After eating at noon today, I took a cup to load water, but found that there was no water in the barrel of the water dispenser. At this time, there was just a tourist tourist who asked if he could give him a glass of water.

I said, there is no water in the barrel, and you need to change a bucket of water. After I said, I found a bucket of water from a pile of empty barrels, and then replaced the bucket of water, and then I said that this was the last bucket of water.

After changing the bucket, I continued to install water with a cup, and then asked, do you need hot water or room temperature?

The elderly answered, I need some hot water.

I said, then you have to wait for a while, just changed it, and the water has not been burned yet.

I just got the water cup. At this time, the woman who was not closing the door after eating the meal came back, and then closed the door immediately. To me, the water is not the outside, and the tourists cannot drink. You quickly tell him that the water is not the water. Let him go outside.

I said that this bucket of water is still left, so I should tell the water, so many empty barrels.

Unexpectedly, she ignored it, but continued according to her thinking that it was because it was the last bucket, let alone drink water for tourists. You can tell that person that they can't drink this water.

So I picked up my cup, and then took the door to the door and brought the door. I said nothing. The elderly tourists also saw the clue, and then the sound was low. Forget it, I don't need this water. Then the elderly tourists quickly strode the meteor.

I thought it was over. Because I don't know if this tourist can't drink water. But in the afternoon, the squad leader of the Ministry of Security came over, and then said to me that he called me a name first, and then that, it was different from the three major. The barrel water here was ourselves. If you spend money, you ca n’t drink it, unless you spend money to buy it.

The words of the squad leader made me stunned. I didn't expect that such a small thing was actually sent out. I don't know if the woman would add oil and vinegar. In addition, there is no level of talking in this class. What is unless I spend money to buy? People who care about it should say that the rules here are that the barrel water is not allowed to drink. work.

However, this squad leader said how ironic it was to drink it for tourists unless I spent money. Obviously, they can't talk about things, but have personal emotions.

Similarly, just yesterday, the woman in the front of the front of the tucking pants left the post, and at this time the fixed -term call came in. At that time, I was very anxious and hesitated for a long time to answer the phone, because the Ministry of Security was also in this position. Just as I decided to pick it up, the woman who left the job came back at this time, and then stopped my behavior immediately, and then said angrily, you can't answer the call. Didn't your manager Tang tell you? The phone can only be answered.

I did not refute her, in fact I did not receive any notice saying that I could not answer the phone. But I still nodded, I knew only.

But from her tone and expression, it seems that I had just made a big mistake, and I didn't know if I was telling me afterwards. From the problem of today's water, it seems that the probability is also probably reported.

However, today the work group knows that when the phone comes, the corresponding security guards must answer the phone in time, and the so -called words are also sent inside. Suddenly a lot of question marks in my head? Is this special schizophrenia?

Therefore, today I have always been unhappy, and I have been thinking about it. There is still a contempt chain in the company that is a service industry. There are also fuel and vinegar to report and report the small things that are trivial. I have always brushed the game to watch short videos. Even when eating is watching the video, I eat slowly, and I ca n’t finish eating without fifty minutes. It actually starts with these so -called office politics.

I felt some kind of contempt from their expression and tone. They were service staff as the company, or a certain meaning inaction. They also looked down on these security in their bones. They seemed to convey the same sound silently: You are just a group of dogs. How can dogs determine things?

So when I was out of get off work at night, I asked another colleague. What are these women who wear split -pants? The other party told me that they are the company's service staff, the company they wear.

I thought they had some special status, but I didn't expect it to be an ordinary service personnel. But if I am not a tourist, if I am not a tourist, I can only give three points.

If the squad leader didn't say this, I didn't know if she was reported. In this way, I did not argue. I think the argument will reduce my IQ. I just responded lightly, I know.

In his words, he emphasized that barrel water was bought by them. I had no right to drink for others, and emphasized that you have the right to spend money to drink water for tourists. This clearly blame me, I just feel funny.

I can buy water for those extreme special cases, such as this elderly. This phenomenon is not common, but is a special case. Among the people coming and going, such examples can be described as a handful. Of course, I also respect the rules. The problem is that you have to tell the rules in advance. Don't wait for the specific matter.

This way you act first, and then tell you the way of rules or rules afterwards. It is very strange. Through this incident, it highlights the chaos in management, the chaos in thought, and the chaos in work style. These problems will not be solved, and fake time may cause more serious problems. The lack of humanity like communication between colleagues, let alone facing those strange tourists?

The company belongs to the project and undertakes these related services, which was originally a good thing. However, maybe it is the problem that has accumulated in the past for a long time. They have become accustomed to it and do not feel that they are inappropriate. So when I met my newcomer a little disobedient, she triggered her sensitive nerves, and she had to find her superiority.

From the perspective of details, we can see how the character is, and from the details of the details, it can be seen how the business ability, and from the details, the attitude of service seems to be. These details seem to be no problem, which actually reflects the true results of work.

Some people think that the company has worked too little for themselves, so the work is not active, but desperately touching the fish. He also thinks that you can do how much money to do, and this money is worth doing this. Some people are influenced by the workplace environment. Although they are very serious when they are just joined, they have been assimilated by such an environment.

Then, in such an environment, an internal contempt chain of the company has gradually formed. If anyone wants to challenge this contempt chain, it will cause various small topics to do it, resulting in internal consumption and various sinking costs. All in all, this cup of elderly tourists did not drink water and did not break the rules, but caused a report of the cause and effect.

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