5 Success Tips from Jewish Billionaires

1. Make money in ways others can't think of

In real life, many poor people often complain like this: "I want to make money, I want to get rich, but there’s no way to earn money, no way to get rich. I see others doing business successfully, I tried to imitate them, but in the end, I still failed." In fact, it’s not that they don’t have a way, but they don’t take the time to think seriously about it. Successful expert Napoleon Hill said: "Creativity is wealth." If you want to be wealthy, sit down and think about it, see if you can come up with some great money-making ideas. If you don’t have good ideas, then just go with the flow to make money. But if you really want to be wealthy, you must be lucky, and before luck comes, you need to have a creative idea.

2. The rich believe that "if others can do it, so can I"

This mindset of the rich is actually very simple, nothing too profound, but very few poor people truly understand and maintain it. Poor people, due to their low social status, always feel ashamed and inferior. They want to be rich like the wealthy, but deep down, they don’t believe they can do it. It’s like the story of the elephant and the stake. A young man went to the circus to see the animals. Suddenly, he saw a strong elephant tied tightly to a small wooden stake. Clearly, the elephant was strong enough to pull out the stake and escape at any time easily. He asked the trainer, "Why do you tie the strong elephant to such a small stake, aren’t you afraid it will go wild and run away?" "It won’t run away." The trainer replied: "Are you sure? How can that be?" The young man continued to question. At this point, the trainer explained: "Many years ago, when it first came to the circus, it was just a baby elephant. At that time, it was tied with a large chain to a metal stake to keep it from breaking free. After a while of trying to escape but failing, it gave up. Now it still thinks it doesn’t have the strength to escape." It can be seen that belief is very important; your belief is the key that confines you, and you have the right to choose to use it to open the door or not. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with your current situation, then get to work and change it, believe that what others can do, you can do too.

3. Be bold, but also be cautious

Many people have great ambitions, wanting to become wealthy or focus on making money, but they like to blindly follow the crowd. True wealthy people, on the other hand, always have their unique methods; they are not mainstream, do not follow the crowd, they think seriously, are bold but also cautious. They understand themselves well, so they always choose a path that they are truly passionate about, seemingly without anyone leading the way, it has risks but will also bear fruits that no one can taste except them. Everyone has different interests. If someone is interested in a particular project, they will pay more attention to it than ordinary people and will be more willing to spend more time on it, thus the results achieved will increase significantly. Therefore, when you decide to start a business and carry out a project, first find out what you love, then continue to exploit its profits, this way your chances of success will be much greater.

No matter how poor, you must squeeze into the "rich crowd"

Although Jews advocate wealth, they never look down on the poor; moreover, they are willing to help the poor and are very concerned about charity. This is the premise of becoming wealthy, meaning that the rich can still be close to the poor and help the poor. But Jews believe that the poor also need to make an effort to jump out of their own constraints; they need to seize the opportunity to connect with the wealthy, striving to squeeze into the "rich crowd." If the poor can stand among the rich, there will be many benefits, the greatest benefit being that they can cultivate their wealth-making mindset. Therefore, even if you feel ashamed or looked down upon by others, don’t let it weigh on your heart; it’s best to be a bit thick-skinned, what you gain will definitely be more than what you have sacrificed.

5. Learn financial investment; even if you have surplus money, don’t let it sit idle for half a year

Jews have a saying: "Even if you have surplus money, don’t let it sit idle for half a year." Although many wealthy Jews work in finance, and many famous international banks were opened by Jewish tycoons, Jews do not like to deposit money in banks like other nations; they prefer to use money to make money, meaning using their money to invest in financial investment activities. There are three specific reasons why Jews do not like to deposit money in banks but only use it for financial investment: first, due to inflation, deposits in banks can easily lose value; second, deposits in banks are almost dead money. A small return compared to the value that money can bring is too low; third, for the wealthy, in many countries, if they deposit money in banks, they will have to pay very high inheritance taxes.

Jews "get rich even while doing nothing" because they have one precious thing: The money-making mindset is wealth that no one can take away

Most of the world's population consists of ordinary people, without money, connections, resources, or prestigious backgrounds. For them, the greatest desire is perhaps success and wealth, but how to realize the dream of making a lot of money is not a simple issue. However, Jews are a special nation; they are always dubbed the "number one entrepreneurs in the world" and are considered the most money-savvy people. One of the most admirable things about Jews is their unique wealth-making mindset. For them, it’s not just hard work that leads to wealth; intelligence is the key to success. Even if you start with nothing in hand, as long as you have the mindset, the future will surely rise to success.

The story of the baked goods and the wealth-making mindset of the Jews

In a market, there were only two bakers, we will call them A and B. Both of them sold the same amount of baked goods, and their prices were not controlled by the price management department, and they could quickly break even by selling each baked good for 1 dong. In the early period, their business was not very successful, then both A and B decided to play a game. And the real business story began. A spent 1 dong to buy a baked good from B, in return, B also spent 1 dong to buy a baked good from A. Then, A spent an additional 2 dongs to buy a baked good for B, and B also spent 2 dongs to buy a sesame baked good for A. This repeated until a passerby C noticed that the price of the baked goods had risen to 60 dongs each. Just like that, as long as A and B had the same number of baked goods, no one made money or lost money, but their assets were revalued and increased in value. An hour later, person C returned and found that the sesame baked good was now priced at 120 dongs, which surprised him even more, so he didn’t hesitate to spend money to buy one. At this point, person C was both an investor and a speculator of baked goods. If we consider the stock market, passerby C is the investor, while those who set the "baked goods" prices are the stock appraisers. Under the "money-making" effect of the baked goods, more and more passersby bought this type of baked good, and many more would join the business story.

Who suffers losses, and who profits?

For example: If the market is regulated by the price management department, then the prices will be managed and adjusted according to the market: Management and adjustment appear. If many types of baked goods appear on the market at equivalent prices: Similar stocks appear. If everyone suddenly realizes this is just an ordinary baked good: Discovering the actual value. If no one is interested in this buying and selling anymore: The truth is revealed. If any of the above assumptions become reality, then those holding the baked goods are the ones who incur losses. So who profits? Among the two bakers, the one who holds fewer baked goods, possessing less asset, is the one who makes a profit. Selling baked goods is very simple; everyone thinks those who buy baked goods at high prices are fools, but if you broaden your perspective to the stock market, "revaluation" or "capital injection" is similar. Therefore, if you are an investor, you should view asset revaluation and capital injection reasonably. Be especially careful with scams because you may become passerby C holding the baked good at a high price.

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