1. Marriage:

In some countries like India, Indonesia, or South Africa, changing wives can be considered common and done in local festivals. Meanwhile, in many other places around the world, the mindset of valuing men over women still exists, believing that men are the pillars of the family and women only play a dependent role. However, these beliefs are gradually changing over time with the development of society.

Preserving and respecting the culture of each ethnic group is very important, but it is also necessary to ensure that the rights and freedoms of each individual are protected and respected.

However, this ratio is also causing deep concerns for anthropologists, reminding them of ancient times when a man having five wives and seven concubines was normal. But now, the rate of choosing a wife is even higher than passing a public university entrance exam. Rescuing preschool boys for the future of the country becomes more necessary than ever. In the past, the Chinese were proud to have many sons, but now they feel ashamed if they don't have daughters. To get married, one needs money, organize a wedding, and own a house and a car. Otherwise, it may become one of the countries facing the issue of not finding a wife, like India, where many still have a condescending attitude towards women.

However, not all cultures uphold traditional views. For example, in some tribes in India, like the Drka tribe, changing spouses is normal and encouraged. These are tribes with a freer life, not bound by common social rules. There, openness about emotions and marriage is highly valued, and people can freely marry within the community.

Although some traditions may be controversial and prohibited, they still exist in tribes and are practiced in private places. The Drka people believe that changing spouses can help them conceal their true identity from confusion and disasters, and many are still happy and comfortable with this tradition.

2. Spouses:

Exchanging spouses can bring happiness and satisfaction to many people, and perhaps in the future, it will be more widely accepted worldwide.

However, records of the Muso tribe can be traced back at least 750 years before the Common Era, showing that their land was previously known as "Nuko" or "Kingdom of Women." Is that the Female Land in the story of Journey to the West? That is what I really want to explore.

When talking about an official holiday of the Indonesian people, I'm not talking about the letter "p" in English. This is a significant celebration of the Indonesian people. The following information will truly amaze you. If you are single and in need of love for comfort and sharing sensitive emotions, pay attention to the interesting culture of our Indo neighbors. There are unique customs that can help many people satisfy without encountering taboos or discrimination.

In the "P" celebration in Indo, participants will spend the night and have relations with someone other than their spouse. This event takes place on the island of Java and is held seven times a year. During the festival, participants will climb Gunung Kus, a mosque on a hilltop, to participate in sacred rituals, ensure luck by stepping on the roof ridge. They believe that their good wishes only come true if they marry the same person in all seven celebrations in a year.

Although this behavior may not only be disrespectful but also can lead to serious consequences such as disease or legal issues, thousands of people still participate in this festival every year. They believe that having relations with someone other than their spouse will bring luck.

In some other tribes around the world, like the Kabe tribe, stealing someone else's wife seems to be an important tradition. However, it is often just a ritual and does not cause real conflict. This tribe is very proud of their appearance and considers themselves the most handsome men.

Marriage and the freedom of both women and men are respected, and many lovers before marriage are considered normal. Every year, the tribe holds the "Lon" festival where men put on elaborate makeup and participate in beauty contests. The main purpose of the festival is for these men to impress the wives of others.

While some people may like this custom, there are also those who criticize and refuse to participate in it.

For fear that their wife will be stolen, in this era of lacking male heads and with ten robbers alone, one might lose their life. Do you accept living like this? Or will you be "in trouble" when your wife is pregnant? Who is already a husband, a father, raise your hand. Indeed, is that the darkest period in your life when you have to befriend your left hand, especially when your wife is pregnant?

According to today's moral and social standards, men are not allowed to have affairs, especially when their wife is pregnant - the most sensitive period for women. I love my wife and do not have affairs. I put my heart into my family and never betray. However, in some cultures, having affairs is completely acceptable, especially when the wife is pregnant.

In the Lakota tribe in North Dakota, USA, in the late stages of pregnancy, the husband may be allowed to have relations with the wife's sister or cousin.

3. Relationships:

Festivals, lively and vibrant celebrations, are not only a place for people to commemorate and have fun but also an opportunity to release their souls and seek connections. However, there is a festival where if you step into, you will experience something unexpected - maximum freedom in having relations with others, without any criticism or discrimination. That is the "Freedom Festival" - where all limits on love and relationships are lifted.

At the Freedom Festival, people do not have to worry about social rules on sex or moral standards. Instead, they are encouraged to explore and express themselves in the freest way, regardless of gender, age, or marital status. The main purpose of the festival is to encourage soul liberation and individual freedom, while creating a space for people to enjoy pleasure and satisfy their sexual needs naturally.

At the Freedom Festival, there is no discrimination or differential treatment based on appearance, gender, or nationality. Everyone is seen as themselves and equally respected. This creates a safe and comfortable space for everyone to release their souls and enjoy life as freely as possible.

Everyone participating in the Freedom Festival has the opportunity to fulfill all their dreams and desires without any barriers. Here, you can have relations with anyone you want, as long as both parties agree and there is no coercion from either side. This is not just about satisfying sexual needs, but also about exploring and sharing love and connections with others.

At the Freedom Festival, people are encouraged to open up and be ready to share their emotions and desires in the most honest and natural way. There is no judgment or criticism, only acceptance and understanding. This creates an environment of respect and comfort, where people can freely express themselves without fear of being judged.

The Freedom Festival is not just an event, but also a way of life. It promotes personal freedom and respect for the diversity and complexity of human beings. Here, everyone is encouraged to experience and express all aspects of themselves in the most natural and free way. Each individual has the opportunity to explore new aspects of themselves and seek meaningful connections with others.

4. Relationships:

However, the important thing at the Freedom Festival is that all relationships are built on consent and respect. Everyone must adhere to basic rules and principles of consent and agreement. There is no room for coercion or force, and all relationships must be built on the basis of voluntary and mutual respect.

The Freedom Festival is not just a place to satisfy sexual needs but also a platform to explore and express personal freedom. This is an opportunity for people to seek deeper connections and understanding of themselves and those around them. Here, all relationships are built on the foundation of sharing and understanding, and everyone has the opportunity to express themselves in the freest way possible.

In the modern world, the need for love and relationships has become more complex and diverse than ever. The Freedom Festival is a place where people can comfortably explore and express themselves, without encountering any discrimination or judgment. This is a space of freedom and acceptance, where people can seek joy and happiness in their own way.

Above all, the Freedom Festival is a testament to the diversity and richness of human beings and love. It encourages people to open up and embrace new and meaningful experiences in their lives. This is a special and unique event, where all boundaries are lifted and all desires are satisfied in the freest and most natural way possible.

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