When I was 25 years old, my grandfather stayed in the hospital for illness, and my mother arranged for me to go to the nursing home to accompany her grandmother with moderate Alzheimer's disease. At that time, I was mistaken for a "thief" by my grandmother. Despite some grievances in my heart, when I saw my grandmother's pitiful appearance, as a granddaughter, how can I bear to leave her?

Although her grandmother and grandfather had three children, their uncle had died. Mom had to stay in the hospital to take care of her grandfather, and her aunt just happened to travel abroad. Therefore, I promised my mother to go to the nursing home with my grandmother during the day (10 am to 6:00 in the morning).

In order to avoid being misunderstood by my grandmother again, every time I leave, I will let her count her money bags and use WeChat voice to report the amount. This can prove both my innocence, but also explain my visits to my family. This method is very effective, and my grandmother has never made trouble anymore.

However, she still asked me the same question over and over again: "Where did Grandpa go?" Although I have answered countless times, she always doesn't seem to remember. So I took out a piece of paper and wrote the answer. Every time she asked, I handed the paper to her.

After this problem is solved, I can start to remind and help my grandmother to complete daily activities such as bathing, eating, sleeping and walking in accordance with my mother's instructions.

Among them, sleeping and walking are the most favorite and most exclusive activities of grandmother, just like the fish cannot be separated from water, but they always try to escape.

Grandma's walk, like a tug -of -war: Take twenty steps, you can go back to bed to sleep ... No, no ... Is that ten steps ...

As for taking a bath, grandma was done under the circumstances of being "persecuted": Grandma, the time of bathing is over ... Now it's not hot, why do you wash it every day? You said that staying with me, you have to say it ...

In addition, the grandmother's eating time is longer than others, as long as one and a half hours. Whenever she eats, I will urge her to hurry up: Grandma, hurry up, the vegetables are cold.

However, since I entered the nursing home, I have been separated from the world. Those free time made me feel scared, especially when I took a nap. It was extremely quiet here, and even the sound of mosquitoes could not hear. I tried to pick up the mobile phone for pastime. However, whether it was swiping videos or playing games, I couldn't concentrate on my spirit, and I would automatically put down the phone in less than half a fooled.

In order to alleviate anxiety, I found the fault everywhere. I found that the dark yellow urine of the toilet in the bathroom was settled on the toilet board of the bathroom, and large and small black holes appeared on the window frame of the window. I called my mother, telling the situation of urine and black holes, and asked the caregiver for hygiene. My mother told me that the hygiene time was about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and the black hole on the window may be caused by the termite nesting.

At three or four in the afternoon, I called a young caregiver and asked her to enter the house for hygiene. When she heard it, she dragged the house with a mop. Then, I had to go in and asked her to wash the toilet board on the toilet. She did not refuse, completed the task I explained, and then left timidly. Because the caregiver is easy to call, I will take the bell to show that the service staff comes to deal with termites.

(This nursing home has a total of six floors. There is a service table on each floor. Whenever the elderly need, you can follow the doorbell set by the room. In principle, as soon as the doorbell rang, the service staff will go to the corresponding room to check the situation. )

However, this time the doorbell has not been responded for a long time. In a hurry, I ran directly to the service desk for help. But I can't find any staff. When hesitated, a fierce voice suddenly hit my eardrum: Who are you looking for? Intersection I was startled, and when I came back, I found that it was a wife sitting on a wheelchair and being tied up in a big tied. She was sitting next to the service desk, looking at me with a pair of sharp eyes, as if she was going to break away and had a physical conflict with me. Because there were no others around at that time, I couldn't ask others for help, and I was a only only woman who was used to it, and was in a downwind, so I quickly fled the scene.

I didn't meet the service staff until the next day when I stepped into the house. Without waiting for me to ask for asking, she first said, "Your grandmother's Alzheimer's Alzheimer's Alzheimer has reached intermediate level, and it is not optimistic. I need to improve the number of nursing levels ..." "I am just a junior, I only came to accompany my grandmother. I usually do my grandfather. Decision, when he is discharged from the hospital, you talk to him ... "The college house improving the number of nursing level means adding money, and I really cannot make a decision. I think that the other party asked me, and then made a request to clean up the termite.

It was unexpected that the man agreed quickly and promised to arrange the maintenance personnel of the hospital to solve the problem. However, half a day passed, the other party had not fulfilled the promise, and the maintenance personnel never came. I kept urging, and the reply I got made me wait patiently.

It was not until 5 pm that the front desk took the maintenance worker into the grandmother's room, but they raised the pace of "prestige" and put on a proud faction. I saw that the maintenance worker directly sealed the exposed termites with white paint, and then walked directly to the door. I wanted to thank him for his help, but he didn't look at me. I asked why the front desk was getting darker and darker. She looked at her grandmother, and asked me straight, "Aunt Lin (the name of the courtyard to the grandmother), who is this girl?" The brain sons suddenly awakened: "She is my dear granddaughter!" Grandma's answer made the front desk throat seem to be stuck, she was speechless, only running away.

At 6 pm, I was going to leave the nursing home to go home. Grandma suddenly stopped me: "Yong Shi, I'm scared, don't leave me .. Don't go back at night, accompany me ..." Seeing her so pitiful, I was soft -hearted, "Otherwise, I Take you back to your home.

"Wait, I have to discuss with my parents first." I stabilized my emotions and called my parents. Unexpectedly, Dad resolutely opposed my mother -in -law to come to my house for a temporary residence. He believed that receiving the mother -in -law home will disrupt the order of the mother's house, and other family members will push the responsibility of taking care of her grandmother to the mother. No matter how I pleaded, my father's attitude was very determined, and I had to refuse my grandmother's request.

"Grandma, my dad said that he couldn't pick you up home!" Because I couldn't persuade my dad, I was angry on my grandmother.

"You ... are you treating the old man like this?!" Grandma was dissatisfied and tried to lose her temper and wanted me to feel guilty.

My original kindness was unexpectedly involved in the dispute between my father and mother's house. I felt aggrieved, so I pointed the finger to my aunt who was traveling abroad: "Why don't my aunt and my uncle come to help?" Grandma hurts my aunt the most, listening to listening When I said that, she blinked, her eyes glowed with her eyes.

I felt ashamed to see my grandmother crying, and quickly closed my mouth. A few minutes later, I retreated lightly and tried to leave the room.

"Just go like this?" Grandma was like a child who was not picked up by parents in a kindergarten, watching me leave helplessly.

"Come again tomorrow! Hanging on the hook, not allowed to change for a hundred years, the deception is the pig eight precepts!" I promised my grandmother to come to see her tomorrow.

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