Because of changing jobs, I decided to transfer social security to new companies as soon as possible. It should be transferred in accordance with the company's rules. On the 15th of this month, I asked the supervisor's social security if they were successful? After understanding the supervisor, I would definitely reply to me, and I have been successful, and I started buying social security this month.

So I did not ask the original unit if the original unit was reduced. Since the success of the new unit's employment, this shows that the old unit has reduced the staff. I always thought that this incident had been done. I did not expect that when it was almost five o'clock this afternoon, the company's manager called me on WeChat, saying that you have not reduced staff in the home unit, and you ca n’t buy social security here.

So I cut off the supervisor's chat to the manager, and said that it was successful in the middle of the month. I thought it had been done for a long time.

Unexpectedly, I do n’t know how to pretend that the manager told me that it was to give you a increase, but when we bought you social security, we ca n’t get money. Your original unit did not subtract your staff.

In response to my doubts, he also explained that the increase is to tell you that we agreed to buy you social security.

My God, my head was full of anger. I also deliberately searched for increasing and reduced staff. Only when the original unit was reduced, the new unit could increase the success. However, they understand the increase in employees as agreed to buy social security, which shows that they do not understand or deliberately blur the concept at all.

After all, I did not popularize related knowledge. I don't think it is necessary to popularize it, because this is the reason for the thinking level and lack of knowledge. It belongs to the low -frequency energy field in the workplace.

The so -called low -frequency energy field means that unprofessional people do professional things, and then use unprofessional knowledge or experience to distort professional behaviors. Such things are also very common in our lives. In order to clearly explain this problem, I will give you an example of easy understanding.

When the television was just pushed to the rural market in the 1980s, the old lady in the countryside said that the TV show was that the shadow play was blowing those shadows.

With his past experience, the old lady in the countryside has made such a conclusion that we know that this is actually ridiculous, but it is a stubborn truth for them.

This is because a high -frequency energy field enters a low -frequency energy field. Their observation angle observation conclusions are very ridiculous.

There are also low -frequency energy fields and high -frequency energy fields in the workplace. If the work is very simple to operate, then this crowd is biased towards a low -frequency energy field, and they only need to act according to the inherent program. If work needs innovation, it is very complicated, then this is the high -frequency energy field, such as creation and so on.

Low -frequency energy fields are more inclined to procedure. When they look at the innovation of high -frequency energy field innovation, they will think that they will lose three or four. Because of professionalism, the high -frequency energy field people have higher professionalism, and they will take a faster way to solve the problem.

Although the crowd of high -frequency energy field has achieved great achievements, this is just luck for people in low -frequency energy field.

They will say that although you have also achieved good results, you should still go to this format. Because professionalization will be higher than programming, the stylized population cannot understand the professionalization and they can only solve it with programming.

Thinking of this, my confusion about ten years ago was suddenly cheerful. Ten years ago, I made a rapid progress in a large enterprise, but for some reason, I decided to resign from a small business in a agent. In others' opinion, it was a bit better to be a chicken head and not to be a phoenix.

But when I came to the small business of the agent, they did not understand what I planned, or they could only understand a part, and then I started to use their experience for granted for those where they didn't understand. They can only understand that one step can take thirty centimeters. Once they become sixty cm, they feel that you missed a step.

Judging from today's perception, this group is a low -frequency energy group. They have become accustomed to the stylized things. Once they are innovative, they will strongly deny it.

It can be seen that we can further explain what is the low -frequency energy field, which refers to a group of unprofessional people to do professional things that ca n’t achieve the desired results, and even this process is ridiculous.

This situation can be avoided by a high -frequency energy field. A group of professional people do professional things, so they may not adopt a step -by -step strategy. For example, for low -frequency people, they need to spend 10,000 to do. High -frequency people may only complete the same result just one thousand.

The behavior of high -frequency energy fields is lost to unprofessional people. They will think that the result they get is luck. Because there are many steps in their programs.

If we recognize this truth, we will not be confused by the phenomenon.

All the talents we want to find are high -energy fields. This can only be a beautiful wish, because among any group, he will always have professional and unprofessional people.

When we gave the television as an example, many elderly people believed that the TV was a shadow play in the TV. If you refute him, he will be very emotional. So for this elderly, why did he have such a mistake? The main reason is that he doesn't know about the TV of the TV. He can only look at this new thing with his past experience.

So he believes that the conclusion that he rely on his past experience must be correct. The most disgusted thing is that others are opposed to him.

If the job facing in a workplace is a simple operating work. Basically, it is certain that this group belongs to a low -frequency energy field, but suddenly the procedure of one day of work becomes complicated, and these people are easy to make mistakes or even cannot complete the task.

This also reminds me of the scene of past applications. When I planned it with very professional knowledge, the other party could not understand in -depth understanding, but used a very simple understanding to think that I wanted to express. This means that I have encountered low frequencies, because when high frequency encounters low frequency, low frequency always uses very macro and blurred things, and some of my own experience to summarize the content he heard, just like those rural areas in the 1990s Like the old lady, they think of the TV as a puppet show.

I don't know if the platform and me have lost their real talents, or I missed the opportunity of the platform. Anyway, those platforms basically encountered serious bottlenecks because of the development of talents.

The high -frequency energy field can be able to comply with the low -frequency energy field downward, although he feels angry about the destructiveness of the low -frequency energy field, but he understands that this is not their fault, but that they have a short board in their cognition and thinking. Therefore, when we are employed, if you let unprofessional people do professional things, we will often do anything wrong with their wishes. And when we let professional people listen to unprofessional people, the project will develop slowly, and the contradiction between interpersonal relationships will become very prominent.

Unprofessional people will lead everyone to cross the river by touching the stones, and accidentally fall into the deep -water area. Professional people have always led everyone to rest assured, walking fast and stable. The former said that the latter was lucky, and only the latter knew the inevitable logic in it.

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