Many people think that they are not easy to make money, so they cannot spend extravagance. In addition, many people also have the viewpoint of saving money to save money for emergencies, whereas some people believe that the purpose of making money is to enjoy. If we are not allowed to spend money because we are far away, then what is the use of life. Many other young people are steadfast in saying that in this day, there is actually saving money and no money to check is no different, because of stars. Because the price of land and house prices continued to increase, so was the price.
No one can save, it is better to spend money to enjoy life better. But in fact, those who choose to save money from now on, at first glance there is a miserable life but their future has a clearer purpose and plan. More and more years later, the savings will help their lives last more distance than those who have so many targets. At the same time, people who follow the discharge may continue with if their working environment is stable, but just need to work unexpectedly, their enjoyment will definitely be interrupted. When faced with emergency situations, people who have no savings will become more frantic to think of a way to cope than people with savings, and the end is that they may face and the aftermath. Relatively serious and tragic results.
There is a saying: "From a economical, simple life, it is easy to turn to a luxurious life, but it is easy to live a lavish life and catch an economical life is extremely difficult." This is very true for those who are inherited to discharge, when suddenly falling into a state of eating and drinking. It is highly likely that they will be ready to fill the loan whirlpool to meet their needs despite the price to pay too expensive. Perhaps this is the time you will become the top offering object of the types of installment loans and credit cards. With a confident psychology that he has a monthly income, many people persuade themselves that he can pay for these debts easily and as a result, he in buying items too My financial ability. This is the time when you bind yourself into the debt.
Whether big or small, debt is a barrier that slows down the process of accumulating assets significantly. Once you owe you not only to pay for things that are too reach of your reach, but also to pay extra interest rates. In addition, your salary growth is definitely not as fast as the rate of interest rates and inflation, so it will be very difficult for you to pay all the principal and interest in the time allowed. The worse is that you may change the job in the first few years of your career. That is, your income is not as stable as you have imagined. In many cases, the mother's loan leaves the mother, leading to the evasion of the debt and causes unfortunate consequences for the incident.
Why do some people working hard, but still very miserable?
Normally, low -paying people are often "not working hard", "not persistent enough to dance around", "lazy just like leisurely work". But in fact, there are some people who are willing to rush into work, but they are not always proportional to each other. Daily street vendors have to wake up early wandering around the alley roads to make a living until the evening to go home. The sellers built stalls in the market all year round to suffer hot, earn some odd coins enough to live day by day. Outdoor working people have to dream of the wind despite the danger to do heavy work.
Workers work overtime all day in one place in assembly lines. They work hard enough. They are all very hard -working and hard -working people, but still do not have the life they want. It is true that if a person is willing to rush to earn money, they also need to learn how to save money. If you do not know how to save money to make so many consumers, finally life is still the temporary series of days passed, soon the old age struck while in hand still nothing. Perhaps such people belong to the number of social slowly coughing based on monthly salary. One month's salary can choose to satisfy the life they want.
Save money to spend money properly
Take an example like this, so you can imagine the problem. A is a shopping addict, every day I have to receive 3.4 orders sent. Most of the items that buy are snacks, clothes and many very miscellaneous things. When talking, everyone wondered why he did not spend money and spend so extravagant, where to get married, take care of his parents or when he was sick, he would be like. In response to this a thought that the bad things were the story of Tuong, assuming that the accident later or something was ill, at that time, if she wanted to spend money, it could not be. To a certain extent, A's words also show that this is a person living with optimism.
However, life is a continuous process, if you think tomorrow if you have an accident and not spend money, so just do it all the money to spend it to enjoy it is really difficult to accept . A person like A in reality does not have to enjoy properly, because whenever he looks at his account, A is worried but then this feeling quickly passed. A is absolutely not aware of self -discipline with money. Enjoying life is a long -term thing and accompanied by peace of mind in the soul. As A spends money on the way to enjoy life, but when you see all the money, you feel sorry and worried. For a person who is aware of how important money is, they will see the phone as a communication tool, no need to follow the trend, jogging also do exercise for him instead of spending millions into the Gym in the year.
If you want to learn something first to find out on the internet, everything is free. There are too many people spending on unnecessary things. Warren Buffett once said, "If you buy something unnecessary, soon you will have to sell those necessary things. 80% of what we buy is really unnecessary in life."
A person who does not mention money will never grow up, a person who does not understand the importance of saving money is similar. Saving money does not mean destroying life, actually enjoying life does not need to spend a lot of money but a positive attitude from the inside out. The highest level of self -discipline of a person starting from saving money if there is an autonomous savings, you will be confident to have and unexpected situations.
Are you saving or frugal?
Do not confuse the two concepts that make your life more tired. There is a fragile boundary between saving and spending. What are your spending? There are many people who often know that they are very economical by spending as little money as possible. They bargain to every penny did not dare to spend anything for themselves, and they considered it a motto to help them save more money. But actually they were wrong, because with those spending even though they could spend more money than others, they were gradually destroying their lives. Because of keeping running after saving, you do not take care of your own life right now. Then you must always fight and multiply your legitimate needs and regret when spending your money.
Really saving people who cannot want to live such a life, and that is frugal. Because you are confusing saving and frugally, causing a lot of trouble in life. One thing you need to know is that smart money spenders never let their lives fall into deprivation, no matter what income, they always find ways to balance finance and use the money properly. Purpose, not trying to reduce all expenses. Suppose the two of them have a income of ten dong, the savings will spend 6 dong and keep 4 dong. The frugally spending 2 dong and keeping 8 dong.
Looking at it, it seems that the person who is frugal will save the money more than twice as much as the savings. But take a look at the quality of life of each person. Savings people will use a decent house, clean electricity and water. After a tired working day, they will go home and experience a comfortable life to regain energy to work for the next day. The frugal people will try to forget the cheapest room possible and far away. The comfort of this place is almost none, must imagine an tiring day of work and face a cramped work that makes their lives tired. It is an example of countless examples of savings and frugal habits.
Savings people always build a life with their financial ability. The core is that they are always conscious of building and caring for their lives.