A few days ago, a female blogger posted a video on the Internet to call on the innovation of duckbill tongs in gynecological examination tools, which instantly became a hot topic. She attacked the design of the duck billers to stay in the early days of her invention (about 150 years ago). She further pointed out that the core of the problem was not the inhumanization of the duck braid pliers, but the discrimination against women in the medical environment.

As a woman, a wife, as a pregnant mother, I also experienced similar troubles in gynecological examinations. That kind of discrimination usually occurs between women, while men act as the role of "suffering" because they usually do not step into gynecological clinics and delivery rooms.

In 2013, I entered a complicated and complicated society for the first time. Due to young and lacking social experience, I had a relationship with men who were inconsistent with the morality. Subsequently, I had symptoms of physical symptoms such as stopping menstruation, nausea and retching. In view of the stretched economic situation at the time, I couldn't bear the responsibility of being a mother, and at the same time, I was deeply afraid of pregnancy. Therefore, I chose to escape and went to the hospital for examination in time.

Out of ignorance and childishness, I tried to try to terminate pregnancy by drinking a lot of freezing drinks. However, the symptoms of menstruation and nausea and nausea have not been eased, and it continues to trouble me.

Under fear and helplessness, I finally decided to face reality and drum down the courage to register for a three -section of the three hospitals. After blood testing and leucorrhea examination, the professional female doctor told me that I did not really get pregnant, but there were symptoms of pseudo -pregnancy. She analyzed that this may be a physical reaction caused by my psychological hints caused by my heart to become a mother.

The leucorrhea test is performed in the doctor's consultation room. At that time, I followed the doctor's instructions, took off the clothes of the lower body, lay on the inspection bed, and then opened my thighs, and walked on the inspection bed on the pedal ...

Due to the air conditioning in the diagnosis room, the stainless steel pedal under my feet became two ice pupae. In addition, the first time I received this private examination in front of strangers, my heart trembled, and my feet began to tremble involuntarily.

I glanced at the doctor secretly, hoping that she could comfort me, but she said faintly like nothing else, "You have a sex life, why are you so nervous?" Listening to her I feel that my nervousness seems to have done a little bit.

I gritted my teeth and tried to calm myself. The trembling feet were no longer trembling, and it became hard, like a steel plate.

Seeing that I can control myself, the doctor began to check me by myself ... This is my first experience in gynecological examination. Because I feel more intense, I have not paid too much attention to the tools used by the inspection.

At an important moment when I entered the marriage, I first came into contact with duckbill tongs (gynecological examination tools) ...

In April 2023, my husband and I entered the palace of marriage together, and completed the marriage formalities on the 18th in the Civil Affairs Bureau. Subsequently, according to the established process, we went to the marriage check center on the second floor for pre -marital inspection.

According to the conventional process of marriage inspection, the groom and the bride need to accept different inspection items. The bride's inspection items include putting duckbill tongs into the private parts to observe to check whether the vagina and cervix are abnormal. However, for personal reasons, I refused to complete this inspection.

At that time, a girl in her twenties checked me in private. She urged me to lie on the inspection bed, and then pulled up the cover of the cover. She moved too fast and made me feel very disturbed. For safety, I deliberately glanced at her and her tools. I saw that she was holding a stainless steel pliers in her hand and was ready to put it under me.

Perhaps the relationship between the tool and the body is not compatible. When the pliers touched my muscles, a soreness and coldness came instantly. They quickly defeated my psychological defense and made me tremble unconsciously. Then, I kept asking what the inspector would do to me.

The inspector is similar to me and lacks patience. Seeing that I resist, I pushed this troubles: "Do you not want to do it? This inspection can be given up or not. "" "

Considering the potential damage caused by duckbill tongs and my own psychological pressure, I finally decided to give up this test. Although this may mean that I cannot get comprehensive information about the health of private parts, I think it is reasonable to make such a choice on the premise of ensuring my own security and dignity.

However, the above are pediatrics, and pregnancy and abortion are the biggest challenges facing the soul and body.

In the beginning of 2023, my menstruation was delayed for 13 days. Since I used to have this situation in the past, I went to the hospital for blood testing many times, and I did not find pregnancy. at the same time. I used to be a "old medicine pot", because of the inflammation of the eye, and has been taking hormone drugs in the past eight years. Therefore, I think the possibility of pregnancy is minimal.

At that time, my husband was unfortunately encountered in a car accident and fractured his right hand. I was so busy that I was irritable. Not only do I have to take care of him, but I also have to bear all the housework. In this case, I had to temporarily put pregnancy testing.

At noon on September 6, I suddenly remembered that menstruation delayed, and I picked up a pregnancy test stick for testing. However, the two dark red horizontal bar appearing on the pregnancy test stick ...

The principle of the pregnancy test stick is to leave traces on the test strip through a few drops of urine to detect whether you contain enough choricular gonadotropin (HCG). If the HCG value is too high, there will be two horizontal bar on the pregnancy test stick, which means that you may be pregnant and you need to go to the hospital to further confirm.

At that time, I was holding a paper cup and a pregnancy test stick in my hand, and looked at the two dark red horizontal bars. I stunned, I don't know if I should cry or laugh.

The pregnancy response made me sensitive and suspicious. I thought that shortly after the wedding, my husband and I were still having each other with each other. I also thought of my husband's economic burden on the family because of a car accident. Can you become a competent father.

One or two minutes later, I handed the paper cups and pregnancy test sticks with urine to my husband. He didn't pick it up at the beginning, and his eyes were a little impatient: "What is this?" He thought I was impolite.

"Look at it yourself!" I screamed and lowered my head.

Hearing this, he took the paper cup and the pregnancy test stick, and then carefully read the instructions on the use of the pregnancy test stick. After that, he became extremely active like he had chicken blood. He took the initiative to help me deal with urine and let me sit and rest without letting me intervene in housework. Although his hands were still healed, he went to the market to buy food and cook for me to cook for me.

I called my mother that my mother might be pregnant, and my mother reminded me to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Under the reminder of my mother, in the afternoon of that day, I accompanied my husband to the hospital and watched a gynecological director. She was a peaceful middle -aged woman.

I think that as usual, I can confirm my pregnancy. But the director asked me to do the vaginal B -ultrasound because she was the first to rule out the possibility of our ectopic pregnancy.

After hearing the word "ectopic pregnancy", my heart was as nervous and suffocated, and I almost couldn't breathe. However, this is just the beginning of disaster ...

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