At the age of 31, I struggled with the illness for 16 years. Who can expect, I can actually take medicine while getting pregnant! Originally, I didn't have any hope about pregnancy. As soon as the results of the pregnancy stick and the B -ultrasound came out, my heart I wanted to be a mother would jump up alive! However, the female doctor always took the HCG value without double the value, the embryo position was incorrect and the progesterone was low.

Although I am a sick seedling, my husband is 10 years older than me, but he sees the pity and gives us two five -week big baby. How can we give it up? Intersection So, we decided to go back to my mother's home first (think about how to protect the fetus). If it does not work, find a male doctor to help.

However, the road to protecting the fetus was full of bumps. During this period, I endured the various interferences of friends and spiritual friends, and the "torture" caused by the strong pregnancy reaction.

In the early days of pregnancy, I followed the principle of "quiet care" and lived a life of "meals to open my mouth and put your clothes to reach out".

From then on, every time I eat, it looks like a long -lasting tug -of -war, as long as an hour; I lie on the bed for more than ten hours a day, but the real sleeping time is less than 4 hours (I will be "forced" to get up at two in the morning. , Then I can't fall asleep); my body is always stinky, sweat and urine have a western medicine flavor; as for "large", I only last once a week ...

At first, I was just loss of appetite. In my mother's house, Dad will prepare me rich meals (there will be three or four dishes (with auspicious rice) per meal, plus hot rice). However, since pregnancy, every time I eat, I have experienced a process from joy to evil.

When I came to the dinner table, I would like to think of the dishes in the past, and then I was used to pinching the meat I love to myself. However, I would feel tired when I was in the third mouth. Therefore, removing meat, I can only choose vegetables and rice to provide sufficient nutrition and keep stools for the body. But eating these two types of foods also made me painful. Every time I swallowed, I felt like I stole the bitter pills into my throat.

Seeing that I didn't like to eat the dishes made by my dad, she specially cooked a pregnant woman in the northern hometown for me. It was mixed with coarse grains such as batter, millet, and wheat. The weight was filled with two insulation bottles. However, as a southerner, it is difficult for me to adapt to this unique taste. In order to prevent my father and husband disappointed, I ate these foods hard, but indigestion and constipation have become an unbearable pain.

In order to make myself comfortable, my dad and husband also got balancing and harmoniously. I secretly dumped my husband's rice batter, and then told my dad to the end of it. Later, I rarely ate what Dad did in front of my husband.

However, her husband was not a matter of time. He arranged an online consultation for me and asked the online doctor to provide me with a plan to protect the fetus. The doctor's attitude and kindness never hurt my "glass heart". After 40 minutes of consultation, she opened a prescription worth 260 ocean -a weekly weight -keeping spirit and progesterone (fetal spiritual protection is a Chinese medicine, Cannoga is western medicine).

I am willing to try to protect the fetus, but decide to reduce the dose because I know that "it is three poisonous medicines", and I want to test whether its medicinal nature is coordinated with myself. As for progesterone, I resolutely refuse, because its side effects make me unbearable. Based on the past experience, I can not eat it for three days!

In order to save money, her husband followed the prescription and bought the fetus in the nearby "Dasoulin", but there was no inventory in the branch, so the medicine had to be adjusted from other branches, which could only receive the medicine after one day.

While waiting for the drug, I couldn't fly as if the birds who were imprisoned in the cage. During the day, I spent a long time in bed. At night, I was "forced" to get up. I am both like a pig in a pigpen and worse than pigs!

Because my world was imprisoned on the bed and the dining table, my phone became my only partner. I look for solutions to pregnancy and vomiting discomfort on the pregnant mother APP and short video platforms, learn common sense of pregnancy, and method of getting along with the elders.

However, the more you contact, the more depressed my will, because I see the difficulties of pregnant mothers.

There was a pregnant mother who had been teased by the baby in her belly. For four months, she was severely sick and unable to eat. She had to go to the hospital to infusion frequently to supplement nutrition. She gently stabbed her belly, and filmed this scene into a video to the Internet. The proposition was: baby! I have no end to you!

Unexpectedly, the bloggers did not get any comfort and understanding. In the comment area, netizens have accused her of not being able to spread the energy, and some people say that she is irresponsible and not worthy of being a mother.

The other second -child pregnant mother, her encounter is even more sympathetic. When the first child was pregnant, her mother -in -law refused to take care of her on the grounds of falling. When she was pregnant, her mother -in -law sent several dilapidated cotton jackets, saying that she was worn for her baby.

Seeing this, my heart is trembling: Mother is a superman! Do not shout tired, not to be suffering, let alone rely on others!

My husband is "cute"! He will show me a 1500 yuan transfer record to me, and tell me that it was my mother -in -law who asked me to buy nutrition products to nourish the body, and then added that her mother -in -law hurt her in the past six months. ... Listening to my husband, I know that my mother -in -law does not pay attention to me, and I won't help me take care of my children in the future. But I am satisfied. I can at least raise a baby in my mother's house and get the care of my parents and husbands.

So I blame my husband to tell my mother -in -law prematurely because of the folk customs that the fetus was more sensitive three months ago and I didn't like to be concerned by too many people. I told my husband that it would make her feel that I love to spend money and do not know the family. We should accept the mother -in -law's money after the child is born, so that it is reasonable and reasonable, but also keep the face of the mother -in -law.

However, my mother thinks that I am too kind. Since my mother -in -law doesn't like me, she should resolutely reject her money. I said that my mother -in -law was half of my mother after all. If I did something, my husband would be embarrassed.

Therefore, this is the difference between mother -in -law and mother -in -law. We cannot say that all mother -in -law is not good for daughter -in -law. We can only say that when women are pregnant, confinement, and bring their children, if conditions permit, it is best to find relatives. Mom come to help. Ha ha...

The above these are the "interference" brought to me by the people in the human world. However, the harassment of my friends in the spiritual world is more dramatic ...

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