses, sheets, and pillow covers in the washing machine. After she changed her clothes, I confirmed whether her bags and pants were left in the items.

However, at this moment, my grandmother suddenly asked me nervously: "What about my money? Where did you hide my money?" I immediately denied it and hurriedly looked at the clothes in the washing machine and my grandmother's bed. But it was not found. Grandma continued to shout anxiously: "My money is really gone! How can you have such a lot of things, what kind of clothes do you wash ..."

I firmly believe that my morality is noble and cannot accept the unreasonable accusations of others. So, I called my grandfather's phone call for help, and my grandfather then called my aunt.

In order to prove my innocence, I performed a little confusing when my aunt arrived. I frowned tightly, drooping the corner of my mouth, staring at my grandmother with both eyes, and then turned my head to pretend to be no sound.

My aunt knew my character. She repeatedly made her grandmother recalling the money, but her grandmother couldn't remember. In panic, she accused me of taking her money again. Seeing this, her aunt said solemnly: "Let the front desk handle this matter. Qian lost the responsibility of poor supervision!" After that, she reached out and pressed the bell of the summoning front desk.

At this moment, my grandmother suddenly took out a bunch of money from the pillow and said, "The money is here! No need to call the front desk! It's a messy poem, turning over my stuff, almost lost my money ... "The aunt immediately stopped her grandmother's nonsense, so that she would not talk nonsense anymore.

My aunt looked at me, showing a kind smile and said, "Yong Poetry, Auntie knows you the most, you have been a naive and lovely child since he was a child, and you have to say that your grandmother is old. "How about it?" Auntie also told me that she would travel abroad tomorrow, hoping that I would take good care of my grandmother these days.

When I heard my aunt's consideration and care, I felt a warmth in my heart. I nodded and defaulted to my aunt's words. However, I can't let my grandmother continue to make a noise, and I decided to give her a lesson.

After my aunt left, I started to "revenge" my grandmother. I picked up the washing clothes and asked her to go to the rooftop to dry the clothes with me with the clothes lever.

Grandma's room is on the fourth floor, and the rooftop is on the sixth floor. Although there is an elevator for a nursing home to sit up, they can only walk down the stairs. On the way, an old man deliberately reminded us that the sky was about to rain, and persuaded me not to go to the rooftop, but because I still had anger in my heart, I did not respond to him. I insisted that my grandmother went to the rooftop to dry all the clothes.

Then we went back to the fourth floor with two stairs together. On the way, my grandmother kept complaining that it was tired to go down the stairs, wanted to go back to bed to rest, and let me remember to collect my clothes. Watching her tossing a little tired, the anger in my heart gradually dissipated. I told myself to accompany and take care of her more patiently.

In this process, I also need to learn to adapt to this new environment, take the initiative to communicate with the service staff here, and understand the real life of my grandmother, because I hope that during this time, I can bring some warmth to my grandmother Happy, ensure that she no longer feels lonely and helpless in this strange environment.

Therefore, I can't help but have some small frictions with the front desk and caregivers of the nursing home ...

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