In the 1990s, he lived in Tibet for 7 years. Many times I don't want to talk about Tibet, because the life there is more to me more that from the time to mature, I complete the dreams and reality of most women in that age. Going up, there is no different difference between living in Lhasa or pastoral in Tibet or pastoral area. I have read a lot of articles depicting magical Tibet, and I am surprised every time I lament that I have no luck to encounter those adventures. This may have something to do with personality. Let ’s, when my friends in the Mainland (the Tibetans call it outside the Tibetan area), when I care about my experience in Tibet, I feel like asking about a private life I ca n’t talk about.

Not long ago, there was a news that a lot of skulls were found in a certain place in Gansu. It was suspected that it was a collective murder similar to horror. It was also suspected that a large number of abuse was killed. wild animals. That day, we laughed happily, and I even felt the taste of my heart and sorrow in my laughter.

It is a folk custom to keep the skull in the burial of the sky. It is a folk custom to make the skull after air drying, but this situation is rare. This kind of thing is not just found everywhere. The container made of the skull is mostly a magic weapon. Come to eliminate disasters and cross the Er.

In the early years, when I returned to the Mainland on vacation, some people often asked me about A sister drum, skull, thigh bone, and heavenly burial. The question I was asked long is whether I have seen the burial.

This ... I don't.

On the contrary, I have a question. A stranger rushed to a deceased's house to watch the legacy of his grandparents. I don’t know how many people will visit the funeral home when traveling in Beijing or Paris, but I am It is very clear that if I was refining the helmet's grandparents during the cremation, my relatives would be anxious with me.

Therefore, it is not recommended to marry and watch people.

Among the words related to Tibet, there is a very high exposure rate, "Sky Funeral", and the heavenly funeral platform is more like a living fossil. It is both a mausoleum and a funeral home. To get used to, the heavenly funeral division will pile the hard -to -broken skull on the side. Ren Feng blows the rain. If it can't be a long time, the climate of the plateau like a strong man with a strong temperament will turn the pile of skull into a skull wall.

The bowl made of silver in the skull is very common. The earliest was used for making magic weapons, a magic weapon, which was placed on the god platform high.

Nowadays, the skull bowl has already become a travel craft, and there is this thing in the place where the stalls are set. The real skull is more expensive. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the resin and bronze are only dozens of dollars.

Another kind of instrument is repeatedly seen in TV and movies. Generally, the most eye -catching in the picture is the huge copper number. Several people are lifting and blowing. Of course, people's leg bones are not so huge. Near this instrument, there will be A musical instrument larger than the trumpet can also see this kind of musical instrument on many stores in Batou Street, Lhasa. It is made of human leg bone inlaid metal. The sound is deeper. The last wishes of the deceased are like many people signing an agreement with the hospital before dying.

Having said so much, I returned to those reports. If they can know a little bit more, there will be no shocking imagination.

The Qinghai -Tibet Railway has been opened, and the author's train to marry Lhasa is already convenient.

A few years ago, I followed a movie crew to run wet and sticky in some sections of the Sichuan -Tibet line for several months.

The Sichuan -Tibet Highway is very cute. There are many turns. Many sections are in the hinterland of the mountains with dense grass and trees. The collapse and mudslides occur at any time in the rainy season. In winter, they face universal problems in the plateau. Sichuan people say "annoyed."

After October, I ran to Lhasa to play until the end of the year. During this period, there was no purpose at all, just like a boring child took a bus around the city to turn around. Like the scenery of the Qinghai -Tibet Highway, it is desolate, broad, and barren, but it has a tenderness. On that road, even a trivial business is not realistic.

When I was on that road, I always thought of the "Guttis Sea Demon". Of course, this grafted imagination. Since the mother of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau is the Gutti Sea, it must be the same as Western mythology as Western mythology There are too charming and unpredictable sea demon. Many Tibetan children have picked the fossils of shells. They control the shell called "Giant's Nails". The skirts are tilted into the sky like a flame, and the original and warm sunset flies. If there is a good Tibetan guy in the carriage, the tone of the frustrated and frustrated will immediately return to ancient times.

The fabrication of "Gutti Sea Demon" occupies a lot of time in the Qinghai -Tibet Highway.

I also like to sit in front of the bus and on the engine (the position is the sensitive part of the traffic police, and the people are not allowed to sit there according to regulations), but in that position, it is very convenient to chat with the long -distance passenger drivers of the Hui or the Saala tribe, listen to it, listen to it, listen to it. They say moving and enthusiastic stories, (also by the way to admire their handsome faces and the vitality that they emit with them). Sometimes those stories remain rude, but they have the perseverance and accidents of survival under special climatic conditions. They The marriage of many of them retains the habit of blind date and gives the woman a gift to the woman. There are very strong traces of arranging. The girl lives beside her parents before marrying, and learns some household chores. The husband's husband, the family is determined by the parent, so the first sentence that the wife said to her husband was actually on the wedding night, the husband's bully, and half a push and half, the sentence was shy and troubled: "Don't do that ... ", shortly then, the husbands saw an amazing cry, crying at the beginning of the night. The reason why I cried made me touch because the bride's first night crying in the environment of my life was already a relic. I have also heard two stories about urban virgins. There are no crying and no new wedding nights. The two stories are similar. They are considered to be unhappy. According to the rumors of their eagerness, they deliberately faced them, and deliberately retained the film, making them ashamed because of the film ...

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