In this life, the key to education is when he was a child. When I was a kid, I experienced rigorous family education, so it made it difficult for me to say no to others, which also made me pay a lot. After experiencing these costs, I thought it was not actually a legitimate thing.

I remember when I was working in Qingdao many years ago, I just made a little money when I just made a little money. This person was not well reviewed. He cried in front of me and said that he had no money. Let me pitiful him, and let me ask him to have a meal.

At that time, I thought there was no difficulty outside? So he invited a meal, and he was not polite at all. The big fish and meat asked for one more than three meals.

I thought he would not entangle people after eating. As a result, I was wrong. When he finished eating, he kept following me, and then told that there was no place to live in the evening. I hope I will lend him some money to stay. The money will return it to me immediately.

At that time, one night of accommodation, the cheap hotel was 5 yuan. He asked me to borrow 70 yuan and vowed that as long as they were rich, they would return it to me immediately.

Later, he went out to work for a few days and made some money. However, after seeing me, he never mentioned that he had forgotten?

Although I am very puzzled about this, I did not take the initiative to give him money. I thought, as long as they did not associate with each other in the future.

A few days later, I returned to my hometown and boarded the train home. When the train was on the train, the phone came again, and the person who borrowed my money again. He said on the phone that his brother was caught outside. His money, as long as you have money, give me back.

I am a person who does not know how to refuse others, and it is troublesome for a while, so I told him that I had no way to lend you money on the train I went home now.

So he asked, do you have a bank card? You can take out some from the bank card.

So I said that the bank card was on me, and again, I couldn't tell you the password of my bank card.

He may also know that there is no result of entanglement, so he said, it seems that there is really no way, I think about it again. By the way, do you know friends you know? You let them lend me some money.

I laughed bitterly, I can't do the Lord's money, they are not like me, they may not lend you.

In the end, he didn't seem to lie to me, so he hung up the phone.

I imagine that people like me should not be in a small number. These people have been educated since childhood. They can only be said to be. They can't refuse. They always care too much about the feelings of others.

First of all, I think this is the failure of family education. Generally speaking, if a family is always asking children to do or do that, it is difficult for children to reject some people's difficulties when they go to society. Such a child is too honest, others say that if they have no money, he will believe.

For example, some colleagues in the past obviously had money and said they had no money, and asked you to borrow money, and then you would find that the other party had more money than you.

Then you let the other party pay back the money, and the other party will push three obstacles and kidnap you morally, saying, isn't it that money? Do you ask me if you want? It's not that you don't pay back you anymore. In fact, he just doesn't want to return it to you.

Coincidentally, a colleague who hadn't contacted for a long time called me suddenly. After a few words, a few words were greeting. Suddenly, I turned around. I recently needed money to make money. How much money did you have?

Such a sensitive topic says from the inside of the other party. Then I deliberately teased him and said, there are about 70,000.

The other party came with the spirit at once and said, so, so, you lend me 60,000, 50,000, and I can turn around first, and I will definitely return you in the future.

I was thinking at the time that he was quite polite and didn't borrow it from me. He has always emphasized that you lend me 50,000, and you still have 20,000 left. There are a lot of 20,000.

Listening to this tone, it seems that this money is not mine, it is him. I hung up the phone. But in the end, he was angry at me, or his next operation.

Before, he called and said that he had no money to recharge the phone fee. He hoped that I would recharge 50 yuan and return it to me the next day. As a result, I did not return it to me. So his credit is worrying.

However, this time he borrowed money with a lion, and he did not know that he was shameful. As long as you lent me 50,000 this time, no, it is okay to lend me 30,000. fifty dollars.

What about my God, what kind of logic is this? Let me lend him 30,000, and then he gave me the last 50 yuan. What about such naive words?

At the moment, I hung up the phone. I refused to answer no matter how many times the other party called, and finally pulled the other party into the blacklist. The words he said made me feel that he was no longer a friend at all. This is a naked fraud. Although I was not used to saying no, it did not mean that I had no bottom line principle.

These people take advantage of the kindness of others and are not good at rejecting the personality weaknesses of others. They borrow money as friends or colleagues, and in fact they will never return it.

Therefore, I think it must be clearly settled, and don't let others use your compassion. I remember that many years of money had some people who claimed to be poor, but they wanted to take the course, and they would return it to each other when they said that when they had money.

At that time, the friend also agreed. As a result, after the other party studied the course, no matter how much money they made, they never mentioned the money. Later, the two people stopped contacting anymore. No matter what the other party sent the information, he would not reply. Anyway, I won't pay for the other party.

It can be seen that in terms of principles, we must pay attention to principles. Do not damage your own interests because of your sympathy. Perhaps at that moment, the other party also wanted to be a person who defended the promise, but over time, the other party's mind changed, and they would think that returning money is a behavior that makes their own interests damage.

Therefore, borrowing money is often a bad relationship. This is not to say that it is wrong to help others, but to stand the test of others.

There were two colleagues who had a very good relationship when they were in the workplace. Later, a colleague resigned and returned home. The colleague also made a special trip to the colleague's house to be a guest. It shows how good their relationship is.

However, when the colleague left, he borrowed 600 yuan from the other party and said that he would return it to the other party in the future. In fact, after the colleague left, he would never contact again, and later even changed his mobile phone card, and he couldn't contact anymore.

Because 600 yuan has disappointed a friend who believes in him. Perhaps he said that he said at the time of borrowing money, but after leaving, he felt that there was no power to restrain himself. As long as he was cut off, he could get this benefit.

Such people are too hateful. The only thing we can do is not to get these people. You have to know that every penny you earn is not easy, so you are deceived by scammers, it is really unfair to yourself.

I also encountered contributions to my public account in the past two days. I sent me a manuscript and then kept asking for the manuscript fee. I haven't seen such a scene. Is this a new scam? Anyway, keeping the bottom line is not wrong.

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