The girl who "confessed" to me in the previous article, we interacted just like ordinary classmates afterwards. However, when I was in elementary school, I could chat with anyone for a few words. The teacher was worried that I talked too much and wouldn't pay attention in class, so she would keep changing my seat until I was surrounded by girls. As a professional seat changer, I finally settled down, after all, boys and girls don't have many common interests. Obviously, this doesn't mean there was no communication during breaks~ But the girl who had previously "confessed" to me started to talk less.

Having a relationship during school days is, in my opinion, quite rare, but isn't this limited to the early high school stage of adolescence? Even if there are pairs of "couples" in elementary school, they are all just rumors.

But in our class, there happened to be a couple. At first, it might have been a rumor, but somehow it turned into something real. And when you ask either party, they would straightforwardly admit it~ It's just that no one noticed their affection at school, and we didn't wonder what happened after school, so naturally, no one pried into it~

The girl, who was the one that "confessed" to me, when this happened, I wasn't particularly brave; I directly took the letter to her and asked if she wrote it. She took a deep breath first and then replied, "What? I have it?" I didn't delve into whether she was feeling guilty because the matter was exposed or if she was overwhelmed by the situation; after all, the world of children isn't as complicated as I think now. At that time, we were in fifth grade, and by sixth grade, her style changed. From Monday to Friday, she wore similar clothes to her classmates, but on Saturdays, when there were no school uniform requirements, she would dress up heavily, looking like a mature woman. However, she had good grades and was a swimming talent, so she wasn't disliked.

In contrast, the boy often got into fights at school, and after school, he would smoke. On Saturdays, he would skip class and hang out at the corner store with his friends, sharing a soda, which didn't quite match with the girl.

In fact, the relationship between these two was something we classmates saw through but didn't speak of, and no one specifically reported it to the teacher, until one day something happened in class that exposed their "affair"~ It was about the boy who, during the head teacher's class, suddenly raised his hand to ask to go to the bathroom. The teacher refused his request, so he continued to explain to the teacher that he couldn't hold it anymore and was about to wet his pants, and only then did the teacher reluctantly approve. Little did anyone know, he went and didn't come back for a long time, so they sent a class officer to check. To their surprise, he had a ring on his right hand's ring finger that wouldn't come off no matter how hard they pulled, and the class officer reported it to the discipline director without hesitation.

Afterwards, the class officer returned to the classroom and briefly explained the situation to the head teacher. Seeing everyone looking at the girl with smiles, the head teacher understood it was a gift from her. However, the boy had already been given up by the teacher, and the head teacher didn't pursue the so-called "early love," only teasing the girl, "Why not buy a bigger one for him?"

After class, I heard from a classmate sitting behind me that he was struggling with which finger to wear the ring on. The classmate suggested he wear it on his middle finger since the ring was too big, but he felt it was his girlfriend's heartfelt gift, and wearing it on the ring finger wouldn't let her down, so he insisted on that.

Since my mother worked in the school administration, I learned about the follow-up to the incident. First, the discipline director tried using dish soap to see if it could help loosen the ring, but it was too late; then they took him to the First People's Hospital of Haizhu District (now Haizhu District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital). The doctor said there were no medical tools to remove it, and perhaps the dental hospital could help; so they rushed to the dental hospital, but they said they didn't have the right tools either, and suggested going to a gold shop. Little did they know, at the gold shop, the material was too hard, and the owner said they needed to go to a hardware store. Fortunately, the hardware store had the equipment to cut the ring in half, and in the end, the boy was saved from the trouble caused by the ring.

However, in the end, after the entrance exams, they went to different schools, and this relationship came to an end without any further developments.

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