Today, when the Sagarva Festival, people’s clothes are becoming more and more trendy, fashionable, and transformed. Ran, what people's eyes have changed. In 1996, when the Sagalwa Festival, I once saw an old grandma's ivory rosary scattered on the way to turn, and there were many people lowered to pick them up. Then, most of the grandmother's 108 ivory beads disappeared On the way to change, many people who witnessed this incident made emotions.

When I first came, I always encountered some Kangba women who sold crafts on the street. Their tall heads and a lot of small braids on their heads were covered with gems. "Call them, that is a name that is not very respectful. They like to siege guests. Sometimes they follow you several streets until you buy them, but you buy one and immediately cause a group of" Ah The siege of the west "is to force you to continue to buy it, and you are surrounded by a group of tall foreign women, and you are always uneasy. When you encounter such a thing, you are always annoyed, and you will feel that you have encountered the "Carmen" of Bohemia.

Today, the market is already standardized, and it will never encounter such embarrassment on the streets.

Different from imagination, most of Tibet does not lack water. On the contrary, Sanjiangheyuan is concentrated in this area. Lhasa's tap water has not been disinfected by any disinfection, which is very sweet. Last year, I had been to Gansu's Maqu, Henan County in Qinghai, and Lhasa. The living habits of residents here are having a change that we must learn. They have canceled the use of plastic bags and replaced them with paper packaging and non -woven bags. With a container, then you may get a piece of food packaging food, and it feels like returning to childhood. There are still vendors in the farmer's market in Lhasa secretly using convenience bags, but strangely, when there is the concept of using paper bags, When I got the packaging of a plastic convenience bag, I always felt a little disturbed. Several friends of mine had this feeling that I returned to the Mainland for several months and still wrinkled in front of the plastic packaging.

Often, when it comes to the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau, the impression is a harsh climate, like Naqu, and even the "third pole" saying, ten years and nine disasters, constantly fighting with snow and hail. However, Lhasa is different. Lhasa is in a canyon. The climate is very good. Although the temperature difference between winter is very large, the daylight of the day makes the ground temperature very warm. In summer, the maximum temperature will not exceed 30 degrees. This temperature is only in the afternoon. It will appear for a while at two to three o'clock. However, we must pay attention to avoid excessive ultraviolet irradiation on the plateau. No matter how warm, we must wear long -sleeved clothes.

Once, I was arrogant from the seaside and ran blindly wearing a vest. As a result, in less than 10 minutes, the neck was sunburn.

Since entering the summer, Lhasa's climate will be raining every night, 20 minutes to an hour. At that time, it was beautiful. After that, the sky was cleaned as new, and the blue bottom of the clear sky revealed the blue bottom ...

In the first July of July in the Tibetan calendar, the most sticky summer was in the summer. The people in Lhasa ushered in this day ushered in another big festival- "Snowton Festival". A hot festival, compared with the Sagarva Festival, is more than the Xueton Festival.

Just like the northerners must eat dumplings during the Spring Festival, the "Snowton Festival" must eat yogurt. In addition to yogurt, people have to move out of the house where they live in Roblinka or outdoor grassland for a few days to camp. Lhasa people control camping and picnic called "Crossing Linka". Gansu and Qinghai people are called "Langshan". These days are also the most crowded traffic in Lhasa, because women are busy traveling between Toringka and home, using thermos and lunch boxes to move food and beverages into tents.

During the Xueton Festival, some temples also have the activities of "sunbathing". However, the more lively is watching Tibetan opera. Budara Square and Roblus are all places to watch Tibetan opera. Tibetan opera is a very simple opera. At all, there is no action to make orchid fingers at all. Most of the plays are mainly based on monster legends, heroic epic and folk stories.

Originally, the Tibetan drama was very lengthy. It can be performed for many days when the drama is played. With the needs of tourism, Tibetan opera is shrinking. The same content, the selected and compressed versions are becoming more and more common. In order to organize these performances. Originally, at the foot of the Potala Palace, the "Snow Commission" and the masses spontaneously organized a "Snow Tibetan opera". Performance groups continue to perform throughout the year.

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