Hello sugarcane juice is very delicious to drink, however, what are the benefits of sugarcane juice? And more importantly, does it have any harmful effects? Who should not drink sugarcane juice, let's clarify right now, folks.

The nutritional value of sugarcane juice.

Sugarcane juice consists of about 70 - 75% water, about 10 - 15% fiber, and 13 - 15% sugar in the form of sucrose. According to the book "sugarcane biotechnology," sugarcane juice helps supplement and provide immediate energy, fresh sugarcane juice is a rich source of minerals such as Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, the juice is also very rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, C, E.

The benefits of sugarcane juice.

Firstly, it helps you quickly replenish energy. Sugarcane juice can help you replenish energy quickly and prevent dehydration on hot days. Sugarcane juice contains simple sugars that can be easily absorbed by the body. If you are tired and lacking energy, drinking a glass of sugarcane juice will help you feel refreshed and alert quickly.

Secondly, sugarcane juice helps enhance liver function: Specifically, sugarcane juice helps you maintain glucose levels in the body and helps the body recover faster. In addition, sugarcane juice's natural alkalinity helps maintain electrolyte balance in the body, in cases of liver overload, sugarcane juice also helps alleviate liver-related diseases such as jaundice. Jaundice can be caused by poor liver function as well as blocked bile ducts.

Thirdly, sugarcane juice helps prevent cancer: As mentioned above, sugarcane juice contains a lot of Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, and Manganese, so it is alkaline, besides, this type of water also contains Flavonoids that can help prevent cancer cells, especially prostate cancer and breast cancer. In addition to sugarcane juice, you can also explore and supplement 7 types of anti-cancer foods and a healthy diet to combat free radicals that damage cells.

Next, sugarcane juice helps improve digestion: Potassium in sugarcane juice helps balance the pH in the stomach, support digestive fluid secretion, and help the digestive system function more smoothly, in addition, sugarcane juice also helps prevent stomach infections.

Fifthly, sugarcane juice helps maintain healthy kidneys. Sugarcane juice does not contain Cholesterol, low in Sodium, and does not contain saturated fats, so it can help you maintain kidney health, when the kidneys are healthy, overall function will also be improved.

Sixthly, sugarcane juice helps reduce pain: Few people know about the pain-relieving effects of sugarcane juice, specifically, some diseases such as sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and prostatitis can cause discomfort and to improve this condition, you can mix sugarcane juice with lemon juice or fresh coconut water to drink.

Seventhly, sugarcane juice also helps support bone and tooth development: Sugarcane juice is rich in calcium so it can help bone and tooth development, sugarcane juice is also rich in minerals and being rich in Calcium and Phosphorus can help strengthen tooth enamel and reduce the risk of cavities, this type of water also helps overcome bad breath due to lack of the above nutrients.

Sugarcane juice is not entirely good if you don't know the following:

Firstly, sugarcane juice contains a lot of sugar as statistics show a 240 ml glass of sugarcane juice will contain up to 50g of sugar, 50g of sugar is quite a lot, equivalent to about 12 teaspoons of coffee. In fact, I don't quite believe this statistic because sugarcane juice varies in sweetness and sugar content, some glasses of sugarcane juice are indeed very sweet, but with many glasses, it tastes both bland and sour like lemon juice, so the sugar content cannot be a fixed number but usually averaged. Some studies suggest that the sugar content in 100g of sugarcane juice is about 13 - 15%, so if a 240ml glass of sugarcane juice contains about 30 - 35g of sugar, both of these figures have sugar levels equal to or higher than the maximum recommended daily intake by health organizations.

So if you drink more than a glass of sugarcane juice a day without considering other foods, you have consumed more sugar than your body allows, and of course, excessive sugar is very dangerous. It is said that sugar is more dangerous than white flour, it sounds absurd but thinking carefully, it makes sense. Sugar and white flour are both addictive substances, when used, the brain will be stimulated to release Dopamine, a type of substance that makes us feel euphoric, happy, and satisfied. Evidence of the addictive nature of sugar is that you find sweet drinks tastier than plain water, find cakes tastier than vegetables, and cannot go a day without a milk tea.

Both are addictive substances, but with white flour, we know its harmful effects immediately. With sugar, it doesn't cause any immediate effects, but deep down inside, it is corroding the body, so it is not wrong to say that sugar is more dangerous than Mrs. Thuy's daughter Mai.

The dangers of consuming too much sugar:

Firstly, weight gain: This is very easy to recognize, you will see that those who like sweets, drink a lot of sweet drinks, are usually overweight, and since sugar is addictive, it makes those people eat more and more, becoming fatter and ultimately obese.

Secondly, sugar increases the risk of heart disease: A study of over 30,000 people shows that if the amount of sugar you consume daily accounts for about 17 - 21% of the total calorie intake, you will increase the risk of death from heart disease by 38%.

Thirdly, sugar increases the risk of type two diabetes: A very scary disease.

Should people with diabetes drink sugarcane juice or not?

Sugarcane juice is inherently very high in sugar, so in the long run, it is not good for people with diabetes. However, on the contrary, many doctors believe that people with diabetes can drink sugarcane juice in moderation because although sugarcane juice contains a lot of sugar, it has a low Glycemic Index (GI), the blood sugar index of sugarcane juice is 43, still low, some articles say the blood sugar index of sugarcane juice is from 30 - 40 on average 32, so still low. And since the GI index reflects the ability to absorb and increase sugar in the blood, a low GI index does not cause blood sugar to rise quickly, so it is not immediately dangerous for diabetic patients. However, this is only for moderate consumption, excessive consumption will accumulate a lot of sugar in the blood, which is very dangerous, so it is best for those with diabetes to ask their doctor whether they should drink it or not, only your doctor understands your health condition and can give the most appropriate advice.

Furthermore, drinking too much sugarcane juice can also easily lead to cancer. A study of over 430,000 people shows that consuming additional sugar is associated with an increased risk of esophageal cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer. Another study shows that women who eat too many sweets and cookies more than three times a week have a 42% higher risk of developing endometrial cancer. In addition, additional sugar can cause Kidney disease, Gout, cavities, accelerate the aging process and cognitive decline, skin with too many wrinkles, this is especially important for women, it also increases the risk of depression and acne.

In conclusion, sugarcane juice is good but drinking too much can easily introduce too much sugar into the body, and excess sugar will have many negative consequences that can be dangerous to your body. So enjoy everything in moderation.

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