The first pregnancy experience is like a shadow that can't be erased. Since then, every time I step into the gynecological clinic, I will unconsciously want to escape.

In the afternoon of September 6, I was delayed for 13 days. I picked up the idle pregnancy test stick in my family for testing. Unexpectedly, the two red bars appeared so clearly in front of my eyes. It reminded me that I might get pregnant.

So, I decided to let my husband go to the hospital with me to further confirm the facts of pregnancy. I hung a gynecological director on the public account of the designated hospital. I showed me a peaceful middle -aged woman. Her other identity was the deputy dean of the hospital.

Due to the frequent menstruation in the past few months, I went to the hospital to testify many times, and the results showed that I was not pregnant. In addition, I was originally a "medicine pot", and my body was already exhausted by the drug (20 years old at the age of 20, and I have been taking hormone drugs in the past 8 years). Therefore , Also prepared for life -long infertility.

I originally intended to determine whether to get pregnant through a blood test as usual, and then went home with a result of not pregnant. However, the deputy dean asked me to do the vaginal B -ultrasound. I was a little impatient. I asked the dean: "Can you test whether you are pregnant if you have a blood test?"

"B -ultrasound can confirm whether you are ectopic pregnancy!" She would take the lead in excluding the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

The word "ectopic pregnancy" is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which makes my heart jump accelerate and almost unable to breathe. I can't forget that my mother once told me that ectopic pregnancy may cause pregnant women to die.

I originally just wanted to confirm that I was not pregnant, but I never thought that I would be suspected of being ectopic! My body has always been sick and sensitive. At that moment, I really wanted to complain about God's injustice. However, no matter what the result I will face, my health and life can only rely on the treatment of doctors.

I suppressed the negative emotions in my heart and walked towards the vaginal B -ultrasound examination room. However, there were several nurses in the door of the examination room to maintain order. They told me that the patients in front had not yet completed the inspection, allowing me to wait on a bench outdoors.

The outdoor bench is full of people waiting for inspection. Most of them are like me, and they have a companion. Some people are chatting, and some people are laughing; but my husband and I are different from them. I am adjusting my psychological state, and my husband is silent and picks up his mobile phone from time to time. In this way, we spent half an hour nervously. Seeing that the young couples and couples who were late than me had entered the inspection room one after another, and only my husband and my husband were left in the waiting area.

The husband is an acute child. He rushed at the door of the inspection room and shouted: "Ye Yongshi (my name) can I go in?" However, the inspection room refused to enter the man. He went in late ... "He kept complaining to me.

I originally decided to do a Dink tribe, but I accidentally discovered that I was pregnant, and now I was suspected of being ectopic. For a while, I was full of fear of the future. Whether I want to go to heaven or become a mother. At this moment, I really hope that the soul can get out of the flesh and no longer be entangled by the trivial matters in the world.

I did not care about my husband, but my husband did not give up, and kept asking for inspection of the nurses indoor and outdoor.

"You ask, why can't you go in?" The husband couldn't enter the examination room, and he had to ask me to ask him. Despite the fear, the savior of survival makes me want to face reality as soon as possible (just like facing the disease, the opportunity to survive early), coupled with my husband's urging and long waiting anxiety, I finally took the courage to act.

I quickly walked to the door of the examination room and looked in. The left side of the room and the front of the curtains were surrounded by the covered curtains, and there was no one over the middle channel. In order to dispel doubts, I increased a little volume, and confirmed again: "Can Ye Yongshi be checked?"

Then, there was a sound in the curtain on the left side of the left side: "How many times you talk, you will call your name, don't you tell your family? Why are you asking? And the mother is doing inspection How can you affect the knowledge of others? "!"! "

"I just asked, how could it affect others!" Because I waited for a long time, I didn't see a person out, and I was anxious.

"We are really busy, no one wants to cut in!" The other party touched. Subsequently, a mother slowly came out of the curtain.

"Please come in!" The other party urged. When I opened the curtain, the inspection bed with a disposable cushion in my eyes was the busy figure with the three nurses. I checked.

Although I have not done vaginal B -ultrasound before, my heart is full of confusion and anxiety about the future, but I must restrain my dissatisfaction. After all, I need to be responsible for my health and should not affect the work of the nurse because of personal emotions.

I took a deep breath, calmed down my mood, suppressed the doubts, and faded the clothes of the lower body, lying quickly and orderly on the inspection bed.

"Please briefly describe your situation." The nurse beside you throw the previous disputes and quickly entered the work state.

"At noon today ... I measured two red bars with a pregnancy test stick ... I made an appointment with the number of Director*. "I said intermittently, the fear of the offended in the breath.

She was so angry that she was not ashamed of my nervousness.

The results of the vaginal B -ultrasound were immediate. After a few minutes, she took out the test report from the printer by the bed and handed it to my hands: "The inspection has been completed, you will be reported to the attending doctor for viewing, you can know the actual situation. In addition, use the use. Fold the cushion and put it in the trash.

"Okay, thank you." I dressed in her instructions, dressed, packed the medical waste on the bed, and then walked out of the test room.

At this point, my husband was waiting anxiously at the door. Because I was afraid of facing bad results, I did not check the report, but directly handed it to my husband, hoping that he could share the pressure for me.

My husband's response was beyond my expectation. He first showed Mona Lisa -style mysterious smile, then pouted with a smile, and finally covered his mouth with his hands, seemed to laugh.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He lowered his voice, only I could hear, but his joy was overwhelming, and I felt the shyness and excitement he had never had before.

Facing the fact that I am about to become a mother, I was difficult to accept for a while, and my nervousness and fear mood came into my heart like a tide. I couldn't help crying. My husband patted my back gently, trying to give me courage.

Perhaps he was infected by the joy of his father and was attracted by his shy look. I gradually had expectations of becoming a mother. Seeing him so happy, I couldn't bear to disappoint him.

With the expectations of the future, I returned to the clinic of the deputy dean with my husband and informed the doctor: "Doctors, the fetus has been five weeks, and the pregnancy sac and yolk cycles are not ectopic."

The deputy dean never had a smile. She took the report and carefully reviewed and said: "The current embryo is not very good. Your menstrual period and ovulation are not consistent. As a result, the embryo development is poor, and there is a risk of fetal stop and abortion. "

"Oh no.."

"I just informed you that the possible situations may not happen. Next, you need to perform blood test (testing human choricular gonadotropin (HCG)) to determine whether the HCG value is matched with the pregnancy, and I can make it. "More accurate judgment".

After hearing this, the fire I just ignited was sprinkled into a trace of candlelight.

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