1. Girls:

At that time, I thought: so that's it, girls like surprises. Also, natural romantic matters, like kissing or holding hands, being rejected like "hey, let me kiss you" is not cool. It's not about being prudish or anything.

Then, years later, I read advice from an expert with decades of experience in love affairs in various battlefields, such as threesome at the pyramids with countless girls. He said, it's best to kiss girls when they agree. Sometimes a surprise kiss, when you're sitting worried, suddenly the guy turns around and kisses you, not only does it not feel good, but it also feels disgusting.

That girl might not necessarily be yours. Then, a little older, I realized that both pieces of advice are correct. Furthermore, I realized that kissing girls is an art. Kissing is not just touching lips together and that's it, if a guy only thinks about that, then he will forever be just a guy. Kissing is a very delicate thing. Have you heard the phrase "playing is also skillful"? Courting a girl is the same, and kissing her is also very skillful.

Ah, and to start playing this game, you have to look at the girl's lips. Kissing a girl is a symbol. Girls really like symbols. Although this sounds strange to boys, it's true. Have you seen advertisements that are all symbols of love?

This is a symbol of beauty. It is a noble symbol for ABC XYZ. Girls like to express their identity through symbols. Female students often use horoscopes, older people use necklaces, bracelets. If they have money, they play with cars and jewelry.

Usually, they use perfume. If they want people to feel that they are young and full of vitality, they use a light, sweet-smelling perfume. And if they want to show that they are strong, independent, they use Tom Ford Black Orchid perfume combined with a red dress.

Similarly, lips for girls are also a symbol. They like to wear lipstick because each color helps them express themselves. When going out with a boy, they wear lipstick as a way to send a subtle signal. Lipstick is not only a symbol of beauty but also helps them express their identity. It is an invisible part of a girl's life. When kissing, girls like to wear lipstick because each color creates a unique flavor, enhancing emotions and connection.

2. Connection:

For example, Blistex lip balm has a fragrant and sweet smell, giving a burst of emotions when kissing. Not only does it make the kisser feel delighted, but it also allows the girl to experience the wonderful taste from the other person. If possible, they want to kiss themselves to enjoy that taste.

Girls are not as simple as boys. Boys just need to act and that's it, but girls are sensitive to the environment. Even if you dress neatly, style your hair, but invite her to eat street food or go to a pub, it's hard to get a sacred kiss. Girls will only kiss when they agree. You don't need to ask for permission, but you need to create a suitable environment and mood.

When preparing for the first kiss, invite her to drink water at a decent place or watch a movie. Avoid eating strong-smelling foods like shrimp paste or garlic. You can bring scented candy for her to suck on before kissing, showing that you are a refined person.

Furthermore, one thing to note is that after eating, kissing can cause bad breath. However, over time, both will get used to this smell. Once you're used to it, you can try kissing in different conditions like when stopping at a red light or on the sidewalk. This will create interesting experiences.

You can add more flavor to kisses by eating fragrant or sweet foods. If you want to surprise her, you can try lipsticks with unique flavors.

For example, a lipstick with a powder flavor, when the bread is on your lips, she will kiss and lick your lips, all kinds of souls but the most favorite is still trying a new style. Below is a list of some styles for boys, from newlyweds to experienced guys.

First, a freshman will press his lips against yours and apply it for a long time until it feels very pleasant. Congratulations, you have your first kiss. A sophomore will close his lips, creating a suction force with her lips, gently pulling away. Third, a junior tilts his head 90 degrees from hers, this kissing style is proven in the movie Twilight to repel other vampires peeking at the girlfriend.

Fourth, a senior will only kiss the upper lip of the girl, gently admiring. Fifth, a Vietnamese savior gently nibbles on the upper and lower lips. If she still doesn't seem enthusiastic, the blowing into her mouth technique will make her wide-eyed and understand that you are serious.

3. Seriousness:

At number six, kissing the cheek is easy, sometimes you can kiss the cheek as if sending the wrong message to someone. Seventh, licking the cheek should be done after bathing, not when driving on the road at night. So, eighth, Hollywood-style kissing, one arm around the waist of the girlfriend, the other hand on her back, then give her a passionate kiss.

If you succeed, I guarantee everything around her will disappear in 90 minutes, in her mind there will be nothing but white and black. Ninth, Hollywood-style kissing, you look to the right, then both of you nod and repeat with the head turning left and her head tilting right, then you both lie down kissing each other on the bed with the fan on.

Tenth, vacuum cleaner-style kissing, normal kissing but with the suction part turned on, girls like surprises so when you open your mouth wide and her lips touch yours, it's now, they are your prisoners, use half of the torture on them. Eleventh, French-style kissing, making it Parisian style, pressing each side of her lips as if kissing normally, then put your tongue into her mouth and poke inside.

Twelfth, German-style kissing, similar to French style but instead of kissing it softly, say a word with 15 syllables like uric acid. You will faint due to lack of oxygen, she will have to bend down to give you artificial respiration. Straighten up and put your mouth down, remember to put your tongue into her mouth. Then you get to kiss again, it's delicious.

Thirteenth, electric shock-style kissing, best done in public places, you stick your tongue out, she sticks her tongue out, then you're stuck, no one leaves. Catching both souls without a kiss, you can kiss while watching the two main characters in the movie Lan Lộ on the bed by sending a heart-shaped model via Facebook to your lover and waiting. Fourteenth, soup-style kissing, you touch the nose first, touch it up and down, touch it, then pull your nose out, both sniff, repeat from the beginning until her nose turns red.

Kissing a girl is not just a physical act but also a way to express love, care, and respect for them. It is an important part of family relationships and creates strong emotional bonds between parents and children.

4. Actions:

Kissing a girl is not only an act of showing love but also a way to convey unspoken messages. When a father hugs his daughter and kisses her on the cheek, it is an expression of love and protection. Those gentle kisses not only make the child feel safe and loved but also help strengthen the bond between father and daughter.

In the developmental stages of a girl, kissing is an important part of building trust and confidence. When parents kiss their daughter and show concern for their health and happiness, they feel accepted and loved. This helps the child develop an optimistic and confident spirit, laying the foundation for comprehensive mental and emotional development.

Furthermore, kissing a girl is also a way for parents to interact and communicate with their child. When kissing a girl, parents can talk to their child about important things in life, share joys and sorrows, as well as show encouragement and support. This helps create a warm and happy family environment, where the girl can feel safe and loved.

Moreover, kissing a girl can also help improve their health. According to research, kissing stimulates the immune system, reduces stress and anxiety, as well as enhances the emotional connection between the kisser and the one being kissed. Therefore, kissing a girl is not only an expression of love but can also bring health benefits to both parties.

However, kissing a girl should be done consciously and respectfully. Parents need to respect the privacy and personal space of their daughter, not force or disturb them when they do not want to be kissed. At the same time, kissing should be done gently and respectfully, avoiding causing discomfort to the child.

In conclusion, kissing a girl is not only an expression of love but also a way to create strong emotional bonds between parents and children. It is an important part of family relationships and can bring many health and emotional benefits to both parties. However, kissing should be done consciously and respectfully towards the girl.

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