In the early 1990s, there was no May 1 Golden Week and Eleven Golden Week in our schedule at that time, so the festivals of at least seven consecutive days seemed incredible. Later, I learned more in detail that The joy comes very simple. If the large section accumulates, half of the year will spend the festival in half a year. For example, a temple was built hundreds of years ago, there was a day of Daqing for 13 years. Is it the longest world record?

In 1993, when I first arrived in Lhasa, I lived in the "Baro Scholars" hotel on the streets of Batuki. The owner and service staff of the "Hachiro Scholars" hotel are Tibetans. The residents are mainly foreigners and Xinjiang businessmen who have leased them in the lower small room for a long time. Essence Every day at dusk, when people are more concentrated, everyone is looking for their own entertainment on the lawn downstairs. Xinjiang people play in winter; Tibetan girls sing songs; Guitar. There are some people in the sun. I am a member of this community. I hold a notebook in my arms and record it from time to time: "The open space in the mountains is like a grinding plate, and the surrounding mountains are just secretions. The white and white clouds are in the mountains. Half -faced face, no one came to see me in this city ... At that time, my temperament was close to weakness, slim, pale and nervous, and suddenly placed in the Jianshuo Tibetans and foreigners. Essence

The second day I came was June 4th of the solar calendar, April 15th of the Tibetan calendar, the Sagarva Festival, and the Sagalwa Festival is a festival that is more grand than the Spring Festival (equivalent to the Spring Festival). It is Lhasa. The festival that people attach great importance to it are also a very religious festival.

From many days after April 15th, people have moved from the festival, from the time of their children, and people are "daunting." The excitement is full of aroma. Everyone must switch to the scriptures, and some people have a long head and their heads, using their body to measure the land under their feet, and use their bodies. The place where the classics must pass through the Jokhang Temple, Batana Street, Potala Palace, Yaowangshan, Longwangtan and other places. Everyone's end point must return to the starting point to turn around. During the Sagarva Festival, many temples will hold a "sunbath" conference. The huge Thangka is hung on the side of the mountain. It can be seen from far and far. The jumping god activity, the jumping god was completed with the "big head", and there were many Song Dynasty dolls in the middle of the gods of the gods.

The people on the street are gradually increasing. The Tibetans are wearing a hidden costume. The sound is gradually complicated. It is not the sound of chat. Hummly, read the scriptures, the wooden boards on the long head's hands were crispy when they landed. It is also the day of Huayuan and the distribution of giving. The lama and the nuns are lined up on the street. There is a scripture in front of the body. These scriptures are different. In the hospital, the method of watermarking woodcuts is still used to make scriptures. Lama knocked the magic weapon and recite loudly. On the edge of the scriptures, the shoe box used for Huayuan. It is said that the giving obtained in those days often ensures that they have a year of expenses. Beggers are also on the side of the road, and their hands are holding change, and even patients who have broken their legs are in the team of giving, and they will be in the team that receives giving ...

The release sheep and pet dogs held in the hands are a quiet group. Obviously, these animals have been close to others for a long time. In such a crowd, they are free to gourns the neck bell.

The pattern, called "Ronda", is flying in the sky.

People turn around in the lanes of Batujie Street, turn to a intersection and remit into many people. Everyone is in the same direction, clockwise.

Imagine how scared people like me who are weak and pale in a rough line at once.

I was wrapped in the flow of people, and I didn't know it at all, so I walked blindly ... I heard a lady born in a German town and told me that when she first arrived in Beijing, she saw such a dense Chinese on the street ( In her concept is not Chinese, but Asians), she cried excitedly. I also wanted to cry at the time. In addition to the Tibetan people who were seen all of a sudden, there were also fear of strange places. Two days later, I It is known that the fear is superfluous. The Tibetans are very friendly, and they get a lot of good smiles and help in my wild dog wandering.

The waiters in the hotel always ask me: Where is Tibet? They also teach me to speak simple Tibetan language, such as "hello", "auspicious Ruyi" and "I am a Tibetan daughter -in -law". The last sentence gives me the most comforting effect.

In June at that time, the mountains were covered with frost and snow on the distance, and a white hat on the top of the mountain. Now, in June of Lhasa, such a scenery can no longer be seen because the temperature is relatively improved.

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