Sunday, June 17, 1978

After finishing homework, it was late at night. The moon hung high in the night sky, and she seemed to peep at me. The light in my room was still on. In the end, I turned off it and pulled the curtains. The night is more silent and darker.

Lying on the bed, I turned around and couldn't sleep, thinking about the problems that had not been solved in my homework, and the bed board was "squeak" by me. In the dimness, I suddenly saw a red light that kept flashing in the room. My nerve twitched, I wanted to shout, but my dry throat made me shout. A few times, I opened my mouth, but I opened my mouth like a dumb man. I just want to rush to see what happened, but what has been online on me, it turned out to be a thin quilt. A nightmare! I also exuded my sweat.

This may be because I have a lot of pressure in my heart recently and I have been sleeping well, which leads to the sorrow of the nerves. It seems that we need to combine work and rest. If you do your homework, you must look at the novel or blow my beloved harmonica and relax the brain nerves.

Night is already silent ...

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