1. Health:

Diabetes is a common disease that poses many health issues, from loss of sensation in the feet to frequent urination throughout the day. It is also one of the leading causes of death and requires special care. Therefore, knowing how to prevent diabetes is very important.

Many people crave sugar because they enjoy its sweet taste. But in reality, caring for their health is equally important. For example, my wife enjoys eating sweets even though she knows it can lead to obesity and diabetes. This reflects a bad habit, but it is quite common.

Of course, natural sugars with a sweet taste are found in many plant-based foods such as sugar cane, beets, or nuts, which are then used in food and beverage processing. Sugar is a type of carbohydrate that can be absorbed to provide energy to the body, but it has no other nutritional value. The reason many people crave sugar is because sugar, as well as other sweet foods, stimulate the brain's reward system. Eating sweet foods regularly makes the brain accustomed to consuming sugar and then needing more to achieve the same effect. Sugar has also been shown to stimulate the release of endogenous opioids in the brain, causing effects similar to using heroin, making consumers extremely addicted to sugar and unable to control their sugar consumption.

Consuming too much sugar can lead to many health problems, not only increasing the risk of diabetes but also causing tooth decay and weight issues. Especially, children often prefer sweet foods and if not controlled, they may develop health problems such as hyperactivity, early puberty, and tooth decay.

2. Diabetes:

Diabetes is a discomforting disease that can cause many serious complications. The number of people with diabetes is rapidly increasing worldwide, and early detection and treatment of the disease are crucial to prevent its progression.

If the sugar level in your body is high, you may need to go to the hospital immediately because diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is a hereditary disease in which the blood sugar level is always higher than normal due to the body's lack of insulin or insulin resistance, or both. This causes a significant disorder in the metabolism of sugar, protein, fat, and minerals. When diabetic, the body cannot metabolize enough glucose from daily food to provide long-term energy, leading to a gradual increase in blood sugar.

If the blood sugar level remains high, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and damaging many other organs such as nerves, eyes, kidneys, and many other serious diseases will increase. The cause of diabetes is often related to the body's need for glucose from daily food, which is stored in the liver as glycogen when the body does not use it. When the blood glucose level decreases, the liver releases glycogen into glucose to balance the blood sugar level. However, in cases where cells do not directly absorb glucose but require the support of insulin, the blood glucose level gradually decreases, causing a decrease in blood sugar.

In addition, the symptoms of diabetes may vary depending on the type of disease. Type 1 diabetes often progresses rapidly and can appear after a few days or weeks with typical symptoms such as feeling hungry, thirsty, frequent urination, dry mouth, and weight loss. On the other hand, type 2 diabetes often develops silently over many years and mostly has no clear symptoms like type 1, making it difficult to detect the disease. The diagnosis of diabetes is usually done through blood tests or random detection through other complications such as yeast infections, non-healing wounds, or changes in vision. This is particularly important because diabetes can cause serious complications and even lead to death if not treated promptly.

3. Treatment:

To avoid diabetes, we need to pay attention to our daily diet. There is a saying that "Fire comes from the mouth" which has both literal and figurative meanings, meaning that part of the disease may also be due to our daily eating habits. Therefore, be careful and control to ensure that the body is always protected.

An average person consumes about 24 kg of sugar per year, or 33.1 kg in developed countries. The World Health Organization recommends that adults and children reduce their sugar consumption to less than 10% of total daily energy intake, and encourage reducing it to less than 5% if possible.

Each gram of sugar provides 4 calories, and with the current diet at 2000 calories per day, that is equivalent to consuming 500 grams of sugar. What needs to be done now is to build a healthy and scientific diet. Learn how to balance your diet and reduce unnecessary sugar intake.

In summary, overeating anything is not good for health. Control and reduce excess sugar intake so that your body can become stronger and healthier.

Sugar not only affects the body's health but also has a significant impact on our brains. Consuming too much sugar can cause many problems for the brain's reward system, disrupt insulin hormone balance, damage brain cells, and cause mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. To protect the brain from the negative effects of sugar, controlling blood sugar levels through a healthy diet and positive lifestyle is extremely important.

In addition, regular exercise also plays an important role in maintaining brain health. Physical activity not only helps control weight and blood sugar levels but also stimulates brain activity, improves mood, and reduces stress.

Equally important is undergoing regular health check-ups, including measuring blood sugar levels. This helps detect any changes in the body early, thereby applying appropriate interventions to keep the brain protected and functioning optimally.

In conclusion, understanding the impact of sugar on the brain and implementing preventive measures is crucial in maintaining overall health. This not only helps reduce the risk of diabetes-related health issues but also enhances the quality of life and optimal brain development.

4. Quality:

In addition to maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise, it is also important to consider weight loss if necessary. Stable weight not only helps control blood sugar levels but also reduces pressure on internal organs, including the brain.

Furthermore, limiting the consumption of refined sugar and sugar-containing foods is carefully considered as an important part of maintaining brain health. Instead, prioritize foods rich in fiber and nutrients, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and quality protein sources.

Moreover, learning and applying stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or recreational activities like reading books, listening to music also bring great benefits to mental and brain health. Consider participating in social activities, interacting with friends and family can also help reduce stress and enhance optimism.

In summary, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and considering preventive measures against diabetes is the key to protecting the brain from the negative effects of sugar and diabetes. This not only brings immediate benefits but also contributes significantly to the development and maintenance of brain health in the future.

Additionally, maintaining sufficient and quality sleep plays a crucial role in protecting brain health. Inadequate sleep can increase feelings of hunger and sugar cravings, while also impairing emotional control and decision-making, causing fatigue and stress, all of which negatively affect brain health.

Finally, undergoing regular health check-ups and seeking support from healthcare professionals when necessary are also important in protecting brain health from the effects of sugar and diabetes.

In conclusion, by implementing preventive measures and maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle, we can protect brain health from the negative effects of sugar and diabetes, while enhancing our strength and quality of life.

In addition to the mentioned measures, keeping the brain functioning smoothly also requires promoting regular thinking and brain activities. This may include reading books, solving puzzles, learning new languages, or engaging in creative activities such as painting or writing. By stimulating the brain in a diverse way, we can keep the mind flexible and responsive in any situation.

Furthermore, maintaining positive social relationships also has a significant impact on brain health. Communicating and interacting with others not only helps reduce stress but also stimulates brain activity, creating conditions for optimal development of communication and social skills.

Lastly, maintaining an optimistic mindset and strong willpower are also essential factors in protecting brain health. Positive thinking and patience help us overcome challenges and difficulties, while keeping the mind fresh and ready to face any challenges in life.

In summary, protecting brain health from the effects of sugar and diabetes requires a combination of many measures, from comprehensive healthcare to maintaining a positive lifestyle and flexible thinking. By doing these things, we can keep the brain healthy and functioning well throughout life.

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