"Doctor, I am not an ectopic pregnancy! My fetus has been five weeks old, and I have a pregnancy sac and a yolk!" I explained anxiously.

"Well, the current embryonic situation is not optimistic. Your menstrual period and ovulation period are not coordinated, and the gestational sac is located in the lower left corner of the front position of the uterine. Go to check the blood of the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), I will make further judgments. "

At the age of 31, I have been weak and sick (depression and inflammation of the eye. For 16 years, the drugs have been constantly taking anti -inflammatory drugs for 8 years. Two red bars (meant that it is very likely to be pregnant).

What's even more unexpected was that when I went to the hospital to confirm again, I was suspected of being ectopic (murderers of pregnant women) and was arranged to be a B -ultrasound. After endless anxiety and long waiting, I finally waited for a conscious result -the embryo had been 5 weeks and had gestational sacs and cocdonic cylinders.

However, the attending doctor (a middle -aged woman, the deputy dean of the hospital) told me that the situation of the embryo was not ideal, and I needed me to check the blood to check HCG. I know this is an essential step in the pregnancy test, so I followed the doctor's advice.

That half day, my mood was like a roller coaster, from hopeless to hope, then from hope to disappointment.

At that time, it was 5 pm. The result of blood drawing was usually generated after two hours, and the result was about 7 pm (at 7 pm, the doctor was off work).

I was frustrated, I just wanted to complete all this as soon as possible, and then fled the hospital and returned home. I think, after adjusting the mentality, let the doctor see the result of blood drawing.

The blood drawing process was smooth. I returned home early and found the test results on the public account of the hospital -the HCG value was 3723.

I compared the results with the reference range, and also told my husband: "The value in the interval of 3-4 weeks, although slightly low, may be because my menstrual period and ovulation period are not coordinated." I am Knowing that my husband likes children, I try my best to comfort him and comfort myself. In fact, my heart is on the verge of collapse. I want to be a mother and I don't want to be "tossing" by the hospital.

"Your HCG value is not ideal." The next day, the doctor looked at my test results.

Alas ... my heartbeat accelerated, my brows were locked, and my mouth was slightly drooping, but I still buried this "唉" deeply in my heart.

Although I didn't say anything, the doctor still saw my inner dissatisfaction: "You like this, test the progesterone every two days, and smoke the blood again. If the value does not double, it does not increase, or even decreases. You can choose to give up. "

I looked at the doctor intently. The doubt in my heart was like a cloud of clouds. The picture produced by pregnant women in the TV series flashed in my mind, as if hen was light and easy to raise an egg. I remembered that my disease shelter wanted to bred a small life, and my heart was like a towel with a stroke.

"Are you ready to welcome a new life?" The doctor asked and my husband.

"Doctor, I really look forward to this child." I said softly, with a hint of trembling in my voice. The husband nodded immediately.

"Don't worry, depression does not mean that you are not worthy of being a mother. You just need to go home to rest and keep a happy mood, which is of great benefit to the development of the embryo." There was no trace on his face.

I grabbed my husband's hand tightly, trying to seek strength from him. At this moment, all I can do is to protect this little life that has not yet been formed.

On the way home, the rain was silk, and the cold wind was like a knife. We have only one umbrella. Fortunately, my husband's figure is like a mountain. I snuggle tightly on his belly and keep warm for ourselves and the baby as much as possible.

That night, I decisively stopped dependence on depression drugs for many years, and decided to return to my mother's house to raise tires. The next morning, I only ate a piece of bread and had no appetite. After returning to my mother's house, my whole body was hot, and my calf muscles were stiff and painful from time to time.

I guess it was cold when I was discharged. Despite pain, I refused to receive any drugs because I couldn't get my baby to hurt at all. Every item I contacted, I will check the information before use to confirm whether it is harmful to pregnant women.

Originally, I planned to let my mother accompany me to the hospital on the third day. However, in the morning, the hospitalized grandfather was suddenly notified by a critical illness, and my parents could only leave me to visit my grandfather.

The cold and pregnancy reaction made me full of weakness. I rushed myself a cup of camel milk and was planning to go out. But think about it, what should I do if my physical condition is not good. What should I do if they faint on the road? Thinking of my grandfather's "hard land" from my parents, my breathing frozen instantly, and I felt like I was abandoned by the world.

I used the remaining strength to call my husband's phone: "My parents are going to see my grandfather. I really have hard work. Come and accompany me to the hospital! Hurry up!" I choked while I said, tears flickered. I am so noisy like a child, because I know that the children who can cry have milk, and I am pregnant with the incense of my husband's house.

On the way to the hospital, I staggered and almost fell several times. Fortunately, there is a crutch of my husband, so I can go to the hospital safely.

However, this time the blood drawing test has not been opened. According to the hospital's practice, it is necessary to register first, then open the order from the attending doctor, then pay the fee to the payment office, and finally check.

Unfortunately, 8-9 in the morning is the busiest moment of the hospital, and the patient poured in like a tide. There are more than a dozen patients in front of me. The central air conditioner of the hospital seemed to reduce the temperature to the freezing point, making me trembling. Because I hurried out, I didn't bring a jacket. So, I trembled into my husband's arms and spent more than an hour.

Until the queue paid, I was still hiding in my husband's arms. Perhaps my move was too "injured", and the laughter sounded in my ear. But I had no time to take care of the eyes of others. After half an hour, I finally paid and came to the place where I was drawing.

At this time, his parents rushed to the hospital. Accompanied by three adults, I sat in front of the blood drawing window and handed my right arm to the nurse.

"Girl, test HCG and progesterone." I said low and slowly.

"Beauty, are you pregnant? Why is your hand so cold and his face is so blue?" She touched my hand.

I told her that it was due to cold, eating less breakfast, and anxiety.

"Beauty, you are not like a normal pregnant woman. Pregnant women are usually rosy. I dare not give you a needle. In case of accident, I want to be responsible. Do you have a family member to accompany?"

When I heard this, I was in a hurry. If I don't want to listen to the unhealthy fetus, I emphasized: "It is said on the Internet that the sudden changes in the body temperature of pregnant women is normal. When I was at home, my body was still hot."

"Touch it now, this hand is quite hot. Ask your husband to go to the water dispenser next to you pour a glass of water for you." She touched my hand again, looked at the three adults behind her, smiled and smiled. Essence

Listening to her, I relaxed the whole person and felt the encouragement of long -lost.

After taking the blood, I took the water from my husband. I also want to eat something to increase energy. Mom asked Dad to go downstairs convenience stores to buy bread, but Dad was struggling with which one to buy. I was in a hurry and asked my mother and husband to accompany me home.

After returning home, I looked at the test results -the HCG value was 4747 and the progesterone value was 9.32. This means that the HCG value does not meet the requirements of double, and progesterone is still a bit low.

If I show this result directly to the doctor, she would probably let me deal with it.

After many "tossing", I have lost their favor for the female doctor because I cannot encourage and see hope from her.

In addition, this situation is not bad enough to recover. I am a sick seedling, it is not easy to be able to conceive how many children! Even if I am willing to give up, my husband does not follow, and he strongly recommends that I have tires.

In order to relax myself, I decided to hang a male doctor next time.

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