At the age of twenty -five years old, I became a big grievance. That year, my grandfather was sick and hospitalized. I went to the nursing home to accompany my grandmother with dementia. In just two days, I was wronged three times.

At first, the staff of the service desk doubted my identity, and they stubbornly thought that I was "bumping into white", not the family of my grandmother; then, my grandmother also doubted me. She thought that I was shameless. The thief; because I couldn't persuade my father, I received my grandmother at home temporarily.

Faced with such a situation, I realized that my grandmother, who was sick and lived in a nursing home, could no longer rely on the company's companionship and care, but had to rely on the service staff of the pension institution. As a result, I instantly transformed from a family member of the original arrogant and unyielding to a "old good person" who took the initiative to actively vote for the management staff and nurses of the nursing home. I treat them and Yan Yue, and every time they see them, they will ask well. However, this approach not only did not make me get the results I wanted, but caused me to cause trouble.

At five in the evening, the caregiver began to send meals for the elderly. A 40 -year -old woman walked into her grandmother's room. She didn't say a word, she just handed me the food, and then turned to leave. At that moment, I felt a coolness, as if the cold wind pierced the heart that had just started to get hot. I took the meal handed by the caregiver, put it on the table in the room, and then helped my grandmother out of bed for dinner. The meal is placed in a rectangular plate, which is divided into several small grids. The dishes and rice are separated separately.

I saw that my grandmother picked up the left and right at the plate, as if on Taobao. Subsequently, her dictation began to show her skills and chewed her food carefully. But the good times didn't last long. After a while, she "vomited" some food residues, and then dazed as always, as if thinking about life. For a meal, she had to spend an hour, even an hour and a half.

At first, I felt that her rhythm was really anxious. This slowly not only affects the service efficiency of the nursing home, but also makes it easy. So, every time I eat, I will sit next to her, staring at her, urging her to hurry up.

Later, I learned that Grandma's condition was getting heavier and even swallowing.

With my urging, she finally finished dinner at a speed of one hour. Looking at her progress, I was quite proud, and even thought those service staff would thank me because of this. I did not expect that when I was going to leave the nursing home, when I passed the corridor, I heard the two nurses murmured there: "Why did the old man eat so slowly? After eating for more than an hour, we had to work overtime ..."

Although I was a little uncomfortable in my heart, I pretended not to hear because I asked for them. The next day, I still greets a caregiver with a grandmother's room with hope. I did not expect that two "big sisters" suddenly emerged behind her, and one was about to interrogate me.

"Who is your aunt Lin (the nursing worker's name to the grandmother)? What come here?"

"I am her granddaughter! My grandfather went to the hospital, I came to accompany my grandmother!"

The sudden interrogation of them almost wiped out my enthusiasm. Fortunately, I didn't do anything wrong, otherwise they would really be regarded as "bump" by them!

Listening to me, they left.

Later, the attitude of the caregivers gradually became friendly. Every time they met, they joked with my grandmother to eat: "Did you eat? Go to eat ..." I think it may be because the grandfather is about to be discharged from the hospital, I If you want to leave the nursing home, they are afraid I will report to my grandfather. What's more likely, the nursing home wants to negotiate with his father -in -law to improve his grandmother's care level (improving the level means to collect nursing fees).

I told my grandmother about the news of my grandfather's discharge and told her that I was going to "return" her to the grandfather. However, my grandmother's response was strange. From the cuteness to Ao Jiao, she dumped her head and was full of disgusting to me.

On the day my grandfather was discharged, I accompanied my parents to the hospital to pick him up. Before departure, my grandfather called Dad, and Dad turned out to be free. I listened to it. My grandfather reported a small report with my father, saying that I had never been to the nursing home with my grandmother.

When I heard this, I was about to bombed. I grabbed the phone and bombarded it to my grandfather: "On the first day of my grandmother to the nursing home, I was regarded by my grandmother as a thieve! The service staff suspected that it was "Bai Bang"! What about you!

A madness of my grandfather was a little caught off guard, but after all, he was the old rivers and lakes, and soon reacted: "I'm really wrong! Those words are what your grandmother told me ..." He said, he said, he said, he said, he said, he said, he said, he said, he He also choked and his voice was dumb.

Listening to my grandfather's cry, my anger gradually calmed down. After calming down, I think this is a bit wrong. Grandpa and grandmother are in their eighties, one in a hospital and one in a nursing home. They have no chance to meet at all these days. Moreover, Grandma's condition is getting more and more serious, and even memory and language ability are almost gone. How can we tell the grandfather about the nursing home? Unless, someone is stalking from it and deliberately provoked the separation.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shivered. I began to doubt whether those who seemingly amiable, did it deliberately create misunderstandings between me and grandfather and grandfather for some purpose.

Later, I knew the Guan Qiao.

After returning to the nursing home, the attitude towards my parents and me was significantly cold since the public, but instead of being enthusiastic about those nurses who "served" him. In addition to improving the grandmother's care level, the grandfather will send a red envelope to the caregivers every year.

Perhaps someone really touches behind. Because he was dissatisfied with the picky and difficult service of his grandmother, he deliberately said bad things in front of my grandmother and provoked the relationship between us. Because of the serious condition, my grandmother couldn't distinguish between true and false, so I really thought I was a filial granddaughter.

What's more, once the elderly enter the nursing home, their lives are almost completely handed over to those "shadow" service staff. Because most of the elderly children are unable to accompany them at all times, at the most critical moment, they have to rely on the conscience of the hospital to take emergency measures to save their lives in time.

Although this incident has suffered a lot of grievances and blows, it also made me more deeply recognize the true appearance of the nursing home and the difficulty of the elderly. Therefore, I resolutely oppose my parents into the nursing home in my later years. Although it is hard to take care of the elderly, I know the fragility of life and the value of affection. I want to cherish the time with the most close love, and do my best to care for and accompany them, because this is the most valuable thing in my life.

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