Ancient Greek philosopher Herus once said that character determines destiny, and of course character can be either good or bad. For a man, a superior character is beneficial for both their career and life, while a bad character can defeat them at any time. The ancients said "territories are easy to change, but it's hard to change one's nature", but for those with negative characters, no matter how difficult it is to change, they must learn to overcome it.

Specifically, there are 12 types of men whose characters make it very difficult for them to achieve great success, and they will never succeed in their lifetime.

1. Men who show their faces immediately

These men have a habit of opposing and denying others. If someone speaks to them in a commanding tone, they will immediately show resistance. People often resist immediately because they lack confidence and want to use resistance to cover up their inner weaknesses. Men like this find it difficult to accomplish great things.

2. Men who are both reckless and greedy, yet lack knowledge

There is a proverb that describes this, "too good to be true", which means that things that are too easy or handed to you on a silver platter are very unlikely to become reality. Recently, I received a phone call from an unknown number soliciting investment. They offered a 30% annual interest rate. Yes, 30%, you didn't mishear. If you invest 1 billion now, after 1 year you will receive both the principal and interest totaling 1.3 billion. To give you an idea, the annual interest rate at banks is 6 to 7%.

Real estate or stocks may yield only 10 to 15%, but now it's 30%, more than four times the bank deposit and twice as much as a common investment channel. Does it sound fantastic to you? What sounds fantastic is not always good. In my experience, what is simple and easy to obtain is often the most difficult to digest. I never believe in such sweet-sounding stories. There is an old saying that is true, "the money in your pocket is still yours, but the money in someone else's pocket is no longer yours." Being reckless, greedy, and lacking knowledge is the fastest way to become a useless and harmful person.

3. Men who only swing with the crowd

They criticize when others criticize, curse when others curse, hate when others hate. According to the psychology of crowds by author Libon, he pointed out that in a crowd, only stupidity is gathered, not intelligence. Following the crowd may be right in some cases, such as when you see a line of cars turning around ahead, you should also turn around to avoid another three hours before returning home.

However, in other cases, following the crowd is a survival strategy that will make you a useless person who only knows how to run around in circles.

4. Men who rely on others

The common characteristic of these men is that they like to flatter and lack responsibility, they have small courage and lack confidence, only do things that benefit themselves, their view is that any trick is acceptable as long as there is money and status. This type of man is extremely irresponsible, unable to handle big tasks.

5. Men who are "sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon"

Emotionally unstable, high self-esteem, sensitive. These are the kind of people who make others headache and be cautious when communicating. Because they are afraid of touching their fragile and weak hearts, people like this are very likely to die alone, and those who always live alone will find it very difficult to achieve anything because modern society is a collective society, a society that compensates for each other. If they do not overcome this, they will naturally fall into the fate of working just to get by.

6. Cunning men

These men often pretend to be clever, like taking shortcuts, occasionally benefiting or thinking they are talented when in fact they are not. Successful men are always very practical and serious, facing every challenge, they have long understood a principle that the biggest shortcut is diligence and seriousness in every detail.

7. Men who complain all day

Luu Van Hien once emphasized, "Complaining is like pouring water into your shoes, the more you complain, the more uncomfortable you become." The reality shows that those who lack confidence and ability often easily blame others when facing difficulties, and they fall into a state of pessimism that they cannot escape. Their temper is often easily angered, difficult to control emotions, and often complain in a frenzy. Such excessive actions mainly stem from lack of determination and inner confidence.

Every time they fail, they have a habit of self-assessing that it's due to external factors, unfair fate, or unrelated bad luck to themselves. After many consecutive failures, they sink deeper into self-blame and discouragement, causing their spirit to gradually deplete and their sense of despair to increase. Like writer Tago understood, "Complaining is an emotion that gradually loses spirit, it doesn't solve any problems, it only makes the problem more serious." Instead of complaining about injustice and difficulties in life, we should stand up with a determined spirit, ready to overcome difficulties and start the journey immediately.

8. Men who are showy

I believe you have seen the following situations. At the dining table after drinking, some men often like to boast about their achievements, talk about their glorious past, or appear superior to others. However, the reality shows that people like this often feel bored, unhappy, and lack determination.

Despite appearing strong, they actually do not see their true abilities. They often look down on ordinary work and fear wasting their talents, while they are not capable of taking on high-level tasks that they proudly boast about. When it comes time to perform, they often avoid and pretend, causing their reputation and spirit to be lost. However, truly successful men in their careers often do not have the time and energy to boast or show themselves to the outside world.

Thanks to their depth and foresight, they recognize their true value and continue to advance. Achieving modest success, they do not rush to be proud and promote themselves because they understand that this is meaningless. Short-term success and failure do not determine a person's life, what is important is constantly improving oneself.

9. Men who prefer pleasure over work

Everyone, whether male or female, should have a hobby to relieve stress and make their lives more interesting, but getting too involved in it all day, only knowing how to enjoy and indulge, becoming lazy is unacceptable. Men who do not prioritize their careers and lives over ordinary pleasures and temptations will not be able to bear greater responsibilities.

10. Men who are overly arrogant

Everyone is a unique individual, protecting one's dignity is good, but if one protects it excessively, it is called stubbornness, arrogance. In this world, no one is perfect, everyone has their own flaws and shortcomings, wanting to hide it is a very normal human psychology, but being stubborn and refusing to admit one's flaws and make changes will easily lead to self-destruction.

11. Men who are suspicious

Men like this often have a common characteristic of being paranoid, always considering themselves the center, not trusting anyone, always suspecting others, taking a noble attitude towards petty people, even seeking revenge. Being suspicious and not trusting anyone, if placed in modern social relationships, will easily make you lose friends and the trust of others. In terms of career, it will make you become a hesitant person who is indecisive, does not trust others with tasks, and also puts psychological pressure and responsibility on yourself, making it difficult to handle important projects.

12. Men with narrow minds

Having a narrow mind is worse than a needle's eye, calculating every ounce, every grain, remembering even the smallest things, and being good at jealousy and envy. Just a slight disagreement will bring up old grudges, endless arguments. This type of man is also very jealous when their partner talks a few words or sends a message to someone of the opposite sex, they investigate thoroughly. This is the type of man that women dislike the most, because being around them will give you a headache about their meticulous calculations. People with this personality, no matter how outstanding they are, do not deserve to have the trust and sincerity of others. This type of character is not only toxic but also a disaster that harms both others and themselves.

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