1. Method:

SMS, Facebook, Zalo, how to flirt with girls? Flirting with a girl through messaging is the easiest and quickest way, so the success rate may not be high. To flirt with a girl this way effectively, you need to have her Facebook, phone number, or Zalo. To get the phone number, you need to spend time meeting the girl in person, not rushing.

When you first meet and ask for a girl's number, usually she will not give it and refuse politely. Unless you are extremely handsome and charming, then she might give it. So, it's not crucial to ask for a girl's phone number. Stay calm and explain, she will automatically give her number, you can ask through friends or directly. Have two SIM cards, send a message to the phone to have the girl's number easily. There are many reasons, but the key is to be confident and you will succeed. Once you have the number, start messaging. The best time is around 10:30 to 12 at night, when the girl is either out or at home getting ready for bed, free, bored, and likely to respond. If the girl is still studying or in the morning, message in the morning, or in the afternoon, message in the afternoon.

Why? It's simple, girls always carry love within them. When someone messages to get to know them, they will be proud and share with their friends. At that point, 80 percent of girls will show off to their friends, and then the two girls will think of ways to message you back to hang out. So, the key is, whether you message a little or a lot at first, it must spark surprise and curiosity.

For example, "How have you been lately? Are you well, dear?" or sometimes just a greeting, a message, the two parties will be curious and ask who you are. Then, you don't reveal your identity, just say you are someone new. So, Hai knows there's someone new, don't rush and be patient. Some girls intentionally delay replying to make us wait, or what they call "playing hard to get". Whoever rushes in will lose immediately after being unprepared. Then we can use a more sophisticated way to get to know each other, following the 36 stratagems of Sun Tzu, by using the strategy of humiliation through text messages.

Choose the beginning and end of the day to message. "Good morning" or "Good night", consistently, with intervals like a normal cycle. The girl will appreciate and ask who you are. At this point, you should reply casually, open-ended, and not add anything. After a long enough time, when the girl is used to your messages, you should stop actively messaging. At this point, many girls may also be curious about you, "Why isn't this guy messaging today?" Making her feel a bit nostalgic, "This guy is about to lose a chicken."

2. Preparation:

"Yesterday, I missed you a lot" or worse "I miss that guy's scent, but thank you, it proves that only money matters." Why? People are slaves to habits, and if a number is blocked, using another SIM to message is a bit costly. But if it's not costly, then it's not a problem. This is a joke with a useful trick. Don't believe that I am the author here, it's not me. Good at chatting, humorous and witty, the girls will appreciate those who perform well in the initial stage, making the girls fall for you right away.

For example, "What's your name, damn? Let me guess, if not pretty, right, is that name or meaning already an advertisement for you? Do you believe you'll avoid smoking tomorrow? To sweat here." Not really, but lastly, send messages that only work when you're still getting to know each other. So when you're already somewhat close, it's better to message less. Messaging takes up a lot of time, save it for physical interaction. Messaging too much, when you meet in person, you won't know what to talk about, leading to boredom and potential breakup. Messaging about 3 times a week is enough.

Remember that regular daily messages like "Good night", "Good morning", "Enjoy your meal", will reduce the girl's feelings towards you. It sounds illogical, but think about it, what you receive frequently loses its meaning. It's not about quantity, but about timing. Those phrases, once in a while, are enough, don't send them daily.

Care is shown through practical actions, not obligatory messages, only message when you're truly free, let her read slowly, reply after finishing all tasks, don't rush to reply. Make the girl wait a bit, and you wait longer to reply. The girl is the queen of wandering thoughts, at that moment, she will think, "Is he busy, does he like me?" Why isn't he replying to messages, it's incomprehensible, and gradually, she will start to miss you.

However, I decided to apply this method because even if it's not successful in flirting, it can improve communication skills, which is very useful for work and future relationships. For example, if you work in multi-level marketing, or in a communication field, the first step you should take is to bring a close friend along, as you will be more confident that way. However, don't bring more than 2 people, as too many people can lead to teasing without achieving anything.

3. Getting to know:

When getting to know a girl on the street, it usually starts with phrases like "Hello, sorry, can I interview you for a bit?" or "Hey, can I ask you something?" You can also tease and grab attention. For example, "Are you Lan? You love the country, you're beautiful, right?" This helps create a comfortable atmosphere for the conversation.

During the conversation, be confident and humorous, don't force a conversation with a girl who is already with another guy. A tip is to avoid busy streets with many people passing by, as girls tend to be proud and sensitive.

For direct phone calls, you need to prepare the content of the conversation in your head beforehand, and avoid praising the person's appearance before meeting, as this can lead to misunderstandings. The conversation should be limited to 5 to 10 minutes to avoid running out of topics and silence during the conversation.

These tips help create a comfortable and natural environment during the getting-to-know process, increasing your chances of success in flirting.

When the call ends, you need to proactively end the conversation by saying something like: "Well, I won't bother you anymore. My phone is out of credit, and I also want to go to sleep. We'll talk again some other time." Also, remember to hang up first to create space for your potential love interest.

Flirting, a topic that always attracts the attention of men. Sometimes, it's considered an art, a skill that not everyone is good at. However, not everyone knows that flirting is not just about speaking to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but also a process of understanding, respecting, and communicating.

Flirting is not just about saying flattering words, compliments, or using tricks. Behind it is confidence, genuine care, and good communication skills. For many people, starting a conversation with a stranger can be a big challenge. However, for those with good communication skills and confidence, this becomes easier.

One of the most important factors in flirting is the ability to listen. Listening not only helps you understand the person you're flirting with better but also shows your respect and care for them. By listening, you can create a comfortable environment for both and have the opportunity to learn more about their interests, opinions, and dreams.

Not only stopping at listening, understanding the other person is also crucial. This helps you find common ground and create interesting conversations. Understanding the other person helps you ask smart questions and provide appropriate opinions, thereby increasing the chance of attracting their attention.

An essential part of flirting is confidence. Confidence is a decisive factor that makes you stand out and attract. However, don't confuse confidence with arrogance. Confidence comes from understanding yourself and being confident in your abilities, while arrogance is just self-aggrandizement and conceit.

4. Importance:

Additionally, humor is also an important weapon in flirting. Knowing how to create humorous situations and make someone laugh helps create a comfortable and fun environment for both. However, remember to keep your humor appropriate and respectful.

Besides personal factors, choosing the right time and place is also crucial in flirting. Make sure you choose the right time and place to start a conversation, avoid unfavorable situations like when the other person is busy or uncomfortable.

Finally, remember that flirting is not just about attracting the attention of the other person but also about understanding and communicating. The most important thing is to be confident, listen, understand the other person, and create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for both.

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