It was a girl who kept following me, and later arranged a boy. This girl is a Northeast, and her family has always thought she was going to college in Beijing. How do I know this? A call from her family, she lied that she was on campus.

They are obsessed with themselves will become rich in the future and even deceive their family members. Although I sympathize with them, I have no way, they have been completely brainwashed.

They are not so -called real rich people. On the contrary, they are very poor, and then they think they can get rich in the future.

I am more impressed with a relatively large rural courtyard. More people have stayed here, and most of them say that most of them come from the Northeast region, so they also call themselves from the Northeast or the Northern School. And the Southern School, they are trying to dock.

Of course, I naturally do not believe in their words. I can't figure out who their accommodation and dinner are from? Even if the cost is very low, it is costly. Later, I heard that the per capita cost of a day was about five yuan.

Don't expect to eat good rice, basically steam a large pot of rice, and then boil potatoes in water. There is no oil and water. There are two potatoes in a bowl. Basically it is the vegetable helper thrown in the vegetable market with salted water.

When you eat formal meals, there will be a bowl of potato water in the bowl. Everyone drinks a sip, and you have to say a taste. Some people say salty, and some people say sweet.

Everyone is very happy to have such a difficult life state. Their reason is that this difficult life is now to be rich in life.

They also lectured on each other, and everyone imitated each other. From tone to one stroke, they did not require innovation, and they only needed to pursue exactly the same. After you seem to understand their logic, they start asking you to make money, and even help you deceive your family and let the people in the family make money.

I naturally disagree. They ask you what you are concerned? Their products are high -tech products. To this end, they will show you a set of cosmetics, but they have sorted out various questions and answers of cosmetics. You have any questions, and they have corresponding answers.

These people can't talk about ten evils. On the contrary, they are all poor people. Each of them is not rich. Some people even have unbearable past. They want to realize their dreams through a road of getting rich. This is different from some pyramidles that are murdered by wealth, but most of them are destined to taste bad results. This is a feeling of helplessness.

Later, I watched so many people who had dinner and had so many people with thin noodles, so I took the opportunity to buy some cakes to share with those who followed me. As a result, I pulled my belly at night. This one is still more experienced. The gastrointestinal and intestines have adapted to that way. Suddenly they eat better, but the stomach is not adapted. I don't know if my stomach was buried at that time, and the stomach has not been very good since then.

Later, I basically understood their logic, and I would talk about it. Even what I said had surpassed many people, and some people started to worship me. At this time, I was a little lost, and I decided to join their gang, so I decided to go out to pick up money alone.

Unexpectedly, my move was considered to be running away, and someone had to follow me. This made me very angry. In the end, I decided to go home first and then come back.

When I put forward this idea, some of them still opposed it, but at this time, the friend of my friend appeared, and he supported my thoughts. Because he heard that I have passed the exam at my current level.

When I left, I kept following my Northeast girl, and I was crying. I was afraid that I would not come back. I said I wanted to give me a hug. Unexpectedly, other men did not talk about martial arts, and they embraced me.

When I really left, my heart was also mixed. One of their representatives went to the supermarket to buy me a lot of delicious food, let me eat on the road, and told me not to be right when on the road. Don’t be right on the road. Others explain these contents, others will affect our career if they don't understand.

I agreed one by one. Then I went to Tianjin Railway Station to buy a train ticket to Zibo. Zibo is not my hometown, the main reason is where my mother is, asking me to go in the past.

I didn't want to go to Zibo, because there were some things that had some things with Siyao. But I still went on my mother's face. I stayed in Zibo for a while, and I forgot my own leather shoes in Tianjin. I didn't know what I thought. At that time, I should know my thoughts, but after so many years, I have forgotten my thoughts at the time. Anyway I returned to Tianjin again. Maybe I thought about saving that girl came out. I thought she was pitiful and trusted me so much.

I went straight to the family who stayed in the original accommodation, and then knocked on the door. The people inside were still very vigilant. I asked across the door, who?

I said my identity, and the other party opened the door. Then I entered the original house, but found that everything was already wrong, and my shoes could only be found one, and the other one no longer knew where she was.

My friend was very happy to see me coming back, so I asked, where did those people I met before going? Friends were vague at first, and later said that they were relocated, and they could see them after you joined.

Then I took me to some places I have never been to, and I met some people who had never known. These people seemed to be in sadness. From time to time, someone was crying, and then someone would come to comfort. I didn't know it, and I couldn't see the original person, and my heart was more embarrassed.

After a few days, I decided to leave. There was not much resistance this time, and I left smoothly under the escort of friends. I do n’t remember the specific process. Anyway, when I return to Tianjin this time, my heart is relatively disappointed. After leaving this time, I also have a new view of my friends, but I did not publicly tear the relationship between our friends.

Later, I returned to Qingdao, found a job, and worked for a few villas. Suddenly one day the friend called again. We said a few words on the phone. He said that he also came to Qingdao and could meet and chat. I promised it on the phone, but I didn't want to see him at all. When someone lies you, whether this deception is good or malicious, it will eventually leave scars in your heart. After hanging up the phone, I turned off.

Later, when I went to learn CNC programming, he had come to the phone again, and I still didn't see him. From then on, he also knew my attitude and never contacted it again. Although he was also very pitiful, he might be deceived by his friends, but he couldn't wake up in time to make his interpersonal relationships more and more failed. For young people, they should still work down on the ground or do business. This kind of whimsical way of making money is still better.

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