Luck may be innate, but true good fortune depends on your efforts in the coming days of your life. Every day, when we open magazines and hundreds of newspaper pages, we often see many famous women frequently appearing on magazine covers, TV commercials. They have a perfect family life and always know how to maintain their beauty like a movie star. They always carry the latest handbags, wear expensive designer clothes that you have never dreamed of. They make many girls admire and envy, wishing to become that girl.

After reading articles about those perfect girls, many girls will sigh why they don't have a beautiful life like her, but in reality what you see is just the appearance, whether they are happy or not, how can you know. Behind every joy, there must be a price to pay, which can be hard work, or it can be patience. When you admire what others have, they also admire what you have. Although we admire those who have such a life to some extent, we need to know that everyone's life is different.

A meal or sacrifice is not easy to achieve something, it may be very happy, but for me, I like the feeling of sweating and trying to conquer. I like the feeling of putting effort into work, that is my life. Each person has a different way to make themselves happy, relying on their own efforts, seeking achievements through hard work, I think that is the greatest happiness.

1. Progress

You may not know if there are people like this around you. They always complain about the unfavorable things in life, blame God for not giving them opportunities, but when the opportunity comes, they dare not move forward, just want to stay in the old state. There is a saying, you cannot wake up a person pretending to sleep, no one wants to help a person without ambition. When he was young, Ason Hower used to play cards with his family, one day after dinner, he played cards with his family as usual. But this time his luck was not good anymore, every time he drew a card, it was all bad cards. At first, Ason Hower just complained a few words, but then he couldn't bear it and got angry. The mother next to him saw her son like that and sternly reprimanded him.

If you want to win in a card game, you must use the cards you are holding, whether they are good or bad, remember that luck is not always on your side. Life is like a card game, whether you have good or bad cards in your hand, you must hold them tightly and face them. All you can do is calm your mind, then seriously think about how to solve it for the best results, that's when life truly has meaning. Thanks to those words, Ason Hower always encourages himself no matter what situation he faces, he must always actively find ways to move forward. In this way, he gradually became the supreme commander of NATO and allied forces. Finally, he advanced to the position of President of the United States.

Human life is like that, no one can sail smoothly all the time, those without ambition only know how to complain and in the end, they just stand still. On the contrary, those who are ambitious will struggle to the end, thanks to that, they will break through themselves. Although it is said that ambitious people are not necessarily successful, those who are not ambitious will never succeed.

2. Stop

Some people say that 90% of the unhappiness in life is caused by our own lack of determination. In fact, there are too many people who do not understand when to stop, so they suffer so much loss. They dare not let go of their worries, dare not forget those who hurt them, and in the end, they only exhaust themselves, full of wounds. A professor held a glass of water and asked the audience to guess how heavy it was. Many answers were given, 50g, 100g, 125g. The professor said I don't know how heavy it is, but right now when I hold it, I don't feel it's heavy at all, so if I hold this glass of water for a few minutes, what will happen?.

The professor continued to ask what if I hold it for an hour. Some people answered that their hand would get tired. The professor replied: That's right. If I hold it all day long, what will happen. Under the stands, everyone was discussing enthusiastically, and one audience member stood up and said that the hand would be very tired, more seriously, it could be strained, unable to move, and even have to go to the hospital. Hearing that, the professor laughed and continued, so how can I prevent my hand from getting tired and strained?

Everyone unanimously put the glass of water down. The professor nodded, that's right, in reality, sometimes our pain is like the glass in my hand, we can endure the pain for a few minutes, but if we keep holding it for a long time, it can erode your mental strength. The longer you hold it, the more your spirit collapses, then you can't do anything anymore. That's why it is said that people suffer because they refuse to let go, only when you understand how to let go in time can you avoid suffering too much loss.

3. Integrity

Human life is a long journey to cultivate virtue. If the mind is not righteous, everything will not go smoothly. If the mind is straight, everything will go as desired, a positive heart will create an optimistic person. A resentful attitude only makes people fall asleep in the dark. In the past, there was a scholar who came to the capital to participate in the third exam, he still stayed at the same inn where he stayed for the previous two exams. That night, he dreamed twice in a row. In the first dream, he saw himself planting high-quality grains on the wall. In the second dream, he saw heavy rain pouring down while he was changing his wide-brimmed hat and adding an umbrella.

The next day, the scholar went to ask the elders to explain his dream to help him. After hearing it, the elders said that he should go back home. He should think about it, planting high-quality grains on the wall is not a useless thing. And changing the hat and wearing an umbrella is not a sign of another failure, the examinee listened and felt discouraged and wanted to return. The landlord saw that and asked him, the exam is tomorrow. Why did you come back home today? The examinee told the landlord about his dream, and the landlord said that what the elder said was not correct. Objectively, this time you can definitely pass the exam. Think about it, planting high-quality grains on the wall is not a sign of failure, and wearing a hat and an umbrella means everything is fine. The examinee, hearing this, felt that the landlord's words made sense, so he was excited to prepare for the exam. The result was that he passed the exam with flying colors.

Facing different situations, different thoughts will lead to different results. When faced with difficulties, only those who dare to advance can escape from the shackles. When caught in worries, understanding when to stop at the right time can help you go further. When challenged, whether intelligent or foolish, rich or poor, cannot overcome four positive attitudes. Who says a good life is brought to you by others, whether you have good parents, a good husband, or someone who promises you a bright and happy life.

Luck may be innate, but true good fortune depends on your efforts in the coming days of your life. We don't need to compare ourselves with others, just compare ourselves, understand our own lives, and strive forward. We know the path we need to take, make an effort to make our own path wider and brighter. A good life is an attitude, because we believe we will be better than someone who tries for a certain dream will have a good life. Even if you go through hardships and sweat to sow seeds, you will smile and harvest. You have to believe that I am lucky, not only lucky but also believe that I can create my own destiny.

In conclusion, how you live your life, you will become that person. No one has a life that is always smooth sailing. Instead of begging for a life without failure, it is better to become a person who dares to face failure. Believe in your own destiny, you have the right to choose your own life, you can change your life by yourself, don't stay there criticizing. That doesn't change your life. Successful people may not be smarter than you, not more beautiful than you, not better than you, but they have a better attitude than you, believe in themselves, think positively, and are willing to work hard, we need to learn that attitude.

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