People are usually not from the hatred or kindness of the wind and waves. The main reason why the clutch is later is the details. Because the details contain a person's attitude and quality.

When I was young, I followed a fellow to work. I felt that he took me to work. I should grab the work, so I should grab the work he should do. As a result, at get off work, he actually said that today he feels full of energy. It is better to work overtime for three hours.

In this way, I persisted for three hours, and the whole person was exhausted. He is not a three -year -old child. He should know that he feels not tired because I am fighting to work. His greed and unreachable.

For this reason, although I am tired of this day, let me understand, just do my own work, don't be a pure good person. Therefore, the next work belongs to me. I have done it well. I am not willing to grab it, so when he wants to work overtime, he will feel tired, and you will choose not to work overtime.

From this detail, I also knew his personality and quality, and he was destined to be a real good friend. The details betrayed his product.

In life, many things that are humbled determine people's behavior. For example, in a company, you have always adhered to discipline, but you find that those who violate discipline have not been punished. At this time, you will feel that these so -called disciplines are just empty pavilions. Over time, it will also become non -discipline.

Of course, what is even more angry is right and wrong, but the parties think that the handling is very fair. I have heard of such a story that the company dispatched two people with strong capabilities to open up the new market. As a result, after the two people arrived in the market, one of them brushed the play all day long, and the other was hard work. After going out to negotiate business, the regional performance gradually improved.

In order to show respect for talents, the company decided to reward them 500,000. At first, none of these people knew how much the other party rewarded. The hard -working person was very happy after getting a reward of 500,000, and felt that the company was good. However, when he learned that the person who was often lazy was also rewarded with 500,000, he was suddenly calm. He was thinking that he was so hard that he had the most credit for the entire regional performance. Like a person, he feels that the company does not do this in this matter.

Of course, his bad emotions were also known by the company. His boss found him to talk, and his boss said that he knew that you have strong ability and regional performance credit is also the first. However, the company also has the rules of the company. The company stipulates that the reward method should be done like this. This is the justice of the company.

Regarding the saying of his boss, he cannot concentrate. Since the company knows his credit, he still chooses to ignore it. With the so -called reward rules, the so -called fairness cannot be broken. The hero feels chill.

From my point of view, I think that in addition to the existing reward rules, I specially reward the first person to the person, which reflects the respect of talents. If this is done, it is estimated that that talent will not resign later.

Such things can still be measured, and there are some things that cannot be measured. Those who cannot be measured often attribute errors in specific analysis, which leads to unfair things.

I have experienced such a thing at a certain Internet company. Once the company's performance was boiling, and then the company's general manager thought it was the credit of the operating person, and gave all the rewards to those who operated, but there was no reward for the trainer.

This is of course a serious psychological damage for people who and participating in training. Because the trainers organized the division of labor to conduct training work clearly, and then affected the frequency of implementation of more than 100,000 people. Those who operate only made the material according to steps and did not do extra things. However, when the platform had a good result, it became a group of people with a reward.

From this time, I psychologically buried the idea of ​​resigning, because as a leader could not be attributed correctly, then his leadership would not be able to talk about it, and he would do a lot of misplaced things over time.

Although I have damaged this incident, I predict the management life of the leader from these details, and the other party is squeezed out of the management within the time of my prediction. This is the end that cannot be correctly attributed.

Of course, those operators at the beginning did not end well, because they felt that it was too easy to get rewards. They did not need to study and did not need to further improve their self -ability. They did not understand how they were awarded. In order to find the so -called correct reasons, they will repeat their behavior during the promotion period.

So when I was promoting next time, I was unwilling to work a lot, but did my work in the step according to the work. Those operating staff thought that as long as the previous actions were repeated, they could get the same or even surpassing results. However, the facts were very facing. They found that everything was suddenly unpredictable.

At this time, the company will recruit more people from outside, and the new ideas and new methods brought by them will quickly crowd out these so -called old people. They do not even have a little counterattack.

At this time, my sense of justice came again, and I wanted them to realize that users were the root of the platform. However, when the group debated in the group, the other party hated me.

As an operating manager, he deliberately bought some peaches and then gave it to everyone in our department. He deliberately made me embarrassed in front of everyone. Such a small belly chicken intestine must be very bleak. Sure enough, less than three months later, the functions he was responsible for was dismembered by the company, and related operators were decomposed into other departments.

But he didn't die. He thought he was very capable. The incident that was rewarded at the beginning caused him to have an illusion, thinking that the platform could not play if he left him. In fact, his mediocrity was long seen by others. Essence

In the end, he was downgraded to ordinary employees, and his salary was declining, and he had to go away. However, he still did not reflect on his own problem, and still thought he was a very powerful figure.

Other platforms also thought he was amazing because he boasted the original misalignment reward. He came to the new company to become the director of operation, and often sent a message to dig me over. Of course, I did not obey him, and he did not really learn it. Even if I told him the right way, he must not understand the essence of it.

In less than three months, he was fired by the new company until he was fired and he still didn't know his weight. He also sent a screenshot to the resignation letter, which seemed to be very good. These people are too impetuous. They just caught up with an opportunity. In this opportunity, they did not find the correct attribution in this opportunity, and they thought they were amazing. Therefore, when they were in charge of a new project, they would naturally encounter Waterloo. Essence

In fact, we have seen everything from the details, but the parties are unwilling to believe the truth when the spring breeze is proud.

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