1. Animals:

And along with all the ridiculous facts about the hippopotamus of the animal world, I bet you should too. Don't be fooled by their round, sluggish appearance and silly face into thinking that hippos are a loyal species. In fact, they are even more promiscuous than lions. Each male strives to build a large harem for himself. If strong enough, a king hippo can have a harem with over 200 wives.

Number two, besides creating the most pungent symphonies in the animal kingdom every time they defecate, hippos also have the unique ability to make all the fish living in the river suffocate in their dung. It is indeed a stinky and painful way to go, but it is a daily occurrence in the Mara River of Africa. Fish in this river often drown in the feces of the massive hippos, who eat a lot and poop a lot. Every day, hippos in the Mara River excrete about 8,500 kg of dung, which consists of partially digested plants, polluting the river and causing blind fish to mistake it for a heavenly gift. But alas, this filth cannot be described in words.

Number three, sperm whale feces are sold for $70,000 and are used to make perfume. If you think feces are dirty and worthless, you are very mistaken. In fact, these feces are worth millions of dollars and are even used as a flavoring in perfume production. Ambergris, the fancy term for sperm whale feces, has been used by humans for over 1,000 years. The fragrant compound ambrein in ambergris helps the scent of perfume cling to the skin for hours. Additionally, this substance also has the effect of stimulating desire in mice. It can be said that the bottle of perfume you are using may come from the waste of a sperm whale.

Number four, a beaver smells like vanilla. It is incredibly fragrant, but behind that sweet smell lies a horrifying story about food. Castoreum is a substance found in the beaver's anal glands, which helps them mark territory and attract mates. However, in the food industry, this substance is used as a flavoring substitute for vanilla, raspberry, alcoholic beverages, frozen dairy products, chewing gum, meat products, and pudding. In fact, the anal secretions of beavers are allowed to be labeled as "natural flavoring" on food packaging. Now, do you still find your vanilla ice cream delicious? Fortunately, the substance from the beaver's rear is now only used in perfume production, at least not as food to put in your mouth.

Number five, many people may still wonder if fish that keep their eyes wide open all day need to sleep. Fish do not have eyelids and they do not need to close their eyes even though they live underwater, as dirt cannot get into their eyes. Nevertheless, fish do sleep. Some species of fish sleep during the day and only wake up at night, while others sleep at night and are awake during the day, just like humans. Just look for any fish that is lying still at the bottom of the tank, sluggish and not waving its tail, and you will know it is sleeping.

Number six, record high temperatures cause male honeybees to climax and die. If you have ever seen a dried-up bee, it is likely a male bee and it has had a rather embarrassing death. Male honeybees face an extremely unfortunate fate in the extreme heat of summer: they will start to convulse, ejaculate repeatedly, and die shortly after. Typically, male honeybees only die after mating naturally or fighting with enemies. However, the extreme weather that the Earth is experiencing has pushed them to tragedy. According to many studies, bees can become extremely stressed in the heat, so they climax one last time before saying goodbye to the world. A commendable effort for these hardworking bees.

Number seven, male ducks are quite ridiculous and perverted. The "little guy" of male ducks resembles a wine bottle opener, kept in a pouch beneath their belly. When erect, it can reach nearly 20 cm, almost 1/4 the length of the duck. Compared to humans, it is indeed terrifying. Worse still, on the "little guy" of some male ducks, there are many sharp backward-facing spines, designed to hold onto the female's genitalia tightly. In fact, male ducks are so crazy that even if their partner pretends to be dead or actually dies, they will not stop proceeding. The mating story of male ducks is indeed frightening, my friends. Now, do you feel scared by the perversion of this species?

2. Organs:

So how does the female duck defend against the male duck's weapon? It turns out that the female duck's oviduct is complexly structured with many dead ends and false entrances to cope. If the male's genitalia twists clockwise, the female's twists counterclockwise. Ducks have been recorded to exhibit very rude behavior when males herd females for "group play." This is a common behavior in ducks. Therefore, to avoid pregnancy safely, female ducks have evolved to the point where they can eliminate the sperm of males they do not favor. Only about 3% of all mating instances result in complete fertilization for female ducks. If only humans could evolve like ducks, perhaps many unwanted "fun" incidents would be greatly reduced.

Number eight, do you know which animal is the most affectionate in the world? According to many studies, whales and dolphins are the most affectionate species. They find it very difficult to part with a member of their kind even when that individual has died. Researchers have found that these species have a mourning period for their deceased kind, just like humans.

Number nine, turkeys are very stupid. Have you ever heard the saying "dumb as a turkey"? This is the only poultry species with such a strange preference. They are almost not intelligent enough to distinguish between rain and sunshine. Typically, when it rains, turkeys will look up at the sky for about 30 seconds before realizing what is happening. Not stopping there, turkeys' brains also often make silly mistakes, especially in matters of love. Usually, male turkeys will dance to attract a mate, but when scientists replaced them with a fake turkey, the males could not tell the difference. In fact, just a fake turkey head stuck in can deceive male turkeys, and you will witness an immediate courtship dance. If you hate someone, just say they are "dumb as a turkey" to sound sophisticated and foreign while being more damaging than saying "dumb as a cow" because the truth is that turkeys are much dumber than cows.

Number ten, the cane toad of South Australia is also famous for its stupidity like turkeys. Male cane toads are almost incapable of recognizing their mates. Cane toads mate with everything they think is female, especially with corpses, and even with snakes, skinks, lizards, and mice. In general, this species has no brain; they just play with whatever they see, truly a chaotic mess.

Number eleven, sloths are truly lazy in the literal sense, even in seeking mates. Therefore, female sloths often sit in trees and scream until a male hears and decides to crawl over to mate with her.

Number twelve, giraffes are the true "gentlemen" of the animal kingdom. To learn about a potential mate, the male will gently nudge the female's rear to make her urinate, then taste that urine to see if she is in estrus. If she is in estrus, the male will begin to court by relentlessly pursuing the female until she agrees to mate, unlike some frogs or ducks that rush in to demand "to mate" as soon as they see a female.

However, this tall animal faces many difficulties in mating due to its long neck. Just imagine, two necks rubbing against each other, and the one below can't hear the one above, it is truly a pity.

Number fourteen, lions are the champions in terms of duration and frequency of "lovemaking." This is not nonsense, but just an exploration of the animal world. Welcome to the married life of lions. Lions are indeed the kings of the jungle, even in matters of intimacy, they are very serious. Males spend a lot of time and effort helping females conceive, mating about 20 to 40 times a day, with some sessions lasting up to 4 days. It is estimated that to give birth to a lion cub, the parent lions must have mated about 3,000 times, a significant number.

Number fifteen, clownfish are species with the ability to change gender naturally. They live in groups and pair up, but in the absence of any females, the largest male will automatically change into a female and then fight with the remaining males. A surprisingly flexible evolution! Perhaps with the current situation of more males than females, evolving to automatically change gender like this is very appropriate. What do you think about this?

3. Levels:

Number sixteen, earthworms have both male and female reproductive organs. They perform a method called "penis fencing." The one that penetrates the opponent will become the father, allowed to ejaculate and then freely leave, leaving the reproductive responsibility to the defeated.

Number seventeen, in terms of sex addiction, dolphins definitely top this list. Dolphins have a very high demand; they not only mate with inanimate objects but also "make love" with other animal species. Their "little guy" can rotate and retract into their bodies. The time male dolphins spend mating is only about 12 seconds, truly a species with weak sexual stamina.

Number eighteen, do you know about the quokka? This species is dubbed the happiest animal in the world because they are always cheerful, friendly, and smiling. However, their maternal instincts are incredibly irresponsible. When danger is near, mother quokkas will not hesitate to throw their young aside to protect themselves. After the danger passes, the first thing a mother quokka does is not to look for her young but to find leaves to eat to calm her fears. After eating their fill, they will return to look for the abandoned child. If the young one could speak, it would probably say: "Mom, it's been a while!"

Number nineteen, chickens are cold-blooded and indifferent. When one is about to die, they will make a soft sound and walk away, leaving that chicken to die alone. Some chickens will also slaughter other chickens.

4. Nature:

If they sense something wrong with a chicken, such as an epidemic, they will immediately take action. In general, they are truly indifferent and meaningless, just like chickens.

Next, the king of the grasslands, the master of sarcasm, the lord of recklessness, the nightmare of wild animals, is none other than the honey badger. With these flattering terms, you might think of large animals like tigers, lions, leopards, or bears, but no, the most badass creature in the natural world is a modest-sized animal - the honey badger.

Despite its cute appearance, the honey badger is described as a thug of the wild. The badassery of the honey badger is recognized by the entire African animal community. The sight of this small honey badger fighting fiercely among a pride of lions or biting a cobra happens daily, to the point where other animals find it quite normal.

It is no exaggeration to say that when Mother Nature created the honey badger, she bestowed upon it special privileges. The honey badger has thick fur like armor, sharp claws, and is immune to many toxins, even snake venom. Its head is as hard as rock, and perhaps because it is so favored by nature, its temperament is a bit crazy. Honey badgers are very aggressive; except when forced to fight with large dangerous carnivores, they often provoke and pick fights just for fun.

The elders say to be careful with the honey badger's eyes, so tiny, resembling the squinty eyes of a thief. Do not dare to mess with this type.

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